Civilisation Plan (locked)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by ocelot3101, Jul 4, 2014.

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  1. I feel like I should weigh in.

    Firstly, Kitten. It must be said, you have a great deal of enthusiasm for the wild! I have seen that from the fact that you haven't just given up after the Second New Republic, and it is quite clear you want to run an outpost. What I think you could benefit from is some guidance.

    What I learned from the New Republic is, you can't create a direct functioning copy of a real life government within survival multiplayer Minecraft. Minecraft and real life are quite different. The government models which work in real life may be inefficient in Minecraft, and vice versa (can you imagine if the LLO was a thing in real life? :p)

    Elections for legislatures like the Grand Democratic Assembly and referenda for things like constitutions are very time consuming, and they will hold back progress as you try to develop your outpost. For the New Republic, which peaked at 100 citizens (very few of which were active), representative democracy and constitutions are vastly inefficient.

    It is from that lesson I'd like you to learn from. You can go much further without representative democracy, trust me. :)

    Secondly, the Neore. People may associate the Grand Republican Neore with past models of the Neore, such as the original NR Neore or indeed the Neore of the Second NR. A bit of rebranding may aid you there. Make sure your ideas are detailed and clear, otherwise you might find people making false assumptions about your ideas, and unfairly criticising you.

    Thirdly, I think you'd be better making new regions as you go along. It's great to have a long-term plan for how you're going to make use of the surrounding land, but make it clear it's a plan, people on EMC don't like the claiming of huge tracts of empty land. :p

    One more thing:

    Don't insult people, it's not nice. :)

    As for the people on this thread criticizing, I think Kitten may be more receptive to your suggestions if everyone is more level-headed and positive about it. Kitten has a great deal of enthusiasm and potential and is capable of contributing a lot to the wider Wild community of EMC, and this should be kept in mind. I'd avoid jumping straight to criticisms.

    Jk, I think this was a pretty unfair joke to make. Constructive criticism is fine, but it's not nice to ridicule the ideas of others. I understand you may see it as a harmless jibe, but to me, and certainly to Kitten, it comes across as ridiculing. In addition, it was unfair to immediately put down Kitten's Neore idea. I agree that part of the blame lies with Kitten for not making it sufficiently detailed to avoid confusion, but you were very quick to bluntly say it wasn't allowed, without even asking "Is it based upon the Neore system, or the Concordian system?"

    I look at Kitten's attempts at a wild outpost, and I see myself. I see myself struggling after the SMP5 lava wall fiasco, I see myself starting that tunnel project in the wild which never got started, I see myself setting up that cross-server communist faction thing on my residence, and I see myself going into the wild and trying to set up that outpost on SMP8 with my friend, only to see nobody come.

    But what am I today? I am considered an EMC celebrity. I was behind the second-largest wild outpost in EMC history, and am behind what is currently the fastest-growing outpost on EMC. I turned my failures of the past into a classic item of EMC culture. "Remember that one time 72Volt said he'd make lava walls around SMP5's wild? lololol"

    I believe Kitten is the same. With guidance, Kitten can contribute a huge amount to EMC. I implore everyone to give Kitten all the support and guidance necessary for him to succeed. :)
    607, cddm95ace and SkyDragonv8 like this.
  2. It is a reference to when he was advertising the second nr on the servers. He came on SMP5 once and was like "Anyone want to join the Second Newd Republic?!" and everyone was like "lol" and he even laughed at it too. But I guess because I said it he automatically thinks of it as "Your ideas suck blah blah blah". I threw out his Neore idea immediately because it was stated by NZ that the Neore in any form was not allowed as a currency. Before I knew what he meant by the new style, I assumed it was either an old world currency or a multi-server currency with an economic center in a website, which either of those broke all the rules that the old one did.
  3. Wow, little confident are we?
    penfoldex and Mrlegitislegit like this.
  4. You have made very great points in your post, and I applaud you for that. But I do have some questions:
    Fastest growing outpost? You made another? When?
    An EMC-Celebrity? Eh. It depends on how you look at it. I see you as an Economicalogy politick person.

    Kitten, I agree with 72volt about the ambitiousgdytgs. Sometimes, similar to the LLO (I think), you have to start small. Rome was not built in a day.
  5. Just get out NOW.
    I do not need you wrecking this thread like LAST TIME.
  6. Advertising?
    In that case,how come Estona BREAKS OUT FREE FOR ADVERTISING!
  7. this thread is already wrecked.
    jkjkjk182, SteamedEcko and 607 like this.
  8. I believe that Kitten has the right to defend his thread as where no one is allowed to offend it.

    I believe jkjkjk was very out of line with the Nude Republic joke but so was Kitten with the IQ thing.

    Both I believe are in breach of EMC Rules, please correct me if I'm wrong.

    I'm not trying to attack the thread or defend it, this is from an outsiders point of view.

    I do admire your efforts in trying to start a successful outpost Kitten, like the others though, I don't very much admire your methods, I, once again like others, suggest you start small and work your way up :)
    607 and Kaizimir like this.
  9. Oh gosh, here it comes again. I wish my threads had so much attention, lol.

    I would highly recommend that the people that already flamed in the 2nd NR thread just shut up and let kitten do his thing. Maybe it is even necessary to enforce this by moderators. Kitten obviously doesn't care about your suggestions and wants to make his own mistakes, so just leave him alone. How about that?
    Mrlegitislegit likes this.
  10. Yes. For that, I have no apologies. :)
    607 likes this.
  11. If any of you have serious constructive criticism,and will put it forward in a nice way,or want to simply share ideas,go to the more organised thread I just made:)
  12. Please keep posts in a single post, thanks
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  13. I am locking this thread now. I will be messaging players separately, but this type of disrespect to other members of the Empire on BOTH sides is disgraceful and will NOT be tolerated. I have allowed this to go on for far too long thanks to it being a holiday weekend or I would have put my foot down prior to now.

    No more threads about this are to be made until cleared by me.
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