Concordia {Established]

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Jun 8, 2014.

  1. Hi,
    this is Kaizimir, founder of Carthaga. We'd be delighted to host a representative of Concordia. What we can offer right now is not exactly an embassy, but a floor in our office building and a bed in our Inn. But Concordia is free to build there own embassy on Carthagean ground.We will support the Concordian embassador with whatever is needed.
    PoC also sent some representatives to Concordia and started building our embassy over there.

    Hope to meet you soon,
    Trapper777 likes this.
  2. The Engineer's guild first official meeting will be in 4 1/2 hours at my house, if you wish to participate in the guild please try to be there, if you can not be there please shot me a pm. We will be going over projects, appointing positions, and doing some other weird stuff.
  3. I have plans to offer point rewards for anyone taking up an ambassadorship, so we should be able to send someone soon!
  4. Seeing as I am a member of both of these outposts, I would very much like to take the place of communicator/ambassador between Concordia and Carthaga. I would feel very privileged to have the support of you two leaders as I've examined both of you in the past and you two are very diplomatic and skilled in the way of outposts :)
    Trapper777 likes this.
  5. It is resolved, then! I will appoint you as Ambassador. I will ensure you have opportunities to earn points for doing work for Carthaga on our behalf. :)
    Trapper777 likes this.
  6. Today, I distributed the first National Dividend to citizens! It was 25r, funded by a sale of 4 stacks of Stone Bricks to Justin1796 for 512r. Just a test to the system of course.

    We are currently in possession of a DC of Hardened Clay. I am currently considering offering a reward between 75-230 points to anyone who transports this DC to a chest on my residence.

    If we do get it auctioned, we are looking at every active citizen getting a share of around 900r. Being active in Concordia pays, so make sure you keep active and work hard!

    Also, there are now job boards for the Concordia Army, and the Diplomats' Guild. Diplomat board is currently a bit bare, but we have 15 jobs up on the Army board! They all involve obtaining EMC exclusive items. Here's a list of what we're looking for, and the point values for getting them.
    1. Dirt Destroying Ticking Tock - 700 points
    2. Momentus's Toothpick - 540 points
    3. Marlix's Bow - 470 points
    4. Dragon Stone - 450 points
    5. Vault Voucher - 250 points
    6. Stable Voucher - 200 points
    7. Any piece of Marlix armour - 140 points
    8. Nether Star or Beacon - 128 points
    9. Dragon Stone Fragment - 50 points
    10. Creeper Head - 7 points
    11. Horse - 5 points
    12. Shiny Flesh - 2 points
    13. Skeleton Skull
    14. 3 Zombie Viruses - 2 points
    15. Zombie Head - 1 point
    Remember, points mean more trust, easier borrowing of valuable items from storage and a better shot at high-ranking positions, so get out there, turn up the difficulty and kill some mobs!
  7. Well, loveland23 was banned from emc for griefing my house so i took his house down and i ill ask a senoir staff to remove his locked chests next time one is on
  8. Hmm, I was thinking of selling off his house to a citizen, but that works too. :)
  9. Wow... I was beginning to like him too. :p I better check my house and make sure there is no items stolen or something.
    72Volt and Trapper777 like this.
  10. May I ask if mman2832 has taken the spruce logs from the chest in front of the current barn, there was a full double chest and it seems mysterious to me that even the chest is no loner there.
  11. I most definetly did not take those logs, I don't steal. However there is a fair amount of dark oak logs left over from loveland's house which I put in the chest on the edge of his area, so you could probably have those if you need logs.
    72Volt and Trapper777 like this.
  12. Plan for today!
    1. Appoint Guildmaster for Mining.
    2. Build up Palace walls more (Mman should help)
    3. Stain the Glass and add red windows to NPA. This will be followed by orange windows in the Storage and Guild rooms, and yellow windows in the tree farm.
    4. Whatever else needs doing.
    Trapper777 likes this.
  13. I would like to announce I have appointed another new Guildmaster! Shrimped donated a whole Dragon Stone and 4 Beacons, and as such has invested a huge amount in this community. He was the logical first option. He will be Guildmaster for Mining, with responsibilities for allocating points and setting Mining jobs.
    Trapper777 likes this.
  14. Right, last night (GMT), I was reclaiming land from small ponds and had to put some items in a chest, when I logged back in this morning (GMT), I found myself in a barn, also to my surprise, most of my items that I had stored in a single chest and double chest were missing, that includes the double chest itself.

    I'm very unhappy about this, please contact your associates who built the barn with you about this, I hope we can resolve this peacefully with no need for staff involvement. I would very much like to know exactly who took the items and why.

    72Volt likes this.
  15. Hi Pure,
    Mizzo and (I think) Justin built the barn for animal storage. It had slipped my mind that you were planning on building your house there, and I should have told them. For that, I must apologise.

    You can have a word with Mizzo about the matter if you wish and ask her what she did with your items. I'm certain she couldn't have misplaced them far. I advise you remain calm, diplomatic and open to resolve the issue. If you are frustrated, I will be on tomorrow to have a word with Mizzo if the two of you cannot resolve the issue.

    Wishing you well,
    wisepsn likes this.
  16. OK guys I've been banned for 1 day because of a misunderstanding with pure, but the plus side is we have it all worked out. I will see you all in a day.
  17. I think better communication may result in preventing a similar circumstance in the future. As an Established outpost, we do have the right to move items and take down unnecessary structures without it being considered griefing, but you can only do so with my permission. A simple message on the thread letting me know won't hurt. :)
  18. sure thing, in the future i will do.
    72Volt likes this.
  19. In other news I finished the nether rail
    Trapper777 and 72Volt like this.
  20. Great work! I'll fix up the OP later today and add that in :)