[Forum Game] New Nations 2

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by synth_apparition, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. Terrorists that appear to be citizens of ALZA have launched multiple suicide bombing attacks in the following cities of Sebia: Mumbai, Shanghai and Dakar. These terrorists claim to be getting back at Sebia for killing many hostages in the previous ALZA vs. Sebia war. ALZA is investigating these terrorists and will persecute them upon finding.
  2. Sounds good, The Cubic is now the currency that is expected for all nations in The Heartland Group to use as a means of trade: The Heartland Group's current member nations are:
    The Meterri
  3. Any terrorists found within Sebia shall be prosecuted within our courts. If there is a problem with this then we will contemplate whether or not to send them back to ALZA.
  4. We start working on advanced weapons technology. It will take about 8 posts to complete, but will be worth it.
  5. The current political party in control of New Kalmar have lost the 2004 Emergency Election. A new political party, who are in favour of the Monarchy, have been elected - they promise to be 'ruthless' and to 'get their jobs done'. They have started by addressing the 'timidity' of the European Commonwealth that was introduced by the previous Chairmen of Europe, and want to expand it further.

    The European Commonwealth has placed sanctions on ALZA and the Heartland Group. Most ships carrying supplies to HG members will be sunk with Rod Dods. This will continue until the USSR rejoins the European Commonwealth and the Heartland Group do not resist.

    New Kalmar has also begun the construction of a 50 Mt nuclear bomb. It will take 8 posts to complete. If the Heartland Group show resistance to their aggressive sanctions placed by the European Commonwealth, it will be detonated in Nouakchott. Once detonated, it will kill 767,060 people and severely injure another 21,830.

    People have also taken to the streets of Liverpool, London, Oslo, Edinburgh, Birmingham, Cardiff, and Stockholm in massive protests. Four men, two women and a four year old child (who is being treated in hospital for his wounds) were gunned down by the Prime Minister's security guards in Liverpool, who reacted when the protests got violent and some of the police joined in with, what was by all definitions, a riot.
  6. ALZA spies are currently investigating the NK government and their Human Rights Violations. The ALZA government has declared that we will not associate with oppressive governments.

    In response to the sanctions, we will not resist and are proposing a peaceful treaty with the EC that states free trade between our borders, as we would like to have peaceful relations. Plus, the USSR agreed to leave the EC and return to The Heartland Group.

    In other news, ALZA has begun developing the Zalfo Militia. The Zalfo will be the most highly advance military in the world. This will take about 9 posts to complete. Millions of ALZAns are flooding recruitment offices as nationalism in the nation is very high right now.
  7. In reaction to ALZA's military upgrades, we have decided to upgrade the Sevron Army in order to stay at the top of the best list. [10 posts]
  8. ALZA is upgrading our nuclear arsenal. These will ONLY be used for defense against other nations. We are adding the following.

    30 Dirty Bombs (5 posts)
    5 Hydrogen Bombs (12 posts)
    5 Nuclear Missiles (4 posts)

    all in all total of about 21 posts.
  9. in regards to the map, ALZA still owns the UAE, we never gave it up;.
  10. MI5 and MI6 have been ordered to find the ALZA spies. They will be dealt with swiftly. The government of New Kalmar (and thus the European Commonwealth) would like to add they are not oppressive - the civilians began to riot, things got out of control, and the Prime Minister's life was in danger - they were forced to open fire on the large crowd that had stormed the area near the PM's house.

    New Kalmar has also began to train the Knights of the Round Table (as they have been renamed to) to rival the new standards set by Sebia's military and what AZLA seems to want theirs to be like.
  11. The NK Government has badly failed ALZA's human rights assessment. The Heartland Group is further investigating and is pleading for the government to give more power to their citizens and become less oppressive.
  12. 50% of the Zalfo Militia has been sent to UAE.
  13. We ask NK to remove their sanctions, or at least stop bombing the boats belonging to us.
  14. Okay, fine. No virus then.
  15. No one knows that the virus exists but me. And besides, nfell said it wasn't possible. So as of now, there is no virus. =P
  16. Bakaara United News
    • ( I completely forget what I was researching previously, so I'm just going to pretend I was researching lightweight drones strapped with tasers. ) The BLS has completed research on a new type of drone. Dubbed the "Zero", it is able to fly into tight places without any issue. It also has a taser attached to it. When fired, the 20,000 volts of energy will render any enemy soldiers unconscious. It runs on electricity and can be charged easily by a special type of wire only owners of this drone own. All soldiers will be equipped with the new "Zeros". [2 posts]
    • 100 spies have been dispatched to Cyprus and Crete each to fight enemy spies.
    • The government has requested for citizens to build a new city on the coast of Cyprus. Dubbed "Outworld", this new city will be able to hold up to 10,000 people, however, this city is reserved only for ambassadors or highly ranked government officials. Not much is going to be different in this city when compared to the quaint little villagers of Cyprus, as the government believes that all humans are equal, whether they are farmers, miners or government officials, and that if we are equal, we should all live under the same type of roof. [5 posts]
    • 1 government official has been sent to every country each to request an embassy be built.
  17. Sebia begins work on its own operating system called Nalware [3 Posts]
  18. We think this is like Malware and get angry.
  19. Downing Street in London was stormed by an angry mob. Many were gunned down by the police, and many were crushed in the turnstiles, but they made it to number 10 and cut off the Prime Minister's head with a kitchen knife. The Queen called for an election at the beginning of 2005, and will reign until then. Her first order of business is taking sanctions off the Heartland Group and the USSR, and to stop sinking their boats.
    Dr_Hacksaw likes this.
  20. Soviet intelligence recovers the head. They plan to use it for research.