Bye EMC - Going to be way Less Active!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by finch_rocks_1, Dec 9, 2017.

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  1. Windylava, padde73, Roslyn and 3 others like this.
  2. I'm going to sleep now bois and grills

    Since we're clearly past the point of anything constructive and have resorted to posting gifs as responses, I'm betting on this thread being locked by the time I wake up (which could be anywhere from 6 to 13 hours so probably not a bet i can lose tbh).

    night xxxxxxxxx
  3. Grills? you feel the need to say goodnight to something that cooks steak and potatoes?
  4. did you just assume a grills gender?
  5. I wouldn't say gender.. but what it feels like its supposed to cook?
    FadedMartian and bitemenow15 like this.
  6. well seeing how my grill is all metal. Yes I am. IT is a hard metal genderless grill
    FadedMartian likes this.
  7. FadedMartian likes this.
  8. OK, this is probably my final statement on this thread.

    As I have said multiple times already, I'm very upset with finch leaving and that people would have to behave in any rude way. However, this thread has gone off-topic and turned into drama. Therefore, I likely will not participate in it much, although I will still be watching the thread closely. The waters are rough right now and have been for quite a while, and I feel the need to either let things calm on their own now, or if they still get worse, have the staff force the drama to stop.
    607 likes this.
  9. so non-binary then?
    FadedMartian and NathanRP like this.
  10. we okay I lied I do have a digital grill but only when I order out. so maybe part binary
  11. Bye.
    Take care. Try not to get yourself isolated too much.
  12. Well, bye, I guess.
    I see this thread has immedeatly turned in some sort of debate thread... With all sorts of memes and things thah are irrelevant to what this thhread is about. No matter if it's true or not true what all happend, this is the way you feel about what happend, that's all that matters, and it's a shame. Your own freedom stops when you start limmeting that of others. When will people understand?
    Well, good luck wherever you go, I guess...
  13. *claps*
    I always love your contributions to threads like these. :) Simple, upright, and honest!
  14. well this made me really sad :/
    because it's not fun to see people go
    even tho i didnt know you that well, we only talked a couple of times and i liked those talks.
    also i completely understand the reasons you are leaving
    you don't even need to be part of the lgbt community too notice how much bullshit you guys have to take everyday
    just for showing who you actually are
    i don't think i'll ever understand how people can be and talk like that
    to someone whose life is not there own.
    i have always had a lot of respect for that community
    and i hope one day, that the whole world would too

    i hope the best for you in the futur, and i really hope you find this community :)

    i hope ^ thats understandable
    english isn't my best language :p
    We3_MPO likes this.
  15. I just wanted to say that there's some people on here (this thread) that really do have a point and I believe there is value in listening to them. Personally, Im a christian but I don't go around here telling people to read the bible or they'll go to hell... no... never would I. I saw someone comment that we're all unique and what we choose to believe or live by, etc. is what makes us individuals, that is very true. I know you've posted some very overwhelming and personal information about yourself that was a bit much for a family friendly server like this.

    Just going to say the first time I was in VC with you, it wasn't a pleasant or friendly introduction because you were very upfront about the LGBTQ conversations and that you were so angry that no one was responding to you... so we just left :/ Its the way youve approached people about this part of you that no one really wants to care or show kindness because its just turned into one big ball of negative blugh.

    I hope you can understand this.
  16. Could you please check this paragraph again? I feel like there might be a few mistakes in it, which makes it a bit confusing. (for example: was it really a pleasant or friendly introduction?)
    Luneyia likes this.
  17. XD thank you fellow grammar nazi! the absence of one single letter made a massive difference
    MissBonnieParker and 607 like this.
  18. I am going to summarize what I saw over this thread and throw my opinion in the hat.

    I am more than willing to accept others race/religion/gender/etc. If they want to do something that doesn't hurt anyone, go for it, nothing is stopping them. More often than not in this day of age most people are afraid to speak their own opinions, myself included in the backlash it causes. As my good buddy told me, "People are too crazy nowadays and believe me, the wilderness is the only place you can speak your mind." You, Finch, have put yourself in a situation where you threw that ideology out the window. That, in turn, put the community on edge because 1. You made it a larger issue than it needed to be on a Family-Friendly Server. Kids, parents, and other older folk are tired of hearing it. It's been broadcasted over news outlets all the time. I can't tell you which is more annoying, the people marching or the people who complain about the marching. What you should do is join a movement which is near where you live and make a difference there. 2. Shutting down others opinions are the quickest way to create drama in EMC and in real life.You have to accept that others will have a different opinion, that is human nature to have a opinion. 3. Last point, asking for people to feel sorry for you when you take a break and wait for EMC to "Become more supportive". That is a very petty way of saying, "I am leaving because I made a large deal out of my beliefs, there is a backlash against me, but please do send support." I'm not going to send you that support. That is a sinking ship that you need to deal with and I will not be apart of.

    I still consider you as a friend, choices need to be made by this point on your end. Hopefully, in three month time or so, I hope you found what your persona should be and come to EMC.
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