[DEBATE] Presidential Election - 2016 (closing Nov 22)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Erektus, Sep 9, 2015.



Donald Trump (R) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
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  1. Lol, I actually had faith in the 3rd party candidates, but now hearing of his mess up, I almost have no faith in anyone this come election... Can we just get it over with? (5 weeks and counting... :\)
  2. I never really understood what was basically the whole 'second coming of God himself' and 'he'll destroy the two party system' thing surrounding him. As it stands the two party system is unbreakable - it's a shady woman or a nationalistic to the point of fascist, sexist, racist, xenophobic batshit insane warmonger. You have no other choice. And from what I've seen he'd be a pretty poor presidential candidate anyway.

    In other news Donald urged people to go watch a woman's... 'explicit' video that was shared without her consent on Twitter. This man needs to get dragged into a desert and have his head bashed to pieces with a baseball bat, followed by filling his body with lead from a shotgun, just so there's zero chance of him surviving.

    This tweet explains my feelings on the Trump; https://twitter.com/DanNerdCubed/status/782321686708383745
    IsaacNorman likes this.
  3. I mean it though, I actually had faith that one of the 3rd party candidates would be better, but now, it's just Jill. As we all know, there's no point in voting for her as she didn't even have enough to get to the presidential debate this past week... :\
  4. because they are both exactly that. Hillary has more of a problem with being racist than trump does which makes me laugh so much when people call trump racist. He is just playing his part, pretending to be a republican for now.
    DH32 likes this.
  5. Please explain.
    IsaacNorman and SoulPunisher like this.
  6. well there is this thing that everyone wants to say makes trump racist:

    Even though him being a racist was never even a thought until this campaign, now because he wants to build the stupid wall he is a racist, ok whatever. There is Hillary's ties to the KKK. Her racist comments about Obama in 2008 when they were running against each other in the primaries:


    In my observations Trump is a "racist" because of immigration... which doesn't seem like a really racial thing so much as a fascist thing, nothing Hillary is unfamiliar with. Racism, from my understanding, means that you have some sort of distaste, disgust even, for a group of people because of the color of their skin. Seeing them as less than you because of your own skin color. I haven't ever seen that out of trump, but hillary, oh boy. Hillary's secret service have even been interviewed on her mistreatment of dark skinned officers. Of course... that hasn't been anything strange in the democratic party since... well their inception lol. I mean hell, look at our first lady now, so upstanding, so white hating, woot woot for death to whitey and all. Of course we aren't talking about the whole of the democratic party just this one puke that's running for president. Republicans don't really have a track record for being racist, in fact they are pretty equal opportunity for screwing everyone and running away with as much as possible regardless of if you are black, white, yellow or green. Which again brings up the whole thing about trump not even being a republican... so hell maybe he is a racist? It is just all so confusing when you try to analyze it with any logic whatsoever. I do apologize for the bad jokes, one of them will be our president though so, gg murica.
    DH32 likes this.
  7. He would have the floor of his casinos evacuated of black people when he came to visit. He has been sued by the Justice Department for not renting flats to black people - not once, but twice. He is on record as saying he hates the black accountants at Trump Castle and Trump Plaza counting his money and also stated 'laziness is a trait in blacks'. He built a casino in a black majority city and then staffed it with whites even after saying he would hire locals. He treats blacks as tokens. He questioned the ruling of a judge just because said judge was a Mexican. He has discriminated against Native Americans. He questions the legitimacy of Obama's Presidency on the basis that Obama is black and therefore he was not born in the USA.

    He is racist and always has been. I would expect nothing less of a man manchild who kept a book of Hitler's speeches next to his bed and also used SS Officers in an official campaign poster.
  8. I have never heard any of that. Both what you said and that I have never heard it only goes to show that its all a game, a dog and pony show, anyways. One day you are gonna be standing beside me chanting "we don't need no education, we don't need no thought control." :p

    ExExUnderscore and Kephras like this.
  9. I hope this thread is locked/removed after election day in 38 days...

    I believe this thread has served more than what it's purpose was... (I doubt the drama afterwards is something I want to see...)
  10. That would SERIOUSLY be no fun. You think this is funny now? ohhhhhhhh, just wait xD

    We will have a new migration problem but it won't be an influx to the country lol.
  11. I hope it isn't. It'd be nice to finally see a thread on EMC with quite a controversial topic not turn into a flame war or a closed thread with a bitter ending.
    IsaacNorman likes this.
  12. I am gonna say this now if Hillary is elected, corruption in the U.S. will increase 10 fold.
    Enough said :p
  13. Not possible. You can't get more corrupt than Hillary.
  14. No, that's really not enough said. That is certainly a far reaching comment. Do you mean that just all corruption in the entire country will increase by 1000%? Or do you mean political corruption will increase by 1000% because of one person? That's huge considering there are tens of thousands of governmental employees in the US. I'm no Hillary fan but just making absurd comments like this are not constructive.
    TuckerAmbr, no_thing and IsaacNorman like this.
  15. If Hillary is president, the U.S. will go downhill in my opinion
  16. And besides, she will even take away our second amendment of the right to bear arms

    In which that is completely absurd. I just hope Hillary isn't elected, but I think she needs to be put in prison
  17. True, but then again, the internet is the internet, and that's all that has to be said with that.

    What you said would be a nice breath of fresh air, had it happen that way, that is...
    607 and SkeleTin007 like this.
  18. Ok. What shape do you think the country is in now?
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  19. It is to a very bad extent right now, but I am just saying if Hillary became president the state we are in could grow worse
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