[Community Discussion] Voting Perks

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Sep 21, 2012.

  1. So many people who haven't read the OP. *Shakes my head and walks away*
    mba2012 likes this.
  2. Have the ability to buy the Super Admin rank for over 9 million credits. I wonder how many people would actually try and save up for it...
    IamSaj, mba2012, penfoldex and 2 others like this.
  3. Vote every day for 9 million days...
    I will be approximately 24,663 years old by the time I become a Super Admin.
    DogsRNice, IamSaj, 1998golfer and 6 others like this.
  4. gonna vote right now
  5. maybe {'voter'} and it switches colors if you vote for like 2 days in a row.

    btw I think this is an amazing idea!
  6. Sounds neat, might ruin the economy though.

    Joking, of course lol. ;)

    I would suggest just a short and simple thing before their name for "vote sprees" - something like:

    [6VOTES]AlexChance: Haha! This is so cool, but it might look a bit messy. :/
    but then questions might be raised about what that means.

    I don't like things that use too many [THESE]. It makes things like messy. So how about something that only says how many times you have voted when you log in?

    AlexChance joined the game, last seen seconds ago. [6 VOTE STREAK!]
    Maybe? Just a few ideas to throw around. :)
  7. I like the second thing. Make it more obvious that you logged in, let people know what you've done. Keeps chat pretty.
    Equinox_Boss and AlexChance like this.
  8. Yeah, I just hate logging into a server and seeing players with:


  9. i agree with jack. i also think a star would be better because it is not as long as :::10101Link10101::: so it would not make people with long usernames even longer and therefor not making the chat as messy and full of symbols.

  10. I say this is a good idea especially with supporter trials i want to test out how a diamond supporter does things
  11. An unrelated topic for the staff to consider: could it be possible to have the access to ovens be dumped under the container flag instead of /res pset use? I'm building an absolutely massive city and would LOVE to be able to flag everyone /res set use so that i do not have to have an access sign over every door and button due to the fact that they would otherwise be able to steal out of my ovens. If there is anyway this would be possible, it would be awesome.
  12. I think we should do the :::player::: I also think that the other ideas were perfect
  13. Great ideas! I've always tried to vote regularly but I thought in comparison to others servers we didn't get much but this new system seems great! I have to admit though I do like how on EMC voting is an extra and not often advertised in-game unlike other servers. Perhaps adding an in-game message containing a link to the earning rupees page could boost the amount of votes considering not all players are as active as others on the forums.
    For Example; in-game message
    Vote for EMC to earn great prizes! Click this link for more information: http://empire.us/rupees
    5weety and mba2012 like this.
  14. Consider making the "badge" optional, so people who don't like wearing badges will also (continue to) vote.

    Yes, please keep the chat clean, it is a pain already.
  15. You already know my opinion about exchanging in-game goods for out-of-game things
    and free rupees and making the game easier instead of harder and more interesting.

    But, (just an idea, I did not think this through) - maybe it would work as it is if it would be
    two-way, so if one could buy supporter status with rupees, perhaps up to gold supporter,
    perhaps for the double amount of free rupees, so one month of iron supporter status
    would cost 12k rupees. This could create a significant "money sink," even out the odds a bit
    and round up the economy, make it sustainable.

    To exchange credits for iron supporter status and/or /map hide is an interesting idea, but ...
    one wants to hide from the map really just for one reason - to avoid stalking and griefing.
    Griefing is poison for the game, I feel that it should be prevented wherever reasonable.

    So why to forcibly expose non-supporters / non-voters to stalking and griefing anyway?

    Without the people who go in the wild, mine, collect stuff, build farms, enchant items,
    provide services etc. all the millions of rupees would be worth nothing.
    I think they should get more recognition and have less disadvantages.
  16. For the Emc Credits, I suggest keeping Rupees and Double Xp Time. No need for supporter demo since its self explanatory in the perks chart.
  17. I've voted on every possible site (included in the post) and I plan to do so from now on EVERY DAY! Hope the Empire continues to grow as it has done!
    IcecreamCow likes this.
  18. I completely disagree with that. While doing the research for The Empire in Perspective, every other server that I went on had chat much much worse than ours. Messages scrolled past 10x faster than on EMC, to the extent where you couldn't read it and all you could see is the same people repeating the same messages over and over again.

    Now jump back to EMC, and it's just so much better than that. No [LEVEL 20 DONATOR] prefixing names (yes, 1 server did this and it looked terrible and really clogged up chat), or chat channels being written in full words. We just have the supporter colours and 1 letter prefix. I really don't see how that's a pain...
  19. I recommend geting this done and get all players familiar with how this will work within the next month starts and votes will be reseted on most voting sites.