EMC Staff Application [Updated May 29th, 2013]

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by IcecreamCow, Sep 8, 2012.

  1. Hey sorry i uploaded an application yesterday. Do i make a new one now?
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  2. I think that sentence is considered as talking about your application ._.
    PenguinDJ and Steven7485 like this.
  3. No because i am asking a question about it :D
  4. Not saying anything about or saying a speech about it ._.
  5. Eventually this post will get lost in the many pages of this thread; but please remember to always be respectful with your posts on the forums. If you think that they made a big mistake making a post here, consider this: If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all. :)

    And some people could legitimately need help with something - and we certainly don't want to be rude to someone looking for help.
  6. We could always copy and paste to remind people, O leader of the Chickens
  7. u r jst saying tht cuz you wantz 2 bcomez adminz
    mba2012, 72Volt, ShadyShannon and 7 others like this.
  8. Yea i did lol :D
  9. lol, that gave me a good laugh. But it something I have been wanting to say for a while. Especially since we might get a lot of misplaced comments on this thread since it is stickied.
  10. Just noticed that this wasn't a new thread, but just an old one that was re-promoted on XenPorta... lol.
    henpenben likes this.
  11. I hope only people good for the community get picked.
    TheMinner333 likes this.
  12. ... What does this have to do with anything? ._.
    jkjkjk182 and henpenben like this.
  13. 477 posts... :S
  14. Chickeneer Perhaps it would be great if you or another staff remove the unnecessary posts :)
  15. not my thread, but the Cow asked me to, I could. would only take a few minutes
    mba2012 and TerryDaTerrorist like this.
  16. I WOULD make and send an application, if i didnt already know i would be a terrible moderator...
    72Volt likes this.
  17. Alex for moderator!
  18. They wiped it the exact day after I submitted one lol :p
    bitemenow15 and battmeghs like this.