Empire Staff Application (outdated)

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Maxarias, Apr 15, 2014.

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  1. Thats not what I meant, I mean, they should prove themselves, and if they are regualarly getting banned, that is a problemo.
  2. I put in for mod!
  3. pfft, I live the banned life. Every time I get in game I grief and get permabanned. I later hack into EMC an unban myself.
  4. Which is exactly what I said lol, proving themselves that they have moved on and are a better person.
    607, jkjkjk182 and Defluxer like this.
  5. Well then, I am glad we are at an agreement. (Bad idea to get mods on your bad side, trust me, I know.)

  6. Life isn't this black and white, there, I agree with you, but how, are we going to let them prove themselves? Make them mods, and hope they don't screw up the server? On paper, you are correct, but how do they prove themselves, without damaging the server? If you can answer that, go right ahead. (Not that I could stop you. :p )

    That said,
    (I kinda have to work on that bit.)
  7. They prove themselves by not breaking the rules over and over again, like has been said several times.
  8. But they can't break the rules if they have been banned, thus they cannot not break the rules.
  9. Sorry, what? :confused:
    They can still break the rules on unbanned alts and if they're unbanned…
    jkjkjk182 and PandasEatRamen like this.
  10. I concede, you win. :mad:
  11. That was a joke, right? :eek:
  12. S
    So, I am 13 years old. If I submit an application right now, then at the age of 16, will the first one affect the second?
  13. I would think not. There would most likely be another application in the 3 years of waiting.
    Defluxer, 607, mba2012 and 1 other person like this.
  14. Ok. Thanks.
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