[FORUM GAME] U.R.F. Steelgate

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jun 23, 2015.

  1. I head back to my cell, but on the way, I find a strong and sturdy stick. I pocket it. "Who knows, this could be useful in the future."
  2. Also, I look like this:

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  3. I ignore the announcement, not that it really matters, since I'm in my cell anyway...

    Wouldn't a google search be so much better? e.e
    Like if you have a brown haired character search "brown haired man"
  4. In my cell, directed to Jax: "Hm, I hope we won't get into more trouble here..."
    AliceF3 likes this.
  5. (Oops slow reply)
    I flinch slightly, the word "trouble" worrying me... "I'm sure we'll be fine" I mumble
    607 likes this.
  6. My instances of loud alarms let me ignore them. I sit and do nothing for the alarm.
  7. Um... I keep forgetting to post on this thread. During the time before the lock-down, I ran a few laps and then took a shower. Then I went back to my cell for the lock-down. I am now napping.
  8. I arrive back in my cell and go to sleep. =P
  9. I stare at the other inmates not sure what is happening, I still continue to sit down in the middle of the cell block
  10. I return to my cell.

    A voice is heard over the loudspeaker. "All prisoners should be in their cells. The doors have locked. Any prisoner outside of their cell at the current time will face solitary confinement."
    5 Guards come towards you, with TASERs pointed at you.
  11. Pointing electric stuff at a robot? Naahh

    I yawn and sit down on my cell floor, feeling tired, despite waking up not too long ago. I watch a girl return to her cell, but I decide to leave her alone...for now at least
  12. To noone in particular: "Oh, Foxy..."
  13. I still continue to do nothing to the fact it might hurt me. "Aye... be only one who is stuck. Do what you must, I'll just sit here" Looking very sad, his ears droop and his eyes close.
    607 likes this.
  14. I hear the faint voice of Foxy, and distant metallic noises. I try to grab Sinne's attention, "Do you think he's okay?"
  15. I see two people talking. I ask them "Who's Foxy? Is she foxy? *ba dum chhhh*
  16. I scowl at the man's comment, not exactly the right way to introduce himself.... "She's Sinne" I snap "Foxy isn't here"
    607 likes this.
  17. The guards come and grab you. They haul you off to solitary.
  18. "Fine," I snap. "I was trying to liven up the mood, but it seems that y'all don't appreciate humour." I then proceed to punch the wall in my anger.
  19. "Oh man, calm down... this just wasn't a great way to introduce yourself, okay?"
    "No. But would it matter? I'm still not quite certain if he's something living or just a very well-programmed robot."
  20. In my anger, I cut all my knuckles. Fresh blood drips from them. As I punch the wall one last time, a sharp shard falls off. I notice this and I hide it under my bed, making sure that no one else notices.