[FORUM GAME] New Nations

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Warlord678, Feb 28, 2019.

  1. Cough cough fallout
  2. Yeah, I saw. My forums was not working.

    The SNE starts making 16 inch guns on their ships. They don't entirely re make their fleet, just update some of their older ships guns. But, the SNE does start to build an admiral- class battle cruiser, the HMS Hood. This ship is fitted with 4 15" guns, and 12 5.5" guns. It moves at 20 knots per hour. It also can carry aircrafts and has an average of 10 inch thick armour. Most heavily armored at the turrets.

    The army is now requesting that any new soldier under the age of 25, must go through a 2 year training program to make sure they are prepared for war. This will ultimately improve the strength of the military.
  3. Would you like to collaborate with other Fascists? So you'll have 5 modern Battlecruisers ( you already have 4 Admiral Battlecruisers) and 4 Modern Battleships, got it. I assune you'll be using the Lion design if you want 16-inch guns. You could upgun Renown into 16-inchers, but that's not an option for Queen Elizabeth or Revenge. Makes a slow ship slower.
    EDIT: Hybrid Aircraft-Carrier Battleships are a very bad idea.
    I'd advise against it, just build a normal Battlecruiser and a few Aircraft Carriers.
  4. The SNE will make an alliance with other fascists, BUT doesn't promise full military support in fear of getting into a massive war that will cause great devastation for the SNE. The military is being upped for defensive reasons
  5. No one knows what happened, but it seems like the Caliph isn't himself anymore. That's because he isn't himself anymore, in a coup'de'tat the Royal Palace in Baghdad was overthrown by the Caliph's top governor, a Turkish one. No one knows where the Caliph is, he may not be dead, but he's definitely missing. The new power who takes his place is Sultan Abiwa. He assured the people that the Caliph fell ill and gave his throne to Abiwa for a short time, but his statement is suspicious. No Caliph would give a Sultan power, especially not the Sunayyad Caliphate, a direct dynasty to Mohammed, the Prophet of Islam.

    People around Sunayyad are confused and worried, the new Sultan has said nothing else and they worry that he will ruin the Empire which just built themselves. Nonetheless, the Sultan has ordered larger Industry in the Sunayyad Empire, ordering more factories to be constructed and more people to work in those factories. He also orders new military equipment.

    Secretly, he views Azerbaijan and Armenia, fearing a Socialist and USSR take over of Turkey, he orders an army of 600,000 men, hundreds of planes and hundreds of TBT-3's to march to their borders. The Nergal, Aleppo and Euphrates enter the Black and Caspian Seas. Armenia and Azerbaijan will be invaded and act as buffer zones between the USSR and Turkey.
  6. Armenia and Azerbaijan have been invaded from the Air, both seas and from Turkey and Persia.

    USSR forces were put off guard but quickly fought back, making for bloody battles. The USSR's defense along the border was no match for the Caliphate attack, within an hour their entire defence was cut in half, and Caliphate troops were flooding in. USSR reinforces presented a harder challenge, once they figured out the news they instantly came to the defence of the USSR. Both countries are in a split in terms of power and control in the region.

    In the Black Sea, the Euphrates dominates, destroying multiple cruisers and destroyers, the Euphrates, however, works terribly alone against a lot of ships, and thus the two that engaged in the battle left with damage, one was heavily damaged and in need of a hefty price to repair, while still taking 4 ships with it, while the other took considerable damage and destroying one other battleship.

    The Nergal was proven to be a force to be reckoned with, but the frequent failure of the gun meant that it relied on allied ships way too much.

    The Caliphate calls on the USSR, offering a peace treaty in turn for Armenia and Azerbaijan, they haven't accepted yet.
  7. The USSR has intervened to defend their constituent states. They have raised an army of 500,000 soldiers to defend them. SEU's Navy, still a formidable force despite a good portion being under reconstruction is deployed to the Black Sea to defeat the Caliphate.
  8. USSR's response (India and co. isn't helping whatsoever and the Western part of the SEU has to deal with it themselves) is blunt.
    Get out of our land.
    SEU's large Navy has finally been deployed, and they show their mettle. SEU's fleet Carriers and Battleships that have either finished or not undergone reconstruction are deployex. While on land the other USSR states do most of the work, on Sea SEU is unstoppable.
  9. The Caliphate wants Azerbaijan and Armenia to act as a buffer zone. Both the USSR and Caliphate don't own it, the region stays as a way to prevent invasion of either countries
  10. USSR got to it first, and USSR is unwilling to give it up. India finally agrees to help, but the first combined operation is a disaster and is a major Caliphate victory.
  11. Then the Caliphate wants a Peace Treaty signed between the USSR and Caliphate. This treaty states that under no circumstances may the USSR or Caliphate invade each other through the Azerbaijan or Armenian borders, EVER. Sea invasions are an exception, but no army may pass through the land borders what so ever.
  12. USSR is discussing it amongst themselves.
  13. A consensus has been reached, with Azerbajan and Armenia supporting.
    No and get out.
    USSR has prepared an offensive to defeat the Caliphate and to expel them.
  14. 250,000 men strengthen the Caliphate counter-attack
  15. India finally steps up, because they like the Caliphate less than the SEU and they commit reserves. The Indians have committed nearly 250,000 men, and the USSR combined gives 500,000. While slightly outnumbered, they are well equipped. In addition, a lot of the 500,000 troops fought against the fanatical Japanese, and are hardened Veterans. The Socialists gather up their Battleships and Fleet Carriers in the Caspian Sea to defeat the Caliphate.
    The Caliphate and Socialists attack each other in a Naval Battle. The Superior Battleships and Carriers of the SEU won the day, with the Heavy Air Cover over the Caspian Sea by the USSR ultimately defeating the Battlecruisers. 2 Euphrates-Class Battleships, 2 Aircraft Carriers and 1 Nergal-Class Battlecruiser, with 16-inch guns were intercepted by 2 Fleet Carriers, 1 Zheng He-Class Battleship and 1 Revolution-Class Battleship, fresh out of Reconstruction and Faster than Ever. The Caliphate was outmatched from the beginning, and they were defeated. Air cover and the superior targeting of the Revolution-Class Battleship (Zheng He was not yet upgraded) allowed it to strike and cripple the Nergal-Class Battlecruiser, leaving it vulnerable to air attack. While the Aircraft Carriers were matched in numbers, they were not matched in any sense by the sheer displacement and capacity. The Air Battle was over from the beginning, and realizing this the 2 Euphrates-Class Battleships fled. Despite the fact both Battleships could catch them, they did not want to lose too much. However, the Battlecruiser was unable to do so and was pounded to oblivion. One of the Caliphate Carriers were crippled by SEU air attack and was destroyed by the SUE Battleships.
    USSR begins its counteroffensive and is pushing the Caliphate out. While they are very determined, the SEU reserves serve as elite units that dislodge fanatical enemies. The Masif Corps are very determined, but throw enough Tanks at anything and it is solved.
  16. The Caliphate calls the battle off

    I'm kind of bored of this tbh
  17. There's nothing to do in between WW1 and WW2, that's for sure.
  18. The Socialists are in a state of infighting as whatever united them disintegrates. SEU is angry that India didn't help as much as they could have, India wanted SEU to shoulder more of the burden of war. They are still technically at war with each other, and some want to make it hot again.
  19. It's about time I took NN back to basics.
    SEU is instituting an ambitious goal: 0 Hungry by 1940, 0 Uneducated by 1960, 0 Afraid by 1980, 0 Miserable by 2000.
    To this end, massive farming and agricultural reform is being institutionalized. They are beginning negotiations with Ukraine to more closely work with them, and the results of Industrialization is being put to work, creating efficient farms. Schools are to be built and staffed, education made a top priority among hunger and policing. The dark side is the creation of the "Gulag". Gulags are work camps were people work. While they are fed and clothed well, they are not paid in any way. Violent Criminals, Rapists, Murderers and Corrupt Officials will be sent.
    This is reform on an unprecedented scale, and will require the Government to really step up. The Government will have to build a developed country, and they will have to do it fast. While semi-developed, the military budget is too high. The Air Force and Army will be downsized to allow for more money into domestic projects.
  20. The UBR would like to work with the SEU to achieve the ambitious goals for our own country as well.