[Forum Game] New Nations 2

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by synth_apparition, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. ALZA is considering launching one of our three nuclear bombs onto Sebian territory in America.

    ALZA launches Uranium hydride bomb onto Riyadh (capital of Saudi Arabia.)

    Troops continue to be stationed at all ALZA territory borders.

    ALZA puts forth the idea to give Sebia the nations of Hungary, Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria in exchange for Saudi Arabia, Oman and Yemen.
  2. We will also add Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia to that list.
  3. New Kalmar has chosen to abstain from the war between Sebia and AZLA. With their land so close to NK borders, it would be unwise - and since the newly formed Global Federation doesn't have a list of rules yet, NK can pretty much legally do this :p

    Would also just like to add that the European Commonwealth does still kind of exist - but as a state under the Global Federation. Referendums on its GF membership shall be held every five years. It hopes to remain part of the GF until global tensions deflate again.

    R.I.P (technically) The European Commonwealth: 1946 - 1993 </3
    New Kalmar would like to advise AZLA not to do this. It would kill thousands, possibly millions of people, drag more nations into the war between it and Sebia, and essentially become World War 3.
    New Kalmar would also like to advise both Sebia and AZLA to stop warring over land and to stop with their constant expansion. The world is violent enough without large nations shooting at eachother over land.
    607 and Dr_Hacksaw like this.
  4. We put our foot down.

    Moldova has been ours for ages, and we have since annexed Czechoslovakia and Kaliningrad should also be ours on the map.

    We will make a deal: We will supply support, soldiers, economic help, everything, if ALZA lets us annex Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and those tiny states next to Turkey.

  5. We would like to remind AZLA that Sebia's nuclear arsenal is far greater. Any use of nuclear weapons towards Sebia will result in an immediate retaliation.

    If this war for a land grab & resource grab we suggest you end now.

    Sebia launches a weaponized satellite into Abu Dhabi (capital of UAE).
  6. ALZA says we will give up all current land that we own (besides UAE) for Saudi Arabia, Oman and Yemen.

    Otherwise, ALZA sends our military's guerrila troops into Saudi Arabian and Sudanese territory. (btw, the uranium bomb wiped out the majority of Riyadh)

  7. They attacked us first. Ask them to stand down. Your puny threats shall not be tolerated.

    Using our GPS technology, the Sevron Army is directed towards your troops and will eliminate them with ease.
  8. I think WASWAS has like 500million citizens
    200 million soilders
    500,000 planes
    100,000 tanks
    1million naval boats
    and I don't count farmers

  9. ALZA would like to remind Sebia that a nuclear attack on ALZA's territory would also damage Sebian territory in China, Saudi Arabia and India.
  10. If ALZA agrees to this, we will declare war against ALZA and the USSR. 150,000 troops have been stationed Turkey to protect it from invasion.
    SoulPunisher and nfell2009 like this.
  11. There are many great locations for us to strike without affecting our own land.
  12. sounds good
  13. ALZA has engaged missile protectors around the state.
  14. OOC: When did you develop these? You can't just install stuff through magic.
  15. ALZA requests military support from WASWAS (our ally) in the fight against Sebia.
  16. ummm, it was like my first post...
  17. Against basic missiles. Nuclear missiles are far more advanced.
  18. i didn't say we are defending against nuclear missiles atm
  19. ALZA sends our spy planes (i developed these a while ago) into Saudi Arabia, these are equipped with uranium bombs which will be dropped on Sevron army camps.