Thanks 607, I appreciate it. I never went through having to get denture before. I wanted to share the experience with anyone that possibly has done this or that has this option possibly coming for them in the near future. There are a lot more adults on EMC than I use to think. Some act childish but that is for another thread. Again, Thanks.
Thanks Raaynn. Physically I'm fine except for the PTSD I got from the dentist office today. Just really sore in the mouth right now.
Rest up Breezy! I know it's painful, but you can do it, buddy. I hope you feel better soon. The mouth heals pretty quickly I hear. Just keep that in mind. Take care of yourself.
The option of not being able to figure out soft protein food I can eat over the next couple of months?
Not sure what all ya like. So I hope this will help ya out. I'm like "Mikey eats everything"! (giving my age away there)
Looks great and thanks for the ideas. I don't think I can do any soft meats this week but the seafood salad I never though of. I know I could eat that. Side note. a dish I make is with a pack of Lipton's Chicken noodle soup. I make as directed but I scramble up two eggs and whisk the eggs in the soup. I don't thicken the soup with cornstarch like you would an egg drop soup. I just leave it thin soup. It's good.
I looked at that list, and I'm quite impressed what is still possible to eat at that point in life! BreezyMan, I wish you the best of luck with your diet after you get your dentures! ^^
Thanks Joy! I was doing good with food even without having several of my front teeth prior to yesterday. I was still able to eat corn on the cob. But not right now again. The gums will toughen up soon and I'll be back to regular-ish eating. First few days suck, as in I suck soup out of a bowl. lol. Once the swelling and pain/soreness goes away I'll be able to eat the soft meats from that menu like the beef stew and more. I gained 9 pounds in 6 months since my last doctor visit. Maybe this will help knock off those extra 9 pounds. Again, Thanks.
Update: I do have a dry socket in my top gums but I can live with it with Orajel till Tuesday. I get my bottom teeth pulled out that day. They can fix that then and I also feel a shard in the 2nd to the last hole on the left of the top of my mouth. I joined a "private" Facebook dentures support group. Learned a lot from looking through the posts. This is all so crazy.
To be clear: Liking the part about getting on with the healing and that you found some help from others in a similar situation who can offer more help and understanding. Not Liking the part about the dry socket or the leftover shard - that totally bites. (sorry for the pun, couldn't help it)
rip breezy I hope all gets better, I just had a filling last week which started off as a temperature sensative tooth issue, and then confirmed my suspicion that it was a cavity. had my wisdom teeth taken out in the summer of '18 and that sucked eggs real bad, so I cannot imagine the pain you're enduring and will endure again... i heard dry sockets really hurt, so I hope all is feeling better nowish? (even though you'll be getting more of your teeth pulled tomorrow )
I'm back again. I was out of it for a few days after Tuesday's bottom extractions of the rest of my teeth. I always feel a bit traumatized after like one extraction... add 8 more to that on the trauma. In both extraction visits I had a total of the rest of my 18 teeth pulled out. Now it's just recovery time for the next couple of months or so till all the swelling subsides before I go in to get fitted for my permanent dentures. Mind you that I will be without any teeth in my mouth that whole time. I'll post a pic in the EMC's show yourself thread then, when I can show everyone my brand new smile. I got a post OP appt this Tuesday. My dentist, she took care of the dry socket already but my other 2 issues left with my top gums is that 2 sockets still have some roots in them and she is going to finish them up this Tuesday. Just broken pieces left behind not seen during my first extraction cause of all the blood. The first 2 days afterward for both the top and now the bottoms seemed like the worst days for pain, after that it just turns into soreness instead of just pain. After that second day is a good thing. Thank you to everyone that has given me a shout out for support. I really appreciate that. Breezy
Served 13 years in the military and came out of it fine. Two dental appointments and I have PTSD now. Bwahahaha
I'm glad to see your spirits are high and you still have a sense of humor. In the end, it will all be worth the pain and trouble been going through.
I am in a sense of high spirits cause even though the pain is real, I know I'll be the better for it in the long run. Thanks. Edit: I never lose my sense of humor. I was making my dentist laugh while she pulling (ripping) out my teeth.
Thanks 607. That means a lot. I do have an update on yesterday's post OP appointment. I was having a few areas of issue along with that one socket on top that still had tooth in it. Got numbed up again. I can take the shots in the front of my gums but when they put that nummy stuff shot into my palette in two places again are the shots that make me wanna jump out of that chair. She ground down several areas of my jaw on top that was still jagged and got the rest of that tooth out. She didn't give me anything for pain this time. Well... I woke up this morning and my mouth was killing me. I took Tylenol and then in a while I took Motrin all the while putting Orajel repeatedly in my mouth. It wasn't helping. I called in sick to work this morning cause of it. When the dentist office opened this I called up there and explained the situation. She wrote me a pain script that I had to pick up and now my mouth is feeling better. Not great but better. I'm sure in another day or so i'll be back to just being sore without the pain. It's gonna be a bit before I can eat more solid foods again. I been living on soups, mashed potatoes and gravy, yogurt, oatmeal, soft scrambled eggs with cheese and the Wal-mart version (less expensive) of Ensure (chocolate flavor) to make sure I get the vitamins I am missing. if anyone has any suggestions of other soft foods I didn't list then please share. It does get old eating the same thing over and over. I took these selfies in the fall of last year when I discovered FB messenger filters but I thought they describe how I feel after a dental visit lately. This is the way I feel in the waking up in the mornings after a dental appointment the day before... This is the way I feel a little while after taking my prescribed pain meds... Luckily the pain portion of the whole thing last only about a day or two and then just sore and tender after that. Once I have my teeth in a couple months I will post an up to date pic here and in the show yourself 2020 thread showing off my new smile. Thanks for listening (reading), Breezy