[Forum Game] New Nations 2

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by synth_apparition, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. Your population numbers don't quite add up. Ar you counting soldiers, farmers and citizens as separate groups or is your citizen count your total population, because if it is, 500,000 of your soldiers are also farmers and/or police and everyone in your nation is either a solider, a farmer or police, and that's it.

    Also, considering that the year is like, 1960/70 something, the technology to create a digital implant hardly exists, and technology like that is basically impossible anyway, unless you're using X-rays in which case anyone with the implant die fairly quickly.

    Also, you can see 4.7km at sea level without an implant ;)
  2. Oh, I thought it was the 90s! xD Also, citizens are separate from soldiers, police, etc. Is it okay if I keep the implant though? My bad.
  3. I wouldn't think so. The technology doesn't exist now, probably won't for many, many years (if ever), so I don't think it would be very fair or realistic to allow it.
  4. Implants do exist now... and in Advanced Warfare and Black Ops III (definitely pre-ordering), but I agree that in in-game time, implants are unrealistic. I'll get rid of them now.
  5. I know implants exist, but to see through walls? I doubt they'll exists for decades at least.
  6. Um... infra-red? Sorry, should have clarified.
    Anyways, I'll just replace the implants with goggles that do exactly the same thing. =P Is that valid?
  7. It is the 90's. Ignore MBA. The year rule is 1946+page number. The OP says two pages is a year but Soul said on Skype it's year per page, he just needs to update it.
    607 likes this.
  8. The Meterri begins construction on training an army to defend our states.

  9. Give me chance. I have a life outside of EMC.
  10. lol im just playing with ya :) sorry, i was being like that cuz we are kinda hostile nations right now.. sorry
    607 likes this.
  11. OOC: Man, I was gone for, what, 2 days and you advance 5-7 pages?!

    IC: The SCAU is leaving the EC, but would like to remain a close ally.

    Any additional military actions, i.e. the movement of troops, military practices and "land grabs" in the vicinity of Turkey will be met with severe military actions from the SCAU.

    Development of a public multi-purpose internet has begun. Government censorship is illegal. (5 posts)
    Development of a Mars orbiter has also started and will be launched in 11 posts. We will share our findings of the red planet with Sebia exclusively in exchange for Angola.
  12. The Heartland Group would like to extend an invite to the SCAU to join our alliance group.
  13. The Meterri have joined The Heartland Group. (this was discussed in a convo)
  14. ALZA troops have arrived on the shores of Oman and are currently observing the population and beginning to assimilate them.
  15. The SCAU declines to join the Heartland Group.
    nfell2009 likes this.
  16. It was agreed you would NOT touch that area. You have infurated us! Leave that area now or war will definatly be decalred.

    Sebia begins moving the Sevron Army into Oman and Yemen.
    607 likes this.
  17. ALZA begins moving naval fleet into position at Oman's coast. Firebombs are beginning to be launched onto Saudi Arabia's capital and war is declared.
  18. We declare our support for ALZA. All of our military forces are ready.
    607 likes this.
  19. The Pacific Alliance and European Commonwealth are creating a new alliance group called the Global Federation. Both the PA & EC shall still exist but will be under the GF's name.

    AZLA shall be decimated by Sebia. The Sevron Army Air Force is immediately deployed to start attacked on the naval fleet.

    The Sevron Army Tank Division is being deployed into UAE.
    mba2012 likes this.
  20. We demand that Sebia stands down.