[Forum Game] New Nations

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by SoulPunisher, Aug 6, 2018.

  1. TUN has decided to join the fight in re-establishing corrupted African countries.

    Nigeria has had a long history of autocracy and corruption. The people are being raped and killed, kidnappings happen often and the economy is dipping. The military as of now has full dictatorship control and is allowing the death of thousands of their citizens. Vital supplies and convoys are being pillaged and robbed by raiders, and terrorism threats Nigeria every day. Nigerian terrorist group "Omni Laham" has shown the inhabitants what cruelty they can endure, and the military isn't doing much to stop them. The Omni Laham group has also spoken out on many occasions against TUN, calling them dictators in democracy clothing. The group has also stated that they are in support of the killings of white and light skinned people.

    This group is terribly racist towards non-blacks and anti-capitalist.

    TUN has begun a vote on what should be done within the NPAT and the Parliament. The decision will be announced next post.
  2. HMKX realizes TUN has thrown a wrench in their plan of slowly taking over Africa, but they'll let TUN take it. They're just glad TUN hasn't figured out the less-than angelic intentions of HMKX in creating African Allies. Instead, in order to contain TUN influence, HMKX has allied with Niger, as the current government is hard at work creating a prosperous economy. In addition, Benin is being eyed by HMKX.
  3. The NPAT and The United North Parliament has won with a 68% majority vote to spread action into Nigeria. Many seats appose this though, and Greece, Romania, Italy and Louisiana have opted out of the vote. TUN isn't backing down though, and thus TUN has started to communicate with the dictator of Nigeria, stating that if they don't start protecting their people and don't stop using their military to gain riches, TUN will personally blow down their doorstep and crush the Omni Laham and the Nigerian Army.

    The Nigerian Dictator replied saying that TUN will have to go through all of Africa's aggression to defeat Nigeria, and he also mentioned that The Empire who is currently knocking down corrupt leaders left and right isn't going to like TUN sticking their nose into African business.

    He doesn't seem to support Omni Laham, but he allows them to cause havoc in all of Nigeria except Abuja which is the city where he resides. Any Omni Laham forces who try to enter the city are pushed back by the much stronger Nigerian Armed Forces. *sigh* it's a shame they don't use that might to stop their people from being murdered!
  4. TUN sends to the waves on the rigorous journey to Dictatorship controlled Nigeria for an invasion and placement of a proper democracy.

    In the waves of the sea are dozens of large military carrier ships. Aboard them are things like

    Over 88 tanks
    Over 200 Armoured and non-armoured vehicles
    SPGs and Towed Artillery
    10,000 UNAF Marines
    60,000 UNAF/UNRN Soldiers
    Computerized and Radio Communication Technology

    Along these military carrier ships are,

    2 Destroyers
    3 Frigates
    6 Cruisers
    4 Corvettes
    1 Battleship

    And of course, the greatest aircraft carrier in the "entire" world, the USS Independence.

    In the skies, like ravaging birds fly,

    15 NEW F-16 Fighting Falcons
    40 F-15 Eagles
    3 AC-130 Gunships
    4 SR-71 Black Birds
    11 B52 Bombers
    Over 100 Huey Helicopter Variants

    As the invasion rages on more and more it is expected that more ships, men and aircraft will join the battle. The course of action is as follows.
    1. Invade through the sea. Send volleys of missiles onto their beach defences and use aircraft to bomb them internally. Once close enough, deploy men and equipment/vehicles onto the beaches and storm coastal cities.
    2. Gain moderate control over the coast and then begin working to the Capital city.
    3. Take over the capital city and establish Nigeria as a United Northern Influenced State. Begin the political work of turning Nigeria into a democracy.
    4. Do what the Nigerian army should have done years ago and kill of Omni Laham.
    The invasion will take 3 posts.
    Warlord678 likes this.
  5. The best carrier in the world is no doubt the Yi Sun-Shin, pride of the Imperial Navy (There's DEFINITELY only 1 of it, not like 3 ready to go, 2 undergoing sea trials and 1 nearly complete!) HMKX is hiding the fact there is more than 1 by doing sea trials 1 at a time, and they are indistinguishable due to being the same class. The Yi Sun-Shin-Class is basically the Nimitz on steroids.
    Yi Sun-Shin-Class Aircraft Carrier Names:
    Yi Sun-Shin Subclass
    Yi Sun-Shin
    Admiral Kuznetsov
    Zheng He Subclass
    Zheng He
    Genghis Khan Subclass
    Genghis Khan
  6. The HMKX Empire is replacing its AK-47 standard service rifle with the AK-74, with an all-new lighter around much better ballistics. The all-new 5.45x39mm round is much lighter than the older AK-47 and . This new service rifle is once again the work of Mr. Kalashnikov, a famed Russian weapons designer. As easy to produce as the original and taking damage and hard conditions really well, this rifle is the perfect weapon to supply a army as massive as the HMKX Army, with its close to 30 Million soldiers that need to be supplied and fed (feeding them is a monumental task, hence why HMKX started food production projects). This weapon's reliability, like that of its predecessor the AK-47, is famed, and perfect for the HMKX Army which fights in many types of conditions and theatres. Foolproof, reliable and decent, this weapon smashed the competition. It is also quite easy to use and fight with, something you need when you have a huge army to train in short times, and a massive amount of bodies to lob at the enemy with decent gear. Mr. Kalashnikov has been given a small award with a new toolkit and HMKX has endorsed them as the premier weapons designer of the HMKX Empire.
    But now, as the AK-47 is now an out-of-date weapon, HMKX is having a discount sale of the Ammo and Rifle itself!
    Insurgents, freedom fighters, terrorists from around the world, the Empire is selling!
  7. Great, now selling to racist terrorist groups, extremists, killers of their own people. TUN clearly doesn't like this as they are directly supporting terrorism with cheap and effective weaponry.
    Warlord678 likes this.
  8. I just said that because the Yi Shun-Shin won't be for long...

    TUN is already developing a super aircraft carrier, with over 1 billion dollars pumped into its construction, expected to be "one of the" largest aircraft carriers in the world. The Nimitz class. Now I know, your realistic ships are basically the Nimitz on steroids, but that doesn't mean that we don't have more aircraft carriers planned afterwards >: )

    The CVN-68, 100,020 tons of pure American steel, travelling at 31.5 knots, filled with a huge armament and able to carry 90 aircraft and helicopters will be finished within 20 posts and will be introduced to the world.

    TUN knows about the Yi Sun-Shin, the UN has been scaling the Empire with the SR-71 for years (they don't know that) and has learned a lot about their huge military.

    The CVN-68 may not match up to the Yi Sun-Shin, but further projects down the road which are classified will definitely kick them out of first place.
  9. Military Engagement in Nigeria:

    The SR-71 sneakily inspected the Nigerian Military, finding out how huge their army is, at over 200,000 troops. Although they do have outdated tanks and weaponry from the 1950s and Empire supplied AK-47s and WW2 type guns, they do have an abundance of it and sure have a LOT of artillery and anti-aircraft machinery.

    Afterwards, TUN sent in an aircraft escort where they bombed a heavy portion of Nigeria's tough beach defences and also dealt with the small amount of Nigerian Aircraft, those of which were Korean War and WW2 era.

    Troops were flooded onto the beaches from carrier ships which also pelted the Nigerian defences with volleys of missiles and gunfire. Equipment and vehicles were loaded onto the beaches and troops stormed the coastal cities, raging in intense gunfire which lasted for 1 day.

    The biggest problem was the huge civilian population and the fact that Nigeria was hiding their troops and supplies in hospitals and school. A direct violation of the war code. Nonetheless, a weak point was found and UNAF pushed through, although some coastal cities are still being fought for. Such as Lagos.

    Troops pushed through the jungles, setting camp along the way and establishing strongholds and giving Independence to choked villages and towns.

    Abuja was finally reached, but a high concentration of Nigerian forces lie there, so UNAF troops and marines rest while the sky falls onto Abuja as UN aircraft bomb their key defences.

    So far, Nigeria is still over 88% hostile controlled, although TUN had to push through a straight line basically to get to Abuja, due to the Guerilla infested jungles and towns that dotted the way, its almost impossible to deal with them head-on, so some UN marines stay back to concentrate power on them. (It's almost like Vietnam Guerilla warfare all over again)

    TUN will conquer Abuja in 2 posts and results will be given.
  10. Voting Results for Converting to a Cellular Democracy:
    Yea: 65%
    Nay: 30%
    Other: 5%
    Plans are being drafted for how many people in each council, how much power they have, etc. Here's our plan now:

    Elections every 5 years unless if approval rating is below 40%
    Class 1 council: Contains 250 to 500 people. Council consists of 6 elected people, 5 members and 1 backup/alternate.
    Class 2 council: Contains 10-20 Class 1 councils (2500 to 10000 people). 5 members are elected from the Class 1 councils after election results are determined.
    Class 3 council: Contains 10-20 Class 2 councils (25000 to 200000 people). 5 members are elected from the Class 2 councils after results for class 2 are determined.
    Class 4 council: Contains up to 1 million people. 3 members are elected from the Class 3 councils after results for class 3 are determined.
    Class 5 council: Contains up to 10 Class 4 councils (10 million people). 3 members are elected from the Class 4 councils after results for class 4 are determined.
    Supreme Council: Contains all class 5 councils. 4 members are elected from the class 5 councils after results for class 5 are determined, and one of the 4 members is elected by voters to be the President of the Supreme Council (and is also Head of State and Head of Government)
    Cabinet members are appointed by the President and approved by other members of the Supreme Council. However, if most of the Class 5's veto the decision, they cannot become a cabinet member.
    The State of Javor is now dissolved into the Provisional Government of Javor, while the nation converts to the Democratic Councils of Javor. The DCJ will be up and running on post 1245.
  11. The Nimitz as it is right now would kick the Yi Sun-Shin out of first place, if not for the latter's extreme adapability and modernisation potential.
    And it is quite realistic, just make the Nimitz 20% Bigger.
  12. You said the Yi Sun-Shin is Nimitz on steroids. Do you mean size or overall performance?
  13. Conversion is going quickly, especially in low-density areas and in Tennessee, where the previous government was still being introduced.
    Also, the government is making a timeline of the country's various names, to reminisce about when the country was tiny.

    • (Unitary State of) Trelet: post 144 to post 161
    • (Oligarchy of) Trelet: post 162 to post 200
    • (Autocratic Democratic State of) Trelet: post 201 to post 549
    • (Autocratic Democratic) State of Javor: post 550 to post 1229
    • Provisional Government of Javor:
      • As the whole country: post 1230
      • As a part of the country: post 1231-[post 1244 (predicted)]
    • Democratic Councils of Javor
      • As a part of the country; post 1231-[post 1244 (predicted)]
      • As the whole country: [post 1245-? (predicted)]
    Current map of Javor:
    Otus_NigRum likes this.
  14. Size, and potential.
    The Yi Sun-Shin was designed to be a carrier for the ages, to be upgraded without worry and modernized with reckless abandon. Much of the Yi Sun-Shin's space goes unused, because this space is prepared for the future times, when new technologies may arise. In addition, it has 50% more power than actually needed to operate such a massive ship, to prepare it for new technologies and modernisation. This thing is too large for the combat performance it displays, because it's supposed to be.
    In a nutshell, if they were video game characters, the Nimitz has higher base stats, but Yi Sun-Shin has a way higher level cap that is through the roof.
    Otus_NigRum likes this.
  15. HMKX doesn't really care who they're selling to, and people are making unlicensed copies all the time, so they decided to sell it all and make a profit while they still could. They aren't stupid, you know.
  16. Not stupid, but aware of stupid actions.
  17. UFOS has finally Launched their Colossus class ships they are the flag ships of the new UFOS navel forces
  18. here are their names

    ARA Independencia

    ARA Veinticinco de Mayo
  19. they will be followed by our new Battleships on post 1250
  20. Nigerian Invasion FINAL results:

    Abuja and Lagos were finally taken over and now rest in the palms of TUN. The government is now under full control and will be switched around into a UN democracy. The Dictator of Nigeria, Murtala Mohammed (He was a real person, but for New Nations sake I changed his history and persona up a bit, if you want to read up on him, I HIGHLY suggest it) was assassinated during the conflict while being transported from Abuja. The assassinator was in no way linked to The United North but was said to be Omni Laham related.

    Nonetheless, through bloodshed and a hard fight where the only progress in taking over Abuja was from taking every building one by one while losing hundreds of men the victory was in the hands of TUN. Hundreds of bombs were dropped onto Nigeria, and hundreds of aircraft were shot from the sky. It was reported that over 1,500 civilians, unfortunately, were killed in the conflict, although reports stated that a percentage of it was directly from the Nigerian Armed Forces.

    The rest of Nigeria still stands in hostile territory and Northern Nigeria is heavily concentrated with Nigerian Forces waiting for a counter attack. Omni Laham controls a sector of Nigeria and continues to cause damage and terrorize citizens. The Omni Laham regime is said to be an extreme form of Sunni Islam.

    TUN is still sending in more troops and WAY more aircraft to combat the rest of the Nigerian Forces. Nigeria should be under full UN control soon.

    Nigerian Armed Forces (200,000 soldiers):

    Killed or MIA: 10,000
    Injured: 30,000
    Aircraft lost: 45

    The United North Armed Forces (60,000 soldiers):

    Killed or MIA: 2,100
    Injured: 10,000
    Aircraft lost: 6

    The huge difference in casualties is basically due to the fact that TUN focuses more on long ranged attacks, such as air strikes and artillery to attack forces instead of troops.