Earn Up To 700 Rupees Per Day By Voting!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by IcecreamCow, Dec 2, 2012.

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  1. Was that the first page you voted on? you only get the "extra" pay for the FIRST site you vote for. For example first vote for PlanteMinecraft: 300r, than vote for Minestatus: 100r.
  2. 4/6/2013----------------------------4/7/2013-----------------------------4/7/2013------------------------------4/8/2013
    Vote 1---------------------------------Vote 2------------------------------Wait Time-------------------------------Vote 3

    If you Vote (at the latest) on Vote 1 Time ... you have 1 second until the 'new day' starts for Vote 2 ....
    If you Vote for Vote 2 ... you are given a full 24 hours 'until' you can vote for Vote 3 ... then you are given 24 hours to vote for Vote 3 to be given the chance for Vote 4 ... if you don't Vote for Vote 3 by the end of that 24 hours ... 11:59:59pm 4/8/2013 .... The Vote streak is reset - and you go all the way back to Vote 1.

    (Date's may vary)
  3. That will help SO much (even tho i had to read it at least 6 times before i understood it :3) XD

    yeah, 1 time i voted about 36 hours later, and lost my streak...

    i was at like 35 :(
    boozle628 likes this.
  4. What's the best way to vote every day, and keep your daily bonus?
  5. vote on 4 of the 5 sites, and then the next day, when you get on, check that four again, and when the 24 hours are not over already, vote on the fifth.
    So, it can happen like this.
    Monday, 2 PM
    vote on 4 sites
    Tuesday, 3 PM
    vote on 4 sites
    Wednesday, 2 PM
    vote on the 5th site
    Thursday, 1 PM
    vote on 4 sites
    and so on.
  6. But you dont even have to wait 24 hours to vote on minestatus X3

    I would recommend voting on all 5, then if its been less than 24 hours (but more than 14, cause I think thats how long you have to wait for minestatus) you just vote on minestatus! XD
    607 likes this.
  7. I will try
    WolfThunderblade likes this.
  8. I guess what I was really trying to ask was: "What time of day are our 'day streaks' reset?"
    "Or does it count down from 24 hours?"
  9. I believe that so long as you vote each physical day at around the same time, it will keep.
  10. Meh, Id say be really careful when you vote, and 607's or my method to keep your streak going {

    } because I voted 1 day at around 7:00 EST, then the next day at almost the same time (only 2 hours and 34 minutes later) and lost my streak

    However, since Aikar is working on fixing the issues with voting, you should be fine for now. By the time he's done, you won't actually lose your streak, it will just 'go backwards', so Ive been told (read the track team page that JackBiggin left a link to in 1 of his previous posts somewhere on the previous page)
  11. Gimme Gimme Gimmmmmmmmmme!
  12. Well, that was uncalled for.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  13. I voted!
    607, AlexChance and jkjkjk182 like this.
  14. We are third on the last site? MCserverlist when I'm right.
  15. We are :)
    607 likes this.
  16. i have not got my rupees yet i being voting for three days now and for the promo is it me?
  17. Check your rupee history. It should show that you received your rupee bonus.
  18. When will the extra 5 be added to the rupees page?
    Nilex92, mba2012 and Lukas3226 like this.
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