[Forum Game] New Nations 2

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by synth_apparition, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. ok cool :)
  2. ALZA has begun the development of a Uranium hydride bomb using the recent uranium mine deposits. [6 posts] This bomb will have the capabilities to annihilate a city and will only be used in defence.
  3. Please enter the IRC channel here: http://s.nfell2009.uk/1FcqEwU - the world summit shall start shortly.

    Just so you get alerted for sure:
  4. Well, the world summit seemed to go well.
    607 likes this.
  5. Do we get an overview of the world summit?
  6. Well, I can't remember what I was doing since the last time I was on, lol.
  7. We talked about WASWAS's threat to AZLA but also how AZLA's mass expansion may have been seen as a threat towards Sebia & New Kalmar.
    Dr_Hacksaw and 607 like this.
  8. Uranium hydride bomb is nearly completed. Troops are being stationed on the western border of Afghanistan, southern borders of Azerbaijan and Armenia, and naval fleet has been deployed north of the UAE into the Persian Gulf. Air force is stationed at southern border of Turkmenistan.
  9. Attention! There have been multiple suicide bombings in the capital of ALZA. This has been ruled as a terrorist attack and the government is currently investigating. 252 civilians were killed along with the Secretary of State in a subway. ALZA has promised to do anything to punish the perpetrators.
  10. Sebia offers their condolences and offer the help of the Sebia Security Agency
  11. ALZA graciously accepts.
    The ALZA National Homeland Defense Agency has determined that the terrorists were a group of 8 radical nationalists from the nation of WASWAS. This national threat will not be taken lightly.

    EDIT: All of the terrorists have been taken into custody and are awaiting trial without bail.
  12. A new private sector business in Sebia has been formed: Seb Com Technology Group™ (SCTG[™]) with shares being owned by the Sebia. The business specialises in telecommunication, internet connection and television networking. Currently SCTG™ is being rolled out throughout Pacific Alliance member states and hopes to be completed in 4 posts. There is currently an offer where any nation can sign up to SCTG™ for free and have their countries integrated into the network.

    A new public sector business in Sebia has also been formed. To control and regulate new businesses and markets, Sebia has formed The Business & Market Regulator. They're tasked with maintaining a fair and open market, while allowing newer businesses to grow.
  13. Ok, sorry Im back!
    • WASWAS sends ALZA peace treaty
    • army recruitment begins [ 3 more posts ]
    • building of new airplanes begin [ 5 more posts ]
    • scientist work on a new bomb, looking for deadly chemicals [ 11 more posts ]
  14. ALZA.....accepts the peace treaty. Also, ALZA invites WASWAS to join The Heartland Group.
  15. Due to the success and fantastic reception of the Green City Initiative, New Kalmar has rolled it out into every city within NK. This will take 5 posts to finalize. If there is a majority vote of the Initiative being liked, the European Commonwealth will receive permission to allow its member nations to adopt the program and sell it to countries outside of the EC.
  16. I accept
  17. With its recent expansion into the Persian Gulf area, ALZA is experiencing much higher profits from oil exports off the coast of UAE..however the country still remains in a socialist leftist power. The economy is improving and because of the high amounts of government funding for public services, the people have been rated to be some of the happiest in the world.
  18. ALZA has begun acquiring the states of Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Moldova. [2 posts] These states will be used as a means of communication and transportation between the other three nations bordering them. These countries will have open borders to all bordering nations and large international airports are being built there. [2 posts for each] These airports can be used by any nation as an easier, more efficient means of accessing the world and increasing space-time compression. Enjoy!! :)
  19. We would like to request a trade of the following nations with WASWAS:

    We will give:

    We will get:
  20. OC:No Israel, and you don't own any of that land



    • Army is increased to over 10 million soldiers, progress is growing [ 2 posts ]
    • Building of planes is almost complete! [ 1 post ]
    • Scientist find a disease called "Ebola", it may be used in their new bombs [ 10 more posts ]