EMC Staff Application [Updated May 29th, 2013]

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by IcecreamCow, Sep 8, 2012.

  1. Note: I have applied, and this is a joke!
    In game name:MrWhosMagic
    Hey admins! Im magic, and I reckon i cna be a good mod, cause I am really stupid xD I have had 20 different accts, and been banned on each of them for hacking :D I like to hack, I hacked the FBI before hehe. If I caught someone grief them I would reward them, if someone spammed I would help :D Thanks for listening Maxxxyyy And IceCreamIsNiceCow. Have a good day Empire Hacking Craft :D
  2. Wow looks like the competition for new moderator is going to be high. I submitted mine, just hope they will have a chance to look at it with all the apps they will be getting. Whoever gets chosen, EMC is still awesome and deserves great new moderators.
  4. Did they wipe them again 2 days ago when the thread was re-stickied?
  5. Dude...
  6. Almost applied, but I don't want to leave any usergroups.
  7. Sorry, guys you gonna miss one of the greatest mods, because I don't have time for the job :( Maybe next time...
  8. Bigging yourself up much?
  9. And Silken_Thread, and a ton of others I can't think of off the top of my head :p
  10. Again, please don't post that you have submitted your application.
    NoahMarcusWhite likes this.
  11. I'm sure he's just being satirical, it's easy for anyone to do.
    Because of my interest in economics, my hidden basketball talent shall never be unlocked and the NBA will never know of my greatness.
    brickstrike, mba2012, Twitch1 and 2 others like this.
  12. B-b-but... you're irish. Shouldn't be "Pot-Of-Gold hoarding" talent will never be unlocked, and the Leprechaun Pot Of Gold Hoarding Society will never know of your greatness?

    Yes, I have a thing for stereotyping :D Just ask Jake_Bagby about the things I say to him on Skype :p
    mba2012 and canuckshockey like this.
  13. *whistles*
    Lachlan61 likes this.
  14. I bugged up
  15. For people wanting to become a moderator, I would like to direct you to the wisdom this res has to offer. 10264

    To me one of the best things for a leader or a moderator should have is humility.

    It's also worth noting that this server is a fun place to play with others, but it's also a professionally ran business, somewhat. The staff of course wants professional and well mannered people for any discussions relating to future updates, changes to the rules, or changes to the site and of course doing your part as a moderator to serve the community and not yourself. I don't blame staff if they do go off on people who say they're from planet Minecraft looking for OP, because people who are looking to social engineer their way to power are or can be very dangerous to the server. When I see people ask how their apps are going I just see someone who thinks it'll be all fun and games.
  16. only from the people who actually read the website :p
  17. I'm not Irish, I come from Northern Ireland and I refuse to designate myself a national identity, henceforth I am impossible to stereotype ;)
  18. What? It was a funny Joke about how they are green...
  19. What are the duties/responsibilities of a moderator-- specific and general?
  20. Generally; doing what their name means, moderating. Specifically; you should be able to work those ones out :)