[DEBATE] Presidential Election - 2016 (closing Nov 22)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Erektus, Sep 9, 2015.



Donald Trump (R) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
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  1. something something he speaks his mind, anti-political correctness, something something.
  2. I honestly don't know too many details of the election, but my two cents are that right now above all what we need to be focusing on is environmental policy. I understand that the gun rights discussion and similar issues are important to many individuals, but these are just that: individuals. We are headed into a terrifying downward spiral with our environment right now, and that affects every person–and more–on this planet. Overfishing, global warming, bottom trawling, deforestation... We're killing our planet, and the planet is vital to us. If any president at this time is going to do an insufficient job on addressing these issues (looking at you, global warming), I simply don't think they're prepared to fight the right fight.
    jacob5089 and no_thing like this.
  3. I totally agree with you. Trump might not as he said, "The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make US manufacturing non-competitive." Along with several other similar statements. He's the conspiracy theory king. It's like we've entered the twilight zone.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.

  4. Trump's "solution" wouldn't work. We've been bombing ISIS in drone strikes for a while now under the Obama administration, and they are very seldom successful. According to a White House leak, 90% of the strikes hit civilians/friendlies. It also lets them play the martyr role. Bombing them isn't gonna work. Invading them is the Iraq War all over again. Both are terrible strategies.

    The solution is to get out of Iraq/Syria/all other countries. We're not the policemen. ISIS and Al-Nusra (al-qaeda in Iraq) are known hate each other. They are currently working together to fight a common enemy, us, which they've admitted themselves. Leave those countries, and let them kill each other off. Once that's done, we can help educate the region and introduce common western knowledge so something like this can't ever happen again.
    God_Of_Gods likes this.
  5. The 2nd amendment is just a leftover from our "hype" when we defeated the Brits in the 1700's...
  6. Nah, the planet will be fine. We're killing the human race. The planet will be just fine, it's survived way worse than anything we could ever do with global warming.

    The biggest issue will be when North Africa and the Middle East becomes too hot to live in and we get refugees flooding into Europe. Judging from the reaction to the Syrian refugee crisis, we won't accept any refugees (how could we anyway?) and it's going to be a massacre.
  7. I agree with you but you are making the assumption that Trump was talking to a constituency that cares about the welfare of the people in the middle east. It's not about that. Recently Hillary made the statement that half of Trump's supporters are deplorables. Very politically incorrect but she was speaking of the base of his support. They don't care about the people of the middle east. Ted Cruz said about ISIS, "we will carpet bomb them into oblivion". Make no mistake it's not ISIS, the hatred these people have for them so that they react so enthusiastically to terms like "carpet bomb into oblivion" or "bomb the sh** out of them" has nothing to do with trying to help the people in that region of the world. ISIS is a politically correct outlet for blood lust. They aren't saying bomb Assad, who has killed hundreds of thousands or worried about the torture and murder in Africa by terrorist groups. Nah. Do they open their arms to Syrian refugees? No, they hate the idea of a single one coming into the US. But it is ok for them to want to carpet bomb into oblivion northern Iraq and northern Syria.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  8. The longer this thread gets, the more it hurts my head.

    I don't understand the statists belief that guns are bad.... the state has lots of guns and is without question the worse entity when it comes to accountability in the use of such. If guns are so bad, please, tell the swiss and ask them why it is that countries with no gun rights in europe have over double the violent crime rates.

    As far as trump and hillary's claims... they are both bat shit crazy so who cares what they say, look at who is funding them, that is who is gonna be calling the shots with their puppet in office. Just like what was mentioned earlier, obummer has tried and failed to take extreme measures against gun rights in the US and so would any other president. A president in the US is not a law maker, nor a judge. Rather, the president is the head of the executive branch of government, the military commander... that's what is really scary about this all to be sure. As ex-military looking at my comrades opinions on just about everything from cutting onions to foreign policy... they are mostly insane to the third degree.

    This suicide squad will be headed by either a failed secretary of state with a crook of a husband that is obviously a pathological liar, claiming to have been under sniper fire, that the lives lost in Benghazi didn't matter, that she handled classified data properly and that an innocent child was a liar to get her rapist client off the hook... ultimately getting disbarred.

    Drone strikes for everyone(like Barrack isn't already doing that) under a business mans dream come true, bomb the competition into submission instead of having to go and make back door deals. Trumps shady and failed career as a business man gets to come to the fore front with the most deadly military in the world under his thumb. Daddy won't be here to save his ass when he fails this time though. Bankruptcy? We can redefine that after we take over the world, which won't really matter since it will be a nuclear wasteland because trump found out there were trace amounts of gold... pretty much everywhere and he of course had to "go in and take it." Not before he built a fence though, which he personally drove a tank through to get to mexico after his foreign relations advisor let him know that Mexico had struck oil.

    On a slightly more serious note (you simply can't be serious about the presidential election and not expect people to wonder if you have a brain anymore) Trump has funded the clintons with daddy's money for decades. He isn't even really a candidate, just a distraction. At this point the DNC has won the election so, regardless of rhetoric, Hillary will be the president and "really, at this point, what difference does it make."
    LuckyPat, DH32 and God_Of_Gods like this.
  9. Simple answer:

    After election day, lock/close the thread. There'll be no reason for it to be unlocked/accessible.

    The thread's primary purpose, which was to talk about which candidate we like and why, is not being served; Which proves even more of a reason why it should be closed sooner than later. (My opinion is after election day.)
  10. lol, well put. Now go take an aspirin.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  11. Dude, relax. We've made it this far, it's gonna be ok. I think after the election interest will die out pretty quick anyway.
    TuckerAmbr and Dr_Chocolate like this.
  12. This is like the third time you have said the thread should be closed for no reason? Just ignore it? Yeah, it is a headache the stuff being posted here but... at least there is a discussion I guess, as meaningless as it is. The forums aren't exactly brimming with interesting conversations much anymore so why kill off the few things that are being talked about lol.
  13. You are.

    You may not like it but the US is the only one fit for the job, unless the EU gets its common defence force sometime soon (looks like its on the horizon, provided it survives another 10-ish years), after which I can see the US losing some responsibility for that burden. The alternative right now is probably just Russia, and they're not even remotely close to anything like a 'good guy' - at least the US is somewhat on the other side of that spectrum.

    The UK government would love to do it again (it's all they frigging talk about) but we're not a global player anymore once Brexit happens lol, plus the people are against it.
    The UK.
    Unless Trump is elected, in which case I can see people coming here to be like "shit... people on this Minecraft forum that is 90% 10 year olds who have the intelligent thinking skills of a - well, a 10 year old, what do we do now? How do I get to Canada as a refugee? Is it illegal to kill the President? Are the Siberian mountains a nice place to live?"
  14. Don't I remember you saying how the US needed to stay out of stuff? And how much you dislike the US because we went into Iraq? I assume because you feel the US dragged England into that quagmire too. You sounded a lot different then.

    The truth is, no we don't have to be the world's police. We absolutely don't. And shouldn't. We have spent trillions doing it, lost thousands of lives, and despite all that, are probably the most hated country on the planet. If Europe wants to do it go right ahead. But, as we know, it won't happen. The powerful (presidents) love having all that military power. It makes them feel special. And when you have all that you really have to use it to shoot and blow stuff up. Otherwise, there is really no reason to have it all. And Europe can sit back and save all that money they would spend on the military cause we think we have to do it. Maybe use it for healthcare, or education, or just one big party. And at that party they can complain about how arrogant and ignorant Americans are. Yes, we need to stop being the world's police. Wow, that was quite a rant.
    TuckerAmbr and Gawadrolt like this.
  15. I do believe they need to stay out of stuff. I dislike the US because of Iraq. I believe the US dragged the UK into it (our own Prime Minister of the time used evidence to persuade Parliament into voting for it which, as of this year, has been confirmed to have been faked and Tony Blair is now 100% a war criminal. He also ignored the public's opinion - a massive majority against it - on the invasion and continued with it.).

    However, if we're going to have a country sticking its nose into things, I'd rather have the US doing it than Russia or China. If the UK was going to do it again - let's go off the belief that we still have the British Empire, which the Brexit voters think we still have - I wouldn't even like us doing it. We cock up everything we touch.
    607 likes this.
  16. The moon has no guns. It also has no murder.

    Your move, NRA.
    mba2012 likes this.
  17. But if people went there with guns there would be "less" shootings. It would be safer with those guns.
  18. soul, im not sure if you were saying the UK has a higher or lower crime rate than switzerland. Per 1 million people there are almost twice as many murders in the UK, 76% higher than in switzerland. There is 45% more victims of crime in the UK per capita. 71% more robbery victims in the UK. 500% more car thefts. 3 times as many "damage to property" crimes in the UK. The swiss have a 9 times higher rate of murder with guns, which is a moot point when the total murders per population are half that of the UK. As far as the US:

    There is not a problem in the US with people shooting each other, just a problem with hollywood saying everyone is. With one of the highest gun ownerships per capita and over 300 million guns in the US... it's quite odd that across 130 countries the US comes out lower than average in homicide rates(that doesn't even count whether or not a gun was used) Now if you include the number of people killed by the pharmaceutical industry and "law enforcement" I'm sure we would sky rocket to the top of that list.

    Not to mention the CIA has been caught over a dozen times working with drug cartels and pushing drugs on our streets.
    LuckyPat and DH32 like this.
  19. The moon has no gun control. Know what else it doesn't have? Murder.

    Your move, hippies.
  20. the moon has aliens
    ChrisFlareon likes this.
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