Civilisation Plan (locked)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by ocelot3101, Jul 4, 2014.

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  1. he still insulted you on EMC :p
  2. How lol oh I c
  3. The only rude comment I see in this thread is...
    Yeah, you need to deal with this guy.
    I would like to point out that I had nothing to do with your several failed plans. That was all your doing. While I did know of the plans and post criticism about them and post about how some parts were against the rules, the fact is that your plans failed because you refused to majorly compromise or change. There is no one to blame but yourself. And until you realize and accept that what happened before was all your fault, you will not make progress forward.

    /rant. lol
    mba2012, Traynfreek and 607 like this.
  4. Nude Republic perhaps?
  5. Kitten, you have never been successful with these plans in the past, so why do you insist on doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome? That's insanity. I think people have made it very clear that they don't want to be apart of your plans, which is probably because of your constant rudeness and abuse of caps. You need to take a break from this. Go join another outpost as a citizen so you can get some experience on how things should be done, and how to be a leader.
    Traynfreek likes this.
  6. I would like to say, as a founder of an outpost, that in order for any good amount of progress to be made ,you need to be able to compromise. Our plan was to build a castle on the side of the island and build around it, but we now use it as a storage building, mineshaft and docks since we needed a lot more resources than previously thought.

    Kitty, if you believe i am in error in any way, please hesitate to respond because i have my own problems. Thank you and have a nice day.

    Sign, Traynfreek
    devon699 likes this.
  7. Oh wait. The forced OP was an obvious joke but the Nude Republic is rude? :confused:
    Maybe I should stay out of this, but I have my doubts too...
  8. It was a joke, and quite an obvious one at that. If you can't even let harmless jokes towards your plans be accepted without automatically being considered "rude", then that is just sad. This setup is very similar to China, where they only accept good stuff being said about them. Any criticism (past and present), jokes, and references to things done wrong in the past are strictly prohibited and categorized as being rude or spam (in this outposts case).
  9. FYI,I hate some of China's policies:I
    And guess what?
    You like to CLEARLY ignore my notices!
  10. I'm not successful because some idiot comes along and tries to be nasty!
  11. I must say, I do agree with this statement.
    Traynfreek and SoulPunisher like this.
  12. "People who boast about their IQ are losers" - Stephen Hawking, 2014 :rolleyes:
    jkjkjk182 and princebee like this.
  13. I don't even know what an iq is =P
  14. basically a measurement of your intelligence.
    The average was 100 when it was first created, however i think it's 122 now
  15. It stands for intelligence quotient. It 'measures' your smartness. Really, its just a 'grade' put there that in no way represents what areas you're good at; just the ones you're expected to be good at.

    Also, THOMAS THE TANK ENGINE JUST DIED. You derailed the thread so he fell to his doom over a ravine ;-;
    607 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  17. I'm not boasting:I
    I'm asking...
  18. Well seems that thread getting out of hand. Kitten,you should know what was going to happen because of the last thread you had. Also currency allowed on Emc are in-game rupees. Another thing after reading this thread you are doing this on another server? Am I right if so you are going to be using Emc forums to recruit members which is advertising other servers and is bannable offense.
  19. No no no!
    I am not putting any IPs on here...
    People will have to find the website for themselves also,which will have the IPs on.
    It is points here.
    Like concordia
  20. So what you are saying is that these points are for ranks only, and absolutely no other reason? And what ranks do the points get you? I see nothing in your main post about other ranks other than supreme dictator and do-as-the-dictator-says peasant. If you expect people to be able to understand and accept your system, you are going to have to actually give them the information about it. In the Concordia thread, they clearly explain points and ranks, so we know what it means. You can't keep just regurgitating that it is like the Concordia system, because like is very different from same. If you want to let people know that you are within the rules, then put some substance behind your claims.
    Traynfreek likes this.
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