[Forum Game] New Nations 2

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by synth_apparition, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. Bakaara United has sent a spy to try and defeat the system. However, the Sebia government has been informed of this and has been told the reason why we have done this, the reason being to test whether the system truly is flawless or whether there are certain ways to get around it. If the spy manages to successfully use certain holes in the system and manages to defeat the system, the Sebia government can patch the hole after we notify them. [ 3 posts ]
    607 and nfell2009 like this.
  2. Read the first part and thought I was going to have to go to war again :p
  3. A shattering shock goes through Buckingham Palace in London, before moments later the BBC is hijacked by a terrorist.
    "We have struck at the heart of the monarchy. Soon it will be time for the person who reinstated it."
  4. Serbia sends immediate relief help to NK.
    607 likes this.
  5. Bakaara United does the same.
  6. The spy has successfully defeated the system. All methods and tactics used to get around the system have been sent to Sebia for them to patch up, however, unknown to Sebia, the spy also installed a virus that when activated, can shut down the entire bunker, leaving it vulnerable to attacks. The activate button has been kept in an undisclosed location. The spy has been transferred back to Cyprus.
  7. The terrorists send the Bakaaran government a message.
    "Give us access to the bunker or all of Cyprus is radiated."
  8. What? We're allies and the bunker is a one of the kind. You would have to do a lot of research on how the bunker works to create any sort of virus.

    EDIT: Turns out kitten is still on mod watch. There is no virus in the bunker as it logically doesn't make sense.
    607 likes this.
  9. Where else would I be? :p

    The terrorists start researching the Queen of Sebia's location.
  10. Sebia begins work on drone technology [4 posts] and increases its range of spying tools [2 posts].

    Sebia has also declared war on the terrorists who are posing a threat towards us. Any nation protecting them is asked to stand down or aid Sebia in their eradication.
    The Red Army has moved into Korea and Japan.

    President Gorbachev has not been seen for a week, but the Kremlin assures he is okay.
  12. The terrorist was shot in the head by a security guard after he finished the broadcast. Queen Elizabeth and her family are fine, and have been moved to a new hiding place. New Kalmar has also closed its borders and tightened border control. The Prime Minister has also been sent into hiding, in a different place to the Royals. If another attack happens, New Kalmar will attack the nation housing the organization - the USSR.
  13. Sebia has now tightened its border control.
  14. OOC:
    The U.S.S.R is not responsible. These are Brezhnevists, who are generally hated in this modern Soviet culture.
  15. Guards are placed on watch at the embassies to ensure our workers are unharmed during this period of turmoil.
  16. The terrorists commit one final act in Liverpool.

    The Houses of Parliament are set on fire. This is just a mere diversion, as the first spies to arrive on the scene are wiped out by a fire bomb that sets the entire area surrounding the Parliament on fire.

    Another broadcast comes through:
    "We are not afraid of death. We embrace it. Long live republicanism! Death to the monarchy!"

    Anyone with relation to the royal family is hunted down by the terrorists.

    Another bomb explodes killing off most of the cabinet.
  17. Sebia promises to protect and embassies within our land.
  18. Good thing the Houses of Parliament aren't in Liverpool...

    New Kalmar has rolled troops into Germany and have begun their occupation of it. A group of New Kalmarian spies have also assassinated one of the USSR's ministers, and kidnapped another. He will have experiments conducted on him until the USSR gets this terrorist organization to stop what they're doing.

    The European Commonwealth has also placed sanctions on the USSR.
  19. Soul.

    These are Brezhnevists.

    The average Soviet citizen hates Brezhnev down the road and back for how much he wrecked their economy. They aren't harbouring Brezhnevists. More like hating them.
  20. Using our newly created drones, we found that the Brezhnevists are located here: Volgograd Волгоград

    Sebia requests that the USSR to eliminate them or we shall do so ourselves.