Actually, you have quite a lot of influence. TUN is a COMBINE. COMBINES are a lot more powerful than you would think, especially when it comes to getting people to vote on what you want. HMKX, however will be doing the same, so watch out!
The rebels in the UKNS have sent a representative to the OEO, begging for help. They show what the UKNS military supporting the incumbent constitutional government has done, which includes pillaging small rebel-owned villages and executing those suspected of being rebels in the streets. The government currently holds Ireland, South England, South Germany, South Norway, and Denmark. The rebels are in control of Scotland, Wales, North England, North Norway, and North Germany. The UKNS is totally split. The rebels would like sanctuary given to their people by OEO peacekeepers. They have also made it clear they will be removing the Royal Council from power upon their victory and replacing it with a democratically elected council.
The UFOS Gives full agreement to help whatever people come fleeing out of UKNS they will have full rights until such time as they are able to return home safely
The UFOS Navel Force has decided to re-vamp their ranks and insignias here are all of the Navel ranks InsigniaArgentine Rank (in Spanish)Argentine Rank (in English)Equivalent Royal Navy RankEquivalent US Navy RankNATO Rank Code Almirante Admiral Admiral Admiral OF-9 Vicealmirante Vice Admiral Vice Admiral Vice Admiral OF-8 Contraalmirante Counter Admiral Rear Admiral Rear Admiral (Upper Half) OF-7 Comodoro de Marina Commodore of the Navy Commodore Rear Admiral (Lower Half) OF-6 Capitán de Navío Ship-of-the-Line Captain Captain Captain OF-5 Capitán de Fragata Frigate Captain Commander Commander OF-4 Capitán de Corbeta Corvette Captain Lieutenant-Commander Lieutenant Commander OF-3 Teniente de Navío Ship-of-the-Line Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant OF-2 Teniente de Fragata Frigate Lieutenant Sub-Lieutenant Lieutenant (Junior Grade) OF-1 Teniente de Corbeta Corvette Lieutenant Acting Sub-Lieutenant Ensign OF-1 Guardiamarina Midshipman Midshipman Midshipman OF-D
The New Aircraft Carriers are done! they will be launched in 1 year they are a Colossus class Ships and here are the names of them ARA Independencia ARA Veinticinco de Mayo After these are launched they will be followed by our new Battleships Names for these ARA Almirante Brown ARA Libertad These will be stationed around the Tip of South America and more will definitly follow
OEO OPERATION: UKNS RESTORATION [TOP SECRET] With the ever-mounting atrocities of the Prime Minister, and the approval of all four Combines, the OEO has seen it fit to put resolution #361 into effect. The 100,000 Force shall consist of (While all countries have volunteered to donate soldiers, it remains to be seen they will support the amount)31,000 HMKX Empire Soldiers10,000 TUN Soldiers9,000 Rebel Soldiers7,000 Javorian Soldiers5,000 Saudi Arabian Soldiers5,000 New Abyssinian Empire Soldiers5,000 New California Republic Soldiers4,000 French Soldiers4,000 Turkish Soldiers3,000 Democratic State of Texan Soldiers3,000 Illinoisan Soldiers3,000 Floridian Soldiers1,000 Guinean Soldiers(30 more...)This invasion force shall invade Great Britain by Air and Sea. The HMKX Aircraft Carrier ALZAN Games will be utilized to bombard important military targets. The TUN navy shall be utilized to land troops unto the beaches, unload supplies and artillery.
TUN is in full support of this and agrees to deliver 10,000 troops along with supplies and artillery via sea.
The UKNS government navy patrols the sea around Great Britain. The government have pulled back from Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Germany, retreating into Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The navy are prepared to engage anything approaching the island, although many defecting ships have already been observed - they sail for rebel-held ports. Several engagements between rebel ships and UKNS Navy have already occurred. The Prime Minister warns that the rebels are infiltrated by radicals who wish to turn the unrest into a socialist revolution.
The HMKX Empire now recognizes the rebels as the sole legitimate government of the UKNS. The HMKX Empire has requested Finland stand down with the border defenses, but they're too paranoid. The HMKX Empire has prepared two of their 6 Yi Sun-Shin-Class Aircraft Carrier units for battle, with the one that came from South Africa, the lead ship, Yi Sun-Shin, docked for minor repair and assessment of combat performance. The Ships, Admiral Kuznetsov and Zheng He, are being readied for battle.
OEO Battle Plan #31 [TOP SECRET]In order to reduce chaos, command has been put under the direction of a major Rebel leader, as they would know the locations best as opposed to a foreign commander.HMKX has upgraded their troop commitment to 131,000 thousand, as the previous 100,000 plan would have been pitifully weak against the UKNS forces. With this additional commitment, the troop count is now up to 200,000 soldiers.OEO units shall invade from France, into the Southern coat of the United Kingdom. The initial invasion shall land almost 40,000 troops into Great Britain, whereupon artillery bombardments shall cripple UKNS military assets. The HMKX doctrine of artillery fire has been rejected due to the fact UKNS would likely cease to have a military and would descend into anarchy. Instead, the TUN doctrine shall be utilized in order to fight of Government UKNS Forces.In the sea front, TUN shall deliver vital supplies via sea and fight of UKNS attack via Destroyers while a specialized force of HMKX Heavy Cruisers, a large force of Submarines and 1 Calamity-II-Class Aircraft Carrier will provide support from a distance with Air Support and Missiles, with a total capacity of slightly over 60 E-3 Aircraft. [LEVEL 5 CLASSIFIED INFORMATION BEGINS HERE] The previous sentence, was in fact not true. Instead of a Calamity-II-Class Aircraft Carrier, two Yi Sun-Shin-Class Carriers shall be used, as well as the aforementioned Carrier. It is a state secret that the HMKX Empire has more than 1 Yi Sun-Shin Aircraft Carrier, and it is to be kept that way until the invasion, with a total capacity of more than 260 Aircraft. [LEVEL 3 CLASSIFIED INFORMATION BEGINS HERE] With heavy Air Support and the crumbling apart of the UKNS Navy, the TUN and HMKX Naval commitments shall be sufficient to match the UKNS government navy on even ground. The HMKX Empire has committed 1,000 Aircraft to this invasion, which is roughly equivalent to the entire remaining government UKNS Air Force due to extreme defections and a major portion of the UKNSAF's defected portion undergoing fighting with Government Jets. They are willing to commit an additional 500 if needed, in order to provide Air Support.THE INVASION WILL BEGIN IN 0 DAYS, 0 HOURS, AND 0 MINUTES.OPERATION UKNS RESTORATION IS NOW IN EFFECT. OOC: AltPunisher, I'm leaving the outcome of this battle up to you. Just a few things in mind. 1. If the PM launches a Nuclear Bomb, HMKX will respond with Nuclear Bombs at UKNS, TUN will do so at HMKX, UFOS will do so at everyone, RIP World and New Nations. So please don't launch nukes. 2. OEO will inevitably gain Air Superiority due to having a significant disadvantage in numbers, with them being outnumbered 2:1.
The UKNS government have stood their ships down after seeing the size of the OEO intervention invasion force gathering around them, as well as looking at their losses and deciding that the rebellion had already won. The rebels stormed Westminster and captured the Prime Minister. The Labour Party have formed a government once more. Their first act was the abolishment of the Royal Council, replacing it with a Council that has a representative from Cornwall, South England, North England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Northern Norway, Trøndelag, Western Norway, Southern Norway, Eastern Norway, Götaland, Svealand, Norrland, Nordjylland, Midtjylland, Syddanmark, Sjaelland, Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Bremen, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Baden-Wurttemburg, Bavaria, Hesse, Thuringia, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Brandenburg, and Berlin. The new system has angered people who believe Germany has too many council members. However, the Council are merely the Head of State of the federal government. The government is based in London, with proportional representation now electing MPs. All of the states (those places with council members) also have devolved governments. The Federal Republic of the North Sea (FRNS) is a country made up of 36 states, containing 155 million people. It has a military made up of 429,000 men, a shell of its former self. However, it has a large air force and navy, with high quality machinery, vehicles, and weapons - producing some of the best in the world. The new Prime Minister has began to negotiate with the European Commonwealth's heads of state to form a unified army that the Commonwealth will use to defend itself. If this succeeds, with the approval of the OEO, the countries in the Commonwealth will relinquish control of their army and it will be handed over to the EC, the FRNS included.
OEO has restored FRNS as a Combine and recognized it as the successor state to the UKNS. OEO approves of the EC Army. However, the HMKX Empire has begun building up its navy, likely in response. HMKX Naval Doctrine focuses on larger capital ships rather than smaller Destroyers or Frigates. This leads to the comic situation where HMKX is equivalent to the other powers in terms of gross tonnage or displacement, but much smaller in actual numbers. Ulaanbaatar-Class Heavy Missile Cruiser: 18,200 tons Displacement, the Ulaanbaatar-Class Heavy Missile Cruiser is a formidable force in the sea. Carrying large amounts of Anti-Ship and Anti-Aircraft Missiles with some of the best radar available to the Empire, this is difficult to maintain, but offset by the fact that it is a match for many types of Aircraft Carriers if used right. Slava-Class Antisubmarine Cruiser: 13,800 tons Displacement, the Slava-Class Heavy Cruiser is an antisubmarine warfare platform. While fairly good at its job, it is difficult to maintain and is undergoing refit in order to make it less difficult to maintain, as it is not cost-effective. Sejong The Great-Class Shore Assault Cruiser: 14,000 tons Displacement, this cruiser is a general shore bombardment and assistance Cruiser. It does its job well, and it is cost effective, if only barely. The HMKX Air Force is roughly 21,000 Jets in total, with HMKX Doctrine being focused on overwhelming everyone and everything with a decent jet and sheer numbers.
The current form of Autocratic Democracy seems to be failing in this point in time, so the government is holding a vote to see if the people want to change to a Cellular Democracy. If the vote passes with a majority, the government will change its official name to the "Democratic Councils of Javor". Voting results will be available soon.
HMKX Empire has now decided to remove the Zaire government from power through crafty methods. The Government of Zaire is very centrally strong, and it will take 1 year to remove the dictatorship from power via coups and create an ally. HMKX is trying to create prosperous allies in Africa by investments and Democracy (and just about everywhere), as weak and poor allies do not make for good countries when you are trying to gain a lot of power very fast (and HMKX does not serve corporate interests, interestingly enough) HKKX has decided to convene a summit with all major Combine leaders. President Kim Il-Sung won reelection in a landslide, his expert and intelligent handling of the UKNS crisis was praised and his extensive infrastructure projects were praised.