[DEBATE] Presidential Election - 2016 (closing Nov 22)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Erektus, Sep 9, 2015.



Donald Trump (R) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
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  1. Can anyone say Donald Drumpf?
  2. Another bump, sorry.

    Look's like Trump's hurting real badly now. He has 3 months left, can he keep his mouth shut for 3 months? (Very difficult, but not impossible.) Looks like he's handing the election to Hilary now lol.
  3. TBH, I think you could argue either way right now. It's pretty much going to be down to who can motivate the most extra people to come vote. With the backing of people like Warren Buffett, I think Clinton is in a better position strategically to do this. All Donald Trump really has is his personality.

    On an kind of off topic note, I recently started a wild outpost with a political component. If any of you politically interested people want to join, you're all welcome :D Thread here
    SoulPunisher and IsaacNorman like this.
  4. That personality thing doesn't seem to be helping him much now. lol

    In my opinion, if he can be, "not himself" for 3 months and be a "real presidential candidate", then I'd say it might be a close race this come November, but I doubt that'll happen.

    It is true that Buffet backed Clinton, and that alone should speak for itself. I hope this is political season is turning out to be what Trump wanted, 'cause so far, he's hurting as of right now.
  5. Remember, Johnson is reaping the rewards of two very unpopular candidates, If he can push his way into the debates he might have a chance at stealing a lot of support from both candidates. All he would need to do is grab Texas (who tend to dislike Trump) and a few swing states. With only 20% of the electoral votes he could prevent Trump or Hilary from getting a majority, in which case the house might vote to elect Trump or Johnson.
  6. If Trump wins, will the other Three Horsemen of the Apocalypse lead the Inaugural Parade?
  7. Looks like Trump's handing the election to Hillary...

    Seems he finally realizes(ed) that he has nothing left to do but "try" and make Hillary look bad, even if it backfires, lol.
  8. This election was just disappointing, it was like being told you were going to get a new pair of shoes just to then realize that they were being outlawed to increase the sales in loafers. It's just confusing and difficult to fathom how it'll affect you.
    OriginalScuf likes this.
  9. There is absolutely no doubt that Hillary will crush Trump. I've said that for months. I am now getting a little more optimistic that several incumbent republicans in the congress will also lose their jobs. We can only hope.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  10. The presidential electoral map strongly favors any Democrat candidate from the get-go so a substantial Clinton victory would not come as a shock. However, I'm not seeing any signs of a wave election at the moment which would sweep away a sizable number of congressional Republicans. If anything, enthusiasm for both of the major parties seems to be way down this year with a good number of people opting to support non-traditional candidates such as Gary Johnson with the Libertarian Party and Jill Stein with the Green Party.

    Of course, that could all change between now and November. But for now the only thing I'd bet money on is that voter turnout will be somewhat down compared with the last few election cycles and that the non-traditional candidates will rake in a larger than normal share of the popular vote at collectively around 10%.
  11. I have heard numerous political analysts saying they anticipated that Trump's weakness would help elect other democratic candidates. I have seen them all saying that republicans will be staying home en masse. And I believe it.

    I agree that positive enthusiasm is way down but negative enthusiasm related to Trump is way up. A couple months ago I would have considered not voting for either because of my dislike for both candidates. Today I consider campaigning for Hillary. Why? Not anything she did. Only because of my new fervent dislike for Trump. He has to be stopped. I'm not saying there will be a huge turnout but according to the analysts it will be enough to do damage to the republicans in congress too.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  12. That's all well and good. All I'm saying is that voting against someone is not what typically drives most people to the polls. There are always exceptions. See the Lyndon Johnson vs. Barry Goldwater election of 1964 in particular. Johnson was hardly a charismatic figure but he successfully painted his opponent as a bloodthirsty warmonger, even going so far as to suggest that if Goldwater was elected then people's children would end up being incinerated in a hail of nuclear fire.


    Ironically it was Johnson himself who later ended up massively expanding the American military presence in Vietnam and widening the war.
  13. There's never been anyone quite like Trump either. Moderates or liberals that might not like Hillary will still come out to vote against the most hated man in America. You know who won't come out. Republicans that can't quite vote for Trump and definitely not Hillary. Hillary is leading with college educated white males, a group that normally goes republican. The only issue is that with Trump so hated it will bring out conservatives and conservative leaning moderates to vote against him but will still vote republican for congress. I believe he is that hated.

    Hoops, what state do you live in? I live in a battleground state where there are a lot of moderates. I see with them the hatred of Trump and understand the desire they have to vote if only just to vote against him. This election, and I have voted in many, is different than any before.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  14. Trump rally. Need I say more.

  15. North Carolina. Just a proverbial stone's throw from Aikar, actually.

    This state voted for Barack Obama in 2008. Obama and McCain bumper stickers were everywhere. Those who supported the Obama campaign were extraordinarily passionate about his message and the possibility of electing the first black president. I still see 2008 Obama stickers all the time.

    Fast forward to 2012. Obama and Romney stickers are again all over the place. Obama was the incumbent this time around and the intensity of his support had slackened a little but people were still pretty pumped up on both sides of the political spectrum. Romney took this state by a slim margin that year.

    This time around I have seen exactly one Trump sticker and maybe 5-10 Hillary stickers. Bernie paraphernalia was all over the place for awhile before he dropped out though. I can honestly tell you that very few people I know in my personal life are thrilled about voting for either of the major candidates this year. It's more of a "hold your nose while eating your peas" sense of resignation. While we have been barraged by a continuous stream of prime time Clinton television ads for the last several weeks, the extremely intense campaign efforts I witnessed in the two preceding presidential elections just aren't there now.

    As for your Trump rally photo, disgusting to be sure. But is it any less disgusting than Seddique Mateen, the father of the Orlando night club mass murderer who has condemned homosexuals saying that they "deserve to be punished by God" supporting Clinton and attending one of her rallies?


    Guilt by association can cut both ways, you know.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  16. I would guess considering Hillary is pro gay rights he attended her rally not because he liked her but he dislikes Trump because of his intolerance towards Muslims. Whereas, the confederate flag was at the Trump rally because he promotes racist, bigoted views. I guess I'm just stating the obvious.
    TuckerAmbr and ESSELEM like this.
  17. LOL. Those are some pretty impressive mental gymnastics. Anyway, I'm not trying to be confrontational. I get that you're 100% on the Hillary bandwagon. More power to you. Just be aware that are an awful lot of us out there who aren't sold on her at all and calling Trump "racistbigotsexistxenophobichomophobicHitler" isn't enough to win us over.
  18. I want it to be clear that I was originally only voting for Hillary 'cause she's a woman, but then I realized that was a terrible reason to vote for her, this was before things got heated between her and Trump, more or less, she had leverage over Trump.

    Jump forward 3 months, things got heated up between her and Trump, so much to the point that Trump had power over her. Just so Trump doesn't win, I knew I had to vote for her, that's it. I have a strong belief that Trump will screw this country up, not being a politician and other obvious stuff...

    I said to my friend (Who supported Bernie Sanders), that if he runs in 2020, he automatically has my vote, 'cause I feel sorry that he didn't stand a chance against Hillary... :\
  19. Hold up the bus there Hoops. I am no fan of Hillary, as I've stated. It's just that Trump is so appalling he makes my stomach turn. I would say more like, "racistbigotsexistxenophobichomophobicbornwithasilverspoon". What amazes me is that so many working people would want to vote for someone that was born into such wealth and opulence he has no way of relating to an average person or what they go through every day.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  20. You do realize that the Clintons have a combined wealth of around 150 million dollars, often receive around $500,000 per speaking engagement, and are deeply connected with some of the wealthiest lobbyists and bankers from K Street and Wall Street, right?

    Not a Trumpian level of money to be sure but to imply that their lifestyle is an any way closer to that of the common man is ludicrous.
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