[Forum Game] New Nations 2

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by synth_apparition, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. 1995 but this post may make it 1996 (1946 + current page number = current year)

    EDIT: Yep, it's 1996
  2. ok thx xD
    So about... 1996
  3. meeting will be held at /v 721 on smp1 for war, sides will be taken there.

    EDIT: at 6PM EMC time EMC time
  4. ALZA surrenders in an effort to reduce land loss. We will give Tajikistan and Kyrgystan to Sebia and Georgia Armenia and Azerbaijan to SCAU.
    nfell2009 likes this.
  5. Sebia withdraws its troops from any other land owned by ALZA. Sebia offers ALZA an alliance and the following agreement:
    Peace and trust agreement
    Sebia and ALZA agree to stay non-hostile and friendly to each other. Both countries agree to not attack each other unless severely provoked.

    Other nations are welcome to join this agreement.
  6. Ehh I might still attack :p
  7. ALZA agrees to join.

    ALZA would also like to mention that we did not actually kill those 2,500 hostages. It was a fake war tactic. All hostages have been returned. ALZA has agreed to the agreement. We will also accept any embargos placed on us as our world domination actions were .. not moral.
  8. Sebia will not back WASWAS if they attack. While you can if you want, Sebia will not get involved as we're currently suffering from the war. It will also be frowned upon

    I feel bad now :oops: Any current hostages in Sebia will be given back to ALZA.
    Dr_Hacksaw likes this.
  9. In other news, the NKSE and the PA's Space Agency have launched the Global Federation's Space Station. A name is still being thought of because the Global Federation have no imagination at the moment.
    Dr_Hacksaw and nfell2009 like this.
  10. WHat is the process to join the GLobal Federation?
  11. WASWAS Donates 100 Million $ to help reconstruction of towns.

    - WASWAS prepares for future attacks [ probably in 2000 ]
    - Bomb is almost complete, testing starts today! [ 1 more post(s) ]
    nfell2009 likes this.
  12. And also because of the heavy effect that the war had on the nations of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan ALZA would like to offer to these nations to any nation willing to pay 5000 Alza DOllars (equivalent to 2,000 USD) in exchange for allowing us to peacefully occupy the nations of Cote D'Ivoire, Ghana, Togo and Benin.
  13. Can you please re-explain what you mean?
  14. ALZA would like to request that WASWAS not attack us and we would like to remind WASWAS that they are still members of The Heartland Group.

    The Heartland Group would like to request to be members of The Global Federation.
  15. He wants to loan those countries for that amount of money OC
  16. We will give away those six nations at a low cost and re-position our country's capital to the four African countries listed.
  17. not loan...it is buy to keep
  18. WOULDN'T YOU RATHER HAVE 100,000,000$ instead of 2000$?
  19. well sure, but $2000 will be acceptable
    • New bomb is a success! Ebola Bomb is now registrated as an ok weapon for war and there are over 100,000+ bombs
    • WASWAS Starts defensive line buildings across all of land, may take 1 more post
    • Farming Facilities have been set up in Israel, over 100 miles of land.