[Forum Game] New Nations 2

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by synth_apparition, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. Which parts of Eastern Africa? You need to specify where you move your troops too.
  2. Sudan
  3. Meeting has begun at /v 721 on smp1
  4. That land is owned by Sebia

    I won't be able to attend due to timezones.
  5. But you can do this?
  6. How exactly did the bank account grow 50% in what appears to be like a month?
  7. ALZA would like to sell the following nations in order to have permission to occupy the nations following those:
    Total Price - $5,000,000USD
    • Armenia
    • Georgia
    • Azerbaijan
    • Hungary
    • Bulgaria
    • Serbia
    • Romania
    And we have permission to occupy:
    • Guinea
    • Guinea-Bissau
    • The Gambia
    • Senegal
    • Mauritania
    • Mali (satellite state)
    • Niger (satellite state)
    • Chad (satellite state)
    • Western Sahara (satellite state)
  8. So, um... tons of stuff went down, apparently. =P Can someone sum up what happened in the last few pages while I was sleeping? Thanks.
  9. Illl buy them all.
  10. sorry but ALZA currently has a trade embargo against WASWAS.
  11. ALZA started taking too much land , Sebia and ALZA fought in a war, then SCAU joined in with Sebia against ALZA and the USSR. Finally, ALZA surrendered and sold all their land and relocated to West Africa. Then, WASWAS started to send aimless threats to ALZA.
  12. The SCAU owns these lands per ALZA's declaration and you do not have the right to sell them. I believe this means Turkey is also no longer under occupation and is also under SCAU control.
  13. SCAU News: The first SCAU Government web servers went live and are able to provide the public with a vast amount of knowledge of the state and our history. Some libraries around the SCAU have also purchased computers to allow users to connect to the internet and experience it without buying their own.

    The Mars Observer Orbiter lifted of a while ago, and has recently achieved a stable orbit around Mars. Details will be sent to Sebia as soon as data is compiled and organized.

    In order to encourage a closer relationship to southwest Asia and western Africa, we have annexed Chad and Niger. We hope to establish a more peaceful relationship with ALZA. Massive losses in life in Turkey have forced us to re-evaluate the territories value, but we shall hold onto it for the current time. Turkish workers are being paid larger amounts to rebuild the cities of Constantinople and Ankara. The Turks have also been requesting that we ask for reparations for the damages caused. We don't think it is necessary.
  14. I was asleep.

    Now I'm sorry Hacksaw, but I would have tried to help.

    Now, the Red Army begins occupation of our newly acquired balkan states.
  15. Everyone PM saying which land not shown on: http://postimg.org/image/ta5r2wwlx/ (I'll update the alliance map after) with a link to the post where you have taken it. If you have not expanded recently then you're fine.
  16. I have no quarrel, as long as you stay out of Turkey and our other states there.
  17. Would you guys stop making war and start researching video games? :p
  18. The U.S.S.R starts researching a new recreational activity: Electronic games (3 posts)
    607 likes this.
  19. Sebia begins work on video games... about war #COD
    mba2012 and 607 like this.