[Forum Game] New Nations 2

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by synth_apparition, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. Using imported American parts, the SCAU begins work on a high-speed computer using integrated circuits (8 turns). These are to be used in automating the seaside and ground defenses.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  2. OOC: Who said we were exporting them :confused:
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  3. During a new year's celebration in Oslo with some of New Kalmar's biggest business-people, politicians, and other important people, the party was 'crashed' by a group of four people, armed with guns. They held the partygoers hostage, with more of their group arriving until there were 12 terrorists inside the building. They executed the hostages one by one with machetes until there were 14 of the 200 partygoers left. The police, on strict orders not to anger the terrorists, disobeyed orders and stormed the building 3 hours after the building was 'taken hostage'. Sixteen officers were killed before the final terrorist fell, his last words being 'Lyudi Novoy Kal'mar, vy budete platit' !' according to witnesses. Explosives were detonated 30 seconds after the last terrorist's death, killing a further 3 partygoers and 5 policemen. As people left the building, they were shot at from a nearby rooftop. Police quickly took care of the thirteenth terrorist, but not before he killed 2 more officers.

    A total of 213 people were killed within the three hours the attack took place, with a further 20 injured. The President has issued an apology to the families of the victims, and has given their close relatives money and free use of government services for the rest of their lives. New Kalmar's Intelligence Agency has told the public most evidence points to an organised crime group called the 'Gratis Sivile', who are believed to be USSR sympathizers.
    607 and SEPTHEKID like this.
  4. NES offers our deep condolences.

    As we continue to attack the USSR, resistance in a few German cities has been put to rest. We continue to push at both the southern and western fronts. AA guns shoot down many planes during air raids close to the border.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  5. We had purchased them from an independent company in the US. Sebia may not have been officially exporting them, but independent companies can still sell outside their countries.

    Unless you have an embargo against the SCAU?
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  6. OOC: It was more of a joke ;p
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  7. All tanks fighting with the Red Army have been replaced with the Mötande Död, and the Röd Död has began to engage the RA on the frontlines of battle. The Jumala Vahvuus has also been employed to carry out bombing raids on Berlin and all around the Republic of Karelia. The Jumala Vahvuus, when working at normal plane flying level (keep in mind they are space planes and thus are able to enter low orbit :p), works together with Röd Död pilots to orchestrate amazing attacks.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  8. The Pacific Alliance Space Research Programme (formally Sebia Space Programme and The Equatorial Republic Space Programme) has launched a man to the moon! Everything was successful and we believe we're the first ones there? Not sure if New Kalmar did or not.
    mba2012 and SEPTHEKID like this.
  9. New Kalmar put a man on the Moon in 1967 (might have been '68, not sure)
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  10. Planes start bombing AA units.
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  11. Röd Död and Jumala Vahvuus planes begin intercepting USSR planes, often taking them down before they can bomb the AA units.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  12. Work begins on something even faster than the Rod Dod and Jumala Vahvuus planes(16 posts)
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  13. The two planes are based off the real life X-15 space plane, made by NASA. So, basically; you can't go faster than them until sometime in the 2010's.
    boozle628 likes this.
  14. OOC: Stealin' my research!
    607 and SEPTHEKID like this.
  15. Okay.
    I'll change that to as fast.
    607 and SEPTHEKID like this.
  16. An attack on Westminster bridge was orchestrated by the Gratis Sivile. The Police stormed the bridge, but they were overpowered extremely quickly. Röd Död planes fired at them with their machine guns, but a lot of them were shot down. After 2 hours of the battle raging on on the bridge, Bethlam Royal Hospital and the entire district of Whitechapel were taken over by the terrorists with ease just as the army arrived. They burned down the interior of the Houses of Parliament and sabotaged the Big Ben clock. The police and the army retreated and the entire city was evacuated after six hours of the fight going on. Countless are missing, 1,670 are dead, and over 200 are severely injured. They have ordered that New Kalmar can have London 'back' if they pull out of the war against the USSR.

    The Knights of the Round Table have been called into the city to put down the terrorist group, hopefully forever.
    607 and SEPTHEKID like this.
  17. The SEAA, after running a test on a computer, has discovered that they are not real, and are only a fake nation state on a game thread on the site EmpireMinecraft.com. This has caused the country to enter anarchy, and the government declares that the SEAA no longer exists, as it truly never did exist. All the land of the SEAA is given to no one directly, but can be taken by anyone.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  18. OOC: Creative... :p

    IC: We have completed our automation of our ground, air and ocean based defenses. We begin work on our space program, starting with Argo I, which is scheduled for launch before the end of 1970( 14 turns). We have also begun work on short range nuclear missiles (7 turns), making us the 5th(?) nuclear capable country.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  19. The Gratis Sivile were pushed out of London by the Knights of the Round Table, who killed pretty much 90% of them. Reconstruction on the interior of the Houses of Parliament have begun, and repairs have also started on the Big Ben clock. The Elizabeth Tower escaped with no damage whatsoever.

    The European Commonwealth has also claimed Italy and Belgium as satellite states. New Kalmar is looking into the claiming of Belgium as a member state of its nation.

    New Kalmar would like to begin discussion with Sebia and The Equatorial Republic over a Space Station that could be built within the next 26 years.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  20. As the AA units are being bombed, massive amounts of Russian aircraft are being taken out, leaving a severe dent in their aerospace advantage.

    Infantry as well as tanks and alike continue to push north and eventually cut off all of western Germany from the eastern half. All and every soviet troop that could be found has been killed, and lines of trenches have been dug across the border.

    We have also discovered the reason why our troops are becoming demotivated, it was a soviet drug all along. We have found the source and have stopped it.
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