[Forum Game] New Nations 2

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by synth_apparition, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. Following this, New Kalmar has supplied extra manpower to the Denmark-Germany border to help defend NK, should the need arise. They have also added onto the already stationed troops in the Finland-Russia and Norway-Russia borders and have given them new amounts of rations. They all have one specific order given to them; shoot any members of the Red Army they see attempting to cross the borders.

    New missile stations have also began construction in the Baltic Sea. They will take 3 posts to complete.

    (As a socialist nation; take that commies! Try calling us capitalists ;))
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  2. OOC: We did not call NK capitalist. We didn't call it anything. I'm also not dumb enough to attack New Kalmar, we would much rather be neutral.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  3. OOC: I never said you did call us capitalists :p
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  4. OOC: Oh. Just re-read. Makes sense now.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  5. What happened with the support? I thought you were going to help invade.

    NES is staging a takeover of Berlin. Many believe it because of all the NES troops but some don't. We will see how it goes.

    To the USSR: We warn you to try and not pull anything sneaky or we will have to begin targeting citizens.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  6. New Kalmar has changed its position on the war in the 8 years since they agreed with other nations for it to go ahead :p

    We most likely won't attack the USSR until they stage a direct attack on another European Commonwealth nation.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  7. I am resigning, giving my land to Mrlegitislegit.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  8. ...
    Can't one person only have 8 nations? :p

    Everyone has been giving everything to MrLegitisLegit.
    607 and SEPTHEKID like this.
  9. The Red Air Force starts bombing NES forces when they are on the move.
    Soviet Citizens start Guerrilla attacks.
    In one town, NES soldiers on patrol are gunned down by citizens.
    Citizens start uprisings and start shooting soldiers all around Germany, and in Berlin, the Soviet government promises that if they will fight for every house in the town, they will do so, but if there is a repeat of Leningrad, the New European States forces inside Germany will be bombed without mercy, while pledging to be civilized and to not bomb civilians on purpose.
    The Red Air Force starts patrolling all around Germany, using the new fighter jets, which are too fast for the NES to catch up with.
    OOC: Apologies if the NES actually does have jet fighters. If it does, feel free to TRY and shoot some down.
    Belarus is established as a major military base.
    The Soviet Union also makes a statement of peace to all nations other than New European States:
    "We never bombed any markets. We don't aim to hurt civilians. We offer peace to all nations, we are only fighting this war because the New European States were the aggressors. It was a rogue commander who stationed the troops in Mongolia, we only closed the borders because we were preparing for a secret project."
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  10. With the civilians fighting back, NES must target civilians now when shots are fired.

    We continue recruiting troops and pass a draft policy. Tanks, guns, shells, planes, etc are being produced.

    NES begins a project on new fighter jets that will be able to fly faster than the current soviet aircraft. (12 turns)

    We also publicly denounce the USSR for the living condition of their citizens under the communist party. We formally request the assistance of the NK now that the USSR has begun attacking our troops.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  11. The RoC will answer this indirect call. The Navy has now begun bombing runs and naval barrages on coastal targets.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  12. Sebia's leader currently lacks in military knowledge and we have given many of our resources to the NES for the war. Although these will be shared with the ER and Sebia will still have control over what is provided.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  13. The USSR also begins work on much faster fighter jets which can also carry "air torpedoes". (12 posts)

    The NKVD is disbanded and the KGB formed. It serves the purpose of both a secret police and secret service. It starts hunting down enemy agents and killing them when possible.

    OOC: Does nobody understand Democratic Marxism? Civilians are free... Did anyone here know that the Soviets had a better life expectancy than the Americans at times? Living conditions are good thank you, and we allow small business, look up the New Economic Policy.

    Planes start bombing RoC ships in hit-and-run attacks. Anti-aircraft fire also starts shooting down RoC planes.

    NOTICE: Please, don't say you know the following without a half-decent spying program.
    Plans are made for extreme Psychological Warfare, with drugs planned to be snuck into army rations of the NES to make the soldiers morale be detered. It is not to kill them to prove the Soviet Union is still more civilized than the NES.

    We tell the RoC and Sebia we do not wish to fight them, only the NES for attacking our territory. We ask for a end on these fronts.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  14. In response to the change in NK opinion on the war and the soviet resolves with the RoC and Sebia, we have pulled our naval fleet out of the Mediterranean Sea and recalled our troops home.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  15. The RoC ceases attacks and withdraws their fleet 400 miles away.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  16. Sebia withdraws its troops, however we may rejoin the fight whenever we please.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  17. NES begins noticing soldiers leaving the army in large numbers. A study has begun on these soldiers to discover the cause. (8 turns)

    NES rallies the citizens of the nation and creates a national boycott of the USSR, slightly damaging it's economy.
    607 and SEPTHEKID like this.
  18. New Kalmar has agreed to abide by the terms of the European Commonwealth's rules. NK troops on the Finland-Russia borders and Denmark-Germany borders have stormed forwards, claiming multiple checkpoints beyond the border. The borders have also been closed to all nations outside of the European Commonwealth. Tanks that were used in World War 2 have also been put in the borders to keep away USSR soldiers.

    New Kalmar have also began to build a new 'breed' of tank, called the 'Mötande Död' (Oncoming Death). It is built to survive hard-hitting collisions and is mostly bulletproof. It will take 7 posts to complete.

    A new aircraft, called the 'Röd Död' (Red Death) has also entered its building phases and will be completed in 5 posts. It will be on par with, or exceed, the speed of the Soviet's planes and will have machine gun fire.

    Another new aircraft, named the 'Jumala Vahvuus' (God of Strength), will be developed in conjunction with The Ministry of Space. It will be able to enter the edge of Outer Space, will be extremely quick (faster than TMOS's record-breaking plane from the 50s), and will be powered by rockets. It will have machine gun fire, like the Röd Död. It will take 8 posts to complete - although, as it is purely experimental, it may not be used in warfare at all.

    New Kalmar has also offered for the European Commonwealth to place sanctions on the USSR, which will choke its economy and has the major possibility of inflating their currency.
    SEPTHEKID and boozle628 like this.
  19. In a speech, the Kremlin denounces the altered version of Socialism used by New Kalmar.
    "As we can see quite clearly, New Kalmar says it is a "socialist" state. The only socialism it represents is Socialism-in-one-country, which as we can see with Stalin, failed quite miserably. After all, what socialist state would attack a fellow socialist state and support capitalists over socialists? They even ignored our offer for peace, proving they are a militaristic state bent on taking over Europe like Nazi Germany! We ask the sensible nations of the world to leave us to fight these aggressors, as after all, what happened after Ethiopia was taken over by the Italians? The Italians went on to try and conquer the world with Germany, despite Haile Selassie warning the world what could happen!"
    Jet passenger planes begin services around the Soviet Union, while planes continue airstrikes on NES forces.
    Plans are made to make more accurate versions of the V2, which also carry a bigger payload, to be used against New Kalmar in battle(8 posts)
    The major front line is currently a line between Dusseldorf and Cologne, which currently has the NES and Soviet forces
    Cities in Germany still under Soviet Control:
    Hamburg(Under heavy fighting. May fall)
    Wuppertal(Only connected by a thin line to Soviet territory. May fall)
    Cities in Germany under Capitalist Control:
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  20. In response to the USSR's warped view of New Kalmar, the New Kalmarian President has stated that New Kalmar uses some socialist policies but it is a semi-capitalist nation - in case any other nations get the wrong idea from the USSR.

    The NK Army, alongside the 'Knights of the Round Table' (specially trained soldiers who have been knighted by the Queen of New Kalmar. They wear special uniforms, excel at melee combat and use guns with expert precision), have began their march (with the WW2 tanks) towards Berlin. It will take them 2 posts to reach it.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.