[Forum Game] New Nations 2

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by synth_apparition, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. Sebia has requested a defence-pact with the NES.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  2. NES agrees to the defense pact.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  3. As NES is currently being attacked, Sebia is now involved. We have sent military aid to the NES and are under your control. We would rather give you control due to Sebia's lack of knowledge for that area.
    SEPTHEKID and boozle628 like this.
  4. OOC: Ottoman Empire much, killing all the Russian soldiers you find?
    Errr, no. You do not cut across all of Western Germany in one post.
    And don't use this following information IC please, it is OOC. Trench Warfare is awful, and quite frankly I will use Nuclear Weapons in combat against your military if you murder every single Soviet soldier you find.
    Work on production of more planes start(10 posts)
    Work on making a really fast plane(3 posts)
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  5. We at the moment much more capable in the nuclear field than you are, so try it. We also have plenty of missile interceptors, and the AA guns are still partially standing strong.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  6. If your using Trench Warfare we don't even need to use planes. We could just use abandoned mines or disguised bombs.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  7. Please keep in mind that you will be obliterated by every other nation in the world with atomic arms if you send a single one of yours over to our side.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  8. With you mass-murdering Soviet soldiers?
    We would have a pretty good excuse to present to them.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  9. We are "mass murdering" the soviet soldiers that are trying to "mass murder" if you will, NES troops.

    So no, I do not believe that is so.
    SEPTHEKID, SoulPunisher and nfell2009 like this.
  10. Sorry, but I actually haven't mass-murdered any NES soldiers. I have fought normal war, not total war. I'm not doing KoS.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  11. I did not want to have to start total war, but you turned the citizens against me so I was forced into it.
    SEPTHEKID and SoulPunisher like this.
  12. Our missile program is finished; As we continue to expand our silos, development of medium range ballistic missiles starts(11 turns). Our space program is also moving forward, with our first satellite launch in the next couple weeks.

    The SCAU GoC, Afri-Space, has announced that they are interested in working with New Kalmar and the ER on the space station.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  13. Sebia has begun work on revamping our weapon based satellites. New satellites can stay in orbit for longer, require less resources to build and do a hell of a lot more damage. Current size is a car (people carrier) while the new ones are predicted to be the size of a bus. The gas that is released from the crash on Earth is also to have higher concentration to do greater impact [6 turns].
    607 and SEPTHEKID like this.
  14. You could have still just put them in internment camps.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  15. Construction on more planes finish.
    Planes are now as fast as possible.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  16. Argo I has had a successful launch! It has taken some measurements, particularly of the sun.
    Argo II is in the process of being built, and will contain more instruments for space exploration as well as being put into a higher orbit (13 turns).
    607 and SEPTHEKID like this.
  17. TMOS has begun the construction of 'Eventyrer I'. It will study the asteroid belt, solar wind, cosmic rays and the environment around Saturn and Jupiter. It will take 4 posts to complete.

    'Eventyrer II' has also entered development. It will take 7 posts to complete. The probe will study both Jupiter and its Moons.

    Plans are being drawn up for 'Reise I' - a space probe which will 'sail' through the Solar System, playing a record of a select number of human languages. It will, hopefully, atleast reach the farthest reaches of the Solar System (probably not as far as the Oort Cloud) before running out of power.
    607 and SEPTHEKID like this.
  18. The SCAU has noticed a lack in use of the African colonies of the Pacific Alliance. As such we request that we annex the countries along our eastern border. We believe that we are able to take better care of the people in the territory, being in such close proximity.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  19. After an error in transportation, one of the hydrogen warheads went into an unstable state and eventually detonated. This managed to kill our prime minister as well as a few of our high ranking generals. Conspiracies saying it was the Russians have torn the nation apart. As a last minute move to conceal all technology from the Soviets, all files on our weaponry have been burnt. The remaining missiles were loaded onto a boat and sunken in the Atlantic, where they were detonated at the bottom of the sea.

    NES was effectively disbanded.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  20. We decline your request. While land isn't always used directly in use we still wish to hold control.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.