Civilisation Plan (locked)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by ocelot3101, Jul 4, 2014.

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  1. Now,while I ignore someones attempts to annoy me:I,I have reserved this post for planned towns.
    Also,after re-reading the 1st NR thread,I've decided to only let in 14 people until the constitution is written...
  2. My recommendation would be to write your constitution before announcing the outpost to the public. Obviously, that's not an option now. Also, I don't think the constitution system really works for an outpost, its just too complicated. You should just have a set of rules that you write up and modify as you need.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  3. But in the OP you said you were a dictator, and then said you were a president. You can't be a president in a dictatorship.

    Also, put these into one post, otherwise it just looks messy and nobody takes a chain-poster seriously :p
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  4. Who needs civilization?

    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  5. In the OP I said I was Dictator until 25 people and 2 Cities:I
  6. Because it is better!

    On another server we have details of a PLOT by the Government to overthrow the President!
  8. I think that was supposed to be private :p /tell fail.
  9. I know:p
  10. Wo W how may I just say before u accuse me (I'm InfinityX) kitten was using social spy and she had op forced on arvengs server
  11. That's when he used social spy
  12. And I've said before I no longer have anything to do with the nr
  13. OP forced?
    Really,what's yours and Arvengs IQ when I said I forced OP as a joke...
  14. It came across that way
  15. People making outposts need to sit back, look at what they are doing in a grander perspective and make things attractive for other people. Kitten, this is not an insult, but you need to be able to take constructive criticism or idea's from other people, or the whole plan will fall apart just like last time.
    cddm95ace, 607 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  16. I am not listening to jkjkjk's plans,because he was one of the key contributors to the crashes of my ideas in the past...
    He specifically ignored my notice that I would not allow rude comments.
  17. Although he is just one of the people who has noticed a flaw so far, there is a difference between rude comments and criticism(constructive or not).
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  18. Ty
  19. 607 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  20. This is on a different server so that's not the point
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