[Forum Game] New Nations 2

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by synth_apparition, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. Sebia will take them all.
  2. will do... ALZA is now stationed in the nations of Benin, Togo, Cote D'Ivoire and Ghana and proceeds to peacefully occupy Burkina Faso, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea.
  3. OC: Can i apply to be map maintenancer; ?
    • WASWAS takes back the 100million $ and puts it toward new military base that will hold 1 million troops
    • WASWAS sends naval powers of about 100,000 naval boats to threaten ALZA, they must give up one country or all will be forcefully taken
  5. You can PM me maps and I'll update them on my side if you want. I'm doing coursework at the moment, but will update the maps tomorrow anyway.

    Sebia has taken the land of ALZA. Here; have $10,000 to leave them alone. Anymore harrasment will result in war started on WASWAS.
  6. ALZA requests military support from Sebia against WASWAS as ALZA never did anything to provoke WASWAS.
  7. that's cool i kinda like doing things like that thats why i asked, ill pm u some
    nfell2009 likes this.
  8. You have 1 more post to give up ONE country, one country or millions of deaths... your choice, I currently have the most powerful military and can wipe out countries easily.
  9. Excuse me? Most powerful military? Heh...

    Read my previous post:
  10. Thank you, but I don't think nations should be paid for threatening other nations.
  11. Would you wish to see ebola bombs rained upon your citizens? I think not, all Im asking for is one nation, I prefer people live happily, not dyeing painfully. :)
  12. It'll get them out the way. If WASWAS do anything else then Sebia will attack.

    I believe your 'Ebola' bomb was denied ages ago. Look at the maps. I can crush you. Leave ALZA alone. If you want land PM me and we can come to an agreement.
  13. Please turn your troops back.

    Defensive shields engaged.
  14. No, you don't have the most powerful military. I'm pretty sure Sebia has the most powerful military, and New Kalmar pretty much has the most technologically advanced.
    607 and nfell2009 like this.
  15. OC: ok, thats so unrealistic, a force field in 1997?
  16. not a forcefield,,, its defensive anti-missile protectors.
  17. Force-field -_-
  18. WASWAS has been kicked out of The Heartland Group. All alliances between ALZA and WASWAS have ended.

    We request again that you call back your troops.
    nfell2009 likes this.
  19. It's not a force field.
    - WASWAS Military grows by 99%
    - Defensive troops have been set up along all borders
    - Bank account of WASWAS goes up 50%
    - Miners along w/ troops go along Eastern Africa shores to start villages on the shores.