[DEBATE] Presidential Election - 2016 (closing Nov 22)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Erektus, Sep 9, 2015.



Donald Trump (R) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
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  1. You are arguing two different things. I never said Russia wasn't responsible for the hacks or that they weren't possibly interested in influencing American policy. What I said is that there is no concrete evidence of any kind that this action was inspired, directed by, or in any other way involved interaction or a quid pro quo between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin as you have implied. Until such time as that's presented it's all just supposition and conjecture.

    PS- How did we segue from international intrigue to talking about Melania? :eek:

  2. I think you might be arguing two different things. As far as Melania stealing Michelle's speech I just thing it's hilarious. But let's be honest, Donald didn't marry his third wife that is 25 years younger than him for her brain now did he.
    TuckerAmbr and LoveAllTrustNone like this.
  3. hear hear
  4. From your original post regarding this topic. Your concern and implication was that Donald Trump is actively making deals with Vladimir Putin to win the election at the price of abandoning eastern Europe to Russian expansionism. You even went so far as to agree with the comparisons others have made between him and Adolf Hitler. That's to what I responded. You later changed the discussion to whether or not Russia was in fact involved at all, an assertion with which I have never disagreed.

    As for Melania, yeah, she definitely wasn't married for her academic credentials. In fairness, brains are not required for her potential roll and her speechwriter took credit for stealing Michelle Obama's lines.


    Still, with even the slightest amount of research that could have been prevented. Severe incompetence on the part of the RNC convention handlers.
  5. True. I don't know that Trump and Putin have made an agreement giving Russia some of eastern Europe. Or even an unsaid understanding. Which is also possible.

    As far as the speech I will disagree. After it was over and everyone loved it so much she took credit for writing it. Then when the plagiarism came out the speech writers said they had written the speech but it didn't contain those passages when they gave it to her significantly before the convention. But what the speechwriter took the blame for was not reviewing it sufficiently after Melania had made her changes. There is no question that Melania plagiarized those passages from Michelle's speech. Dude, do you really think a professional speechwriter would steal from Michelle Obama's speech and then think they wouldn't get caught? You seem like a smart guy. Is the Trump kool-aid starting to seep into you brain?
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  6. I was on vacation last week and did not watch any of the convention. If this is indeed true and she took full credit for the speech before later recanting, that's unconscionable.

    No need to get personal. Besides, I wasn't the one invoking Reductio ad Hitlerum. :D

  7. TuckerAmbr likes this.
  8. No offense taken. And please don't confuse my critical analysis as some kind of tacit support for either candidate. I find both of them incredibly unpalatable for different reasons. Just think, we now all get to sift through 3+ months of relentless half-truths and distortions in the form of hundreds of millions of dollars worth of ubiquitous advertising.
    Pab10S likes this.
  9. This guy never stops. Here is a new news story in the New York Times about more of Trump absurd beliefs. I am baffled why anyone could vote for this guy:


    Encouraging the Russians to hack into our government's computer system. Putin has got to be hoping Trump wins because it would be so easy for him to manipulate someone so feeble minded like Trump to do his bidding.
    TuckerAmbr and FenrisTheWulf like this.
  10. Y' know. Trump is racist, has no political career, and has no clue what he's doing. Clinton has at least has SOME political knowledge. But to me it doesn't matter who wins. I'm moving to Canada if no one steps in to sort this stuff out. My mom PROMISES we will move to Canada if trump wins. I want to move either way. Canada's prime minister hugs pandas. Trump is just a cheeto. Clinton is... I dunno what she is. :p
    God_Of_Gods likes this.
  11. Trump will tear this country apart. He has no clue what he's doing. And from me that saying something because my family has nothing to do with politics. (And what does a 14 year old know about politics?)
  12. People promised to move out of the UK if we left the EU.

    Not many of those people did.
  13. were all screwed either way, pay attention to your local representatives yall congress and senate is mostly up for reelection do your research and hopefully we can get through these 4 years without much violence and hate.
    trump is a demagogue with no experience and a racist homophobic VP.
    hitlery is a warhawk bank bought and paid for corporate shrew.

    if this is the best either party can offer then the two party system is broken and done.
  14. Picking between the two candidates is like choosing between toothpaste and cucumber flavored chips or coconut and canned dog food flavored chips. (ew)
  15. All two party systems are broken lol. They don't work in a democratic system and contribute to people feeling like their vote doesn't matter. In this day and age proportional representation should just be a given.
    607 likes this.
  16. You seriously think Melania Trump had anything to do with writing that speech?
  17. I know it's hard to believe that she would write anything but who else would have been dumb enough to have plagiarized Michelle. I can't imagine anyone. Do you think it was Hillary too?
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  18. I think it's a result of the least genuine campaign in history, she was probably handed that speech an hour before going on. Was that speech writer paid off by Hilary, probably not, but I wouldn't be surprised by anything from her at this point.
  19. Ah, so it was Hillary. That's hilarious. You make me laugh too dude.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  20. What?, I said that it probably wasn't Hilary, just like Bush probably had nothing do do with 9/11, and just like you're probably not the dog in your profile picture.
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