[Forum Game] New Nations 2

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by synth_apparition, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. Sebia has sent many evac units to London who are in the process of evacuating everyone. We also sent our own bomb squad to help New Kalmar.
  2. Sebia has started to build oil rigs, missile silos and nuclear missile silos in the Atlantic [3 turns].
  3. The bomb was detonated in the River Thames, reducing the blast's impact on nearby buildings to nearly nothing. The entirety of central London was evacuated. London, and its civilians, are safe.

    An election has also been held, and New Kalmar's capital city is now Liverpool, in the state of England. It will become London, once again, in 2011.
  4. The U.S.S.R declares it has no knowledge of this.
  5. Why did you change capitals?
  6. Because I don't like London :p

    And also because Liverpool has a big Scandinavian, Welsh and Irish community there, which is all of the cultural thingies of NK.
  7. After the recent events, Sebia is now training all officers in bomb situation handling. Civilians are also being taught how to react [3 posts].
    607 likes this.
  8. Freedom fighters start plotting for a number of attacks of normal bombs.
    Bombs are set to go off to kill the royal family in 2 posts.
    Bombs are also set to kill the top heads of the party that reinstated the monarchy in 2 posts.

    The freedom fighters will make a speech on television after this, stating that they had no relation to the London attacks, which were done by Brezhnevists, and that they are doing this to bring New Kalmar back to being a republic.
  9. In order to further humiliate monarchism, plans are created to kill the Queen of Sebia. 4 posts until initiation.
  10. Are you posting as the USSR or the terrorists?

    Due to the recent threat on The Royal Queen, she has been moved to a safe and undisclosed location that only the top and most well known leaders know who are 100% not spies >.>
  11. The terrorists.

    You also don't know about the plots.
  12. The Royal Family is sent into hiding, and not even the MI5 or MI6 know their location.
    nfell2009 likes this.
  13. We would like to build an embassy in Liverpool and London and [official capital of Sebia].
  14. Embassy construction in Liverpool and London is accepted.
  15. I don't even know what my capital is :confused:
  16. :rolleyes:
    Maybe a different capital for each of your major states i.e. China, USA, etc?
    607 likes this.
  17. And because it has my favourite football team. GO LIVERPOOL!!!
  18. You can build embassies in the real capitals of: China, USA, Australia and my African countries.
  19. Bakaara United News
    • Bakaara United condemns the actions of the terrorists whom have attempted to blow up London. We have declared war against them and will not stop until they are defeated.
    • All soldiers are currently being trained on how to disarm bombs. [ 2 posts ]
    • The president and his entire government (which is his family) has gone into hiding. They are rumoured to be hiding in a underground bunker in an undisclosed location, however, this has not been proven true or false.
    • We send out requests to every nation, asking to build an embassy in their capital.
  20. Sebia has started construction on the world leader bunker. World leaders can request invitation to it. The location is extremely undisclosed and confidential. The bunker is deep underground, protected from any form of bombing and once set into Secure Lock it cannot be broken into. All staff have constant background checks done and checked to ensure they're not a spy (the system used never fails). There is enough food, water and other supplies to last 3 months at maximum capacity. [3 posts].