Earn Up To 700 Rupees Per Day By Voting!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by IcecreamCow, Dec 2, 2012.

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  1. I don't like it that when logged in you get reconnected to the home page of MCSL, so you have to click the link on empireminecraft.com again.
  2. Hmm I have noticed that. But when you get in a vote and collect your 100 rupees. It does not matter because you got what u came for :)
    607 likes this.
  3. Hmm just got paid 1,200 for voting :p

  4. it's nothing when you compare it with 2 months...(Well, I'm not sure, cause I only made it to day 58:()
  5. Unbenannt.png
    Laurencem17 likes this.
  6. Looks like a bonus on top of the voting bonus - Sweet :p. I vote because i really enjoy EMC to others.
  7. So I was right, and really missed 5,2k... It felt really not well when I thought:Well, today I am going to vote MCSL, cause I did the other 4 yesterday. Wait. I didn't vote the other 4 yesterday. No. Can't. On the 59th day!:(
  8. Soon as wastelands/normal mode is out, I plan to work on the voting system so you dont lose your entire streak for missing a day.... So keep it up guys, start building those streaks back up again.

    Lets just say i have some big plans for even nicer voting rewards....
    will_iamd, penfoldex, Lasluin and 3 others like this.
  9. Are you not going to reduce the rewards, like you said in my suggestion thread about this?
  10. Sweet :p Your awesome you tech boffin, Cant wait to see and play in the new worlds.
  11. Wait, whats a boffin?

    derp ._.

    Yeah, good luck with that, Aikar... XD
  12. I get money for voting. So does everyone else. It's income!
    607 likes this.
  13. Hmm what is a boffin

    A boffin is British slang for a scientist, engineer, or other person engaged in technical or scientific work.

    I was going to call him a geek :p
    WolfThunderblade likes this.
  14. ;_;

    I lost my streak because I voted yesterday (as in wednesday, not thursday, even though its technically friday) than i voted again today at 2:00 am, but because its technically 2 days away, i lost my whole streak ;_;

  16. Well whoever took the screenshot is rich...
  17. what screenshot?
  18. Why does this keep happening to me..? >_<
    WolfThunderblade likes this.
  19. After Wastelands and a few other updates possibly, Aikar is going to work on making streaks easier to keep. :)
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