[Forum Game] New Nations 2

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by synth_apparition, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. Welcome to the 21st Century!

    Sebia has decided to leave the Global Federation.
    607 and SoulPunisher like this.
  2. The predicted polls were indeed true, and the 'NKMP' won the election. The President of New Kalmar, who has took New Kalmar through multiple wars and saw New Kalmar through dozens of technological advances, reformed NK into a Republic, and saw the fall of the European Commonwealth as Head Chairman, has lost his majority vote - being labelled as a 'warmonger', a war 'criminal' and was even accused of steering clear of New Kalmar's core beliefs. He has resigned as his party's leader, retiring into a villa somewhere on the West Coast of the United States, Sebia. The former Queen of New Kalmar (a.k.a Queen Elizabeth II), Queen Elizabeth I of New Kalmar, has once again took up the reigns as the Monarch of NK.

    New Kalmar is now once again the Kingdom of New Kalmar, the New Kalmar Space Agency is now once again The Ministry of Space of New Kalmar (or TMOS for short), and the New Kalmar Computing and Technology Agency has been rebranded as the Ministry of Computing & Technology. As the new Chairmen of the European Commonwealth, the NKMP have decided that the entire EC will leave the Global Federation, as over 70% of Commonwealth citizens voted to leave in a poll held in 1999.
  3. The Royal Queen of Sebia shall be visiting London, England. Her visit is to help bring Sebia and New Kalmar even closer.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  4. Preparations have begun for the Queen of Sebia's visit.

    New Kalmar has also re-signed the 'No First Use Treaty', which was effectively dissolved when they left it a number of years ago, and has now been brought back into existence.
    nfell2009 likes this.
  5. The SCAU would like to congratulate the NK as it rolls out other changes and reforms. After the Balkan War, as it is being referred to officially here, we will abstain from resigning the treaty.

    Welcome wish everyone a grand twenty-first century!
  6. Woot! 21st Century! Bakaara United organizes a nation-wide party in their homeland of Cyprus. Bands that will be there are Derpnava, a famous rock band, N00b Fighters, another famous rock band and Blue Day, another famous rock band. (The president really likes rock. =P) Bakaara United sends an invitation to all active countries.
  7. The European Commonwealth has sent out invitations to every country not part of any alliance to join them. The 'Chairmen of Europe', as they are now known, promise for the European Commonwealth to be more trade-focused than it has been in recent years, and have created their own economy - the European Escudo - which is not required to be adopted when nations join the EC, but is reccomended and encouraged. The European Federation (part of the European Commonwealth) has also been created, and the EC states of Portugal, Spain, Italy and Switzerland have been integrated into it - they have adopted the European Escudo, becoming the first nation to actually do so.
  8. Gah. Got unwatched.
  9. The Soviet Union holds the biggest parade yet in Red Square.
  10. Terrorists, unrelated to the Soviet Union, but who are Russian Brezhnevists, start plotting for an assassination.
  11. The Royal Queen of Sebia enjoyed her visit in New Kalmar. She left the following review on your Yelp page: "it was gr8 m8! 8/8"

    She safely arrived back in an undisclosed location.
    607 likes this.
  12. I wonder if I have been born. Probably not.
  13. Your birth was probably a big 'nono' the moment history diverged from its IRL path :p
    (Due to chaos theory, migration being effected by all the world unification and wars that have happened, and your ancestors - if they were to be born at all - may have been killed in one of the many nuclear bombings that have occurred :p)
    607 likes this.
  14. The President of ALZA has been overthrown in a coup led by a man named Alfooa Marindi. Marindi has established a communist government led by the people, supporting traditional marxist theories. The people of ALZA are very happy about this new change. VIVA L'ALZA REVOLUCION!!
  15. Be nice and let him be born. Only right thing to do for someone who followed the thread:p
    Dr_Hacksaw, 607 and nfell2009 like this.
  16. After many months of investigation, Sebia has found a user going by the name of "607". We can now confirm that 607 does exist safely in The Netherlands.
    Dr_Hacksaw and 607 like this.
  17. ALZA is in the process of creating The World Medical Association. This association will help to research diseases and provide medicine for the world in a healthy, clean and homeopathic way.
    3 posts
  18. Technically, his birth would have still happened, just that he wouldn't be 607, living in the Netherlands...? I dunno lol, I ain't a scientist.
    nfell2009 likes this.
  19. Terrorists plant a dirty bomb in London. Detonation: 3 posts
  20. Intelligence has revealed the location of this bomb, and a bomb squad has been called in to remove it and dump it in the Thames (2 posts). The entire city is evacuated (1 post). New Kalmarian officials have accused the USSR of funding the terrorist group who placed it there to re-ignite world tensions again.