Earn Up To 700 Rupees Per Day By Voting!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by IcecreamCow, Dec 2, 2012.

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  1. No, I mean, I voted for the second day in a row, and I didn't get a streak.
  2. Ik, but still, i wud have ratherred kept my old streak until aikar improved it, then continued for a better streak XD
    Yeah, me too...

    Id get a screenshot of it...
    but im just...
    so lazy XD
  3. Isn't it a little.... overpowered?
    I mean, if one just can earn 800 rupees a day in 10 minutes, what's the purpose of economy in the servers? Even if my shop makes me gain 100 rupees a day, it's still a little percentage of the money one can gain just voting.
    Long story short: want to have lots of rupees? don't bother with the servers' economy, just vote every day and wait. Cool.
    607 likes this.
  4. noone. tell. volt. don't. just don't. please.
  5. It's very difficult to balance out affects on the economy, rewards and how much you help out the server. In this case, voting/Minecraft server lists are some of the main referrals of players towards EMC so it's a must if we want to gain them. The happy medium that our staff has carefully drawn is sensible.

    Also, for now you still have to earn the rupees by keeping up with your streak and gaining it in the first place over time.

    Prior to having a 700r rupee bonus there was 100r possible per day, which practically discouraged voting because it was so little.

    You have been sensible and if 100r-200r/day is comfortable for you it means that you don't spend your rupees often. You're in a minority though, as most players probably spend at least 600r/day so a 700r addition each day isn't necessarily discouraging going out and earning rupees.
    PandasEatRamen and mba2012 like this.
  6. EMC's is the most un-overpowered that I've ever seen. :) *cough* Vote for 5000 diamond *cough*
    mba2012 and WolfThunderblade like this.
  7. Okay, now I'm kinda annoyed.
    I lost a 4 day streak for no reason at all... :(
    EDIT: It happened again today (April 4).. :(
  8. And I just lost my 73 day row... :(
  9. Really? How can such things be possible?
  10. forget yesterday to vote, silly me
  11. Hey, at least u got that high :rolleyes:

    Im like cursed or something, but I best not be saying it in visible text, else the ghost of vote-mas past may smite thee... (JK)

    Point is, I havent gotten to 40 yet, cuz i always lose my streak in the 30's, and its SO annoying >_>
  12. Ok, now im getting mad... :mad:

    I mean, u cant vote on some of the websites, like PlanetMinecraft within 24 hours of previously voting, yet I lost my streak when I voted a mere 26 hours and 34 minutes later (2 hours and 34 minutes after I could have first voted again)

    Like, SO not cool, even though my streak was only at 4, its like that because of things like this happening >.<
  13. Aikar's looking on improving the vote system so you don't lose your whole steak when you miss a day. I think the timings issue is due to the voting sites themselves though.

  14. the whole thing needs to be on an if else statement: Like basically if the player votes again within 00:01 second (in case of voting at 11:59:59 - then voting again at 12:00 (for a new day on a few sites) and 47:59:59 hours after voting ... then the voting count increase is still valid ... else if 48 hours or more after that time frame - then the voting bonus goes back by 3 - and the voting streak gets reset
    WolfThunderblade and mba2012 like this.
  15. This. I think one site resets every night at around midnight for me, so if I wanted I could vote at 11pm, then it would let me vote again after 12am. The others if I voted at 11pm I would have to wait until 11pm the next night.
  16. Correct me if I am wrong, but shouldn't I have gotten 290r instead of 100?

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  17. does your rupee count go up by just 100 though, or 110? example 0 before voting ... is it now 100 or 110 extra after voting?
  18. For those that don't understand the math of why i said 47:59:59 ... is because most sites require a wait period of 24 hours after voting to vote again ... if the maximum amount of time of the 24 hours after the 24 hours is up ... that will be 48 hours ... so I was saying minimum of 1 second after voting - if the voting goes based off of the day voting and not hours .... and maximum of 47:59:59 for the hourly wait period and then hour time frame.
  19. I know this discouraged voting but at the same time, people are now giving up voting when their days get reset to 0.

    No offence Caleb but I am so confused :confused:
  20. It just went up 100. This was my 10th day in a row voting though
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