[Forum Game] New Nations 2

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by synth_apparition, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. Serbia requests AZLA to stop taking land.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  2. Bakaara United News
    • The BLS decides to work on creating an implant that will allow people to see up to 2 kilometers. Why this is created? So that this may be installed into soldiers for an advantage in battle.

  3. We have Moldova.
  4. Lolwut. I don't think so.

    New Kalmar and the European Commonwealth would like to issue a statement to AZLA to ask them to stop taking land - especially the land on EC borders.

    The European Commonwealth has begun to integrate Vietnam and Laos as EC states. This will take five posts.
    607 and nfell2009 like this.
  5. ALZA would like to remind Sebia that during the World Summit ALZA was told we were allowed to take Syria Lebanon and Jordan.
  6. Please update the map to include WASWAS in The Heartland Group.
  7. I do not recall at all permitting you to take that land.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  8. The chat is stored in a log, right?
  9. I had to go before I got a chance :oops:
  10. Well the land is taken and what ALZA is building there will serve to help everyone.
    607 likes this.
  11. Anymore expansion will be seen as a threat and war may be declared.
  12. The New Kalmar Space Agency has received an increase in funding after their most recent speech on the Kalmarian-Sebian Space Station. Plans for extra modules and such have been confirmed, and the NKSA has announced they looking for names.
  13. OC: Ebola has always existed, just very popular and well known now...
    • Progress on bomb is going well [ 9 more posts ]
    • Army grows by 100,000 [ 2 more posts ]
  14. Never would have known. Thanks. /sarcasm

    I'm on about the Ebola bombs, mate. I'm not letting you have those, simply because they're too unrealistic. No nation has ever thought of bothering to make them to my knowledge - and we barely even understand the virus now, in 2015.

    I'm also not letting you have them because when I posted something about Ebola, I got called a racist :rolleyes:
    607 likes this.
  15. Everyone thought that planes would be unrealistic as well. -_-

    As well Many know about this disease, its not new at all.
  16. Why not let him do the ebola bombs? It's not too unrealistic actually... government discovers deadly disease and as a way of biological warfare, uses bombs to spread it to massive amounts of people. (like orange crush)
  17. It is relatively unfair that because you control the map, you in a way control who gets to take what countries. ALZA troops have had those four nations occupied for many posts now and a well-established military base is in each.
    Increased military support for each new nation [3 posts]
    Increase nuclear arsenal by 3 bombs [3 posts each]
  18. And again, WASWAS joined The Heartland Group so please update that on the map.
  19. Ebola as a virus has been well understood for years now, and its potential use in biological weapons is fairly well documented too I think.

    The issue here is the fact that he is saying a "bomb" when he should be saying a "biological weapon" or something similar. Bio weapons don't explode, because that'd likely destroy more of the virus than it would initially spread.
    607 and nfell2009 like this.
  20. Okay, here's what Bakaara United has currently:
    2.5 million citizens
    0.5 million police
    2 million soldiers
    0.25 pilots
    0.4 Raidens (Agile, lightweight and easy to produce planes)
    0.125 military boat captains
    0.1 Goros (Aircraft carriers that are able to submerge)
    1 million farmers

    I want to check and see if this is realistic, can Soul tell me soon? Thanks.

    And the implant research is done. Those equipped with the implant is able to see to up to 3km and gains the ability to see through walls. All soldiers and police will have this implant installed. [3 posts]