Anti-Griefing Update! 8/15/16

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, Aug 14, 2016.

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  1. Lots of new stuff here, a great update. Glad to see it's here, and looking forward to what we have coming in the future! :)
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  2. Since i'm the friend in question here i'll give a more detailed description of the door. what it is is a 2x2 hidden piston door with a torch key. if your on smp7 later i have a replica on one of my alts res's i'd be happy to show you if your curious. But basically, as jossy stated, you find the block place a torch and it opens. I did that becuase there are certain things underneath my castle that i only want certain people to know about, aka fellow outpost members. not just some random person who has stumbled upon my precious Haven. Now i get that this may seem unfair to the wayward traveler but the door in question leads to my 'vaults' as i call them and i plan on moving my valuables down there eventually. and ik ik 'but wyntyr just use the lock signs no problem' and thats a good idea but i'm not going to lock 100+ chests when some of them just contain wood, saplings, sand ect. the ores yeah maybe but the common blocks? nah. so the whole idea is to have the door hidden. i'm not above using levers and buttons just prefer completely 100% hidden doors :) which is why i have redstone torches all over down there. much easier to hide a torch in a sea of others than it is a chest full of them.
  3. So yeah, great update. Small quirk with the common way of sealing a passage. I had the same experience..vouched for someone so they could pass through a blocked entry, they sealed it up behind them, now the original builder can't get through. :)

    'A' makes door.
    'B' vouches for 'C'.
    'C' walks through and reseals.
    'B' can get through but 'A' is blocked.

    It's only a problem because of the way we've been trained to make secret passages. We just need a new design. They don't have to be as hidden as they used to be, and we can seal up the redstone behind them to keep them safe from tampering. (e.g. It doesn't matter if the player sees the device now.)

    Some some methods we might use: key based entry (signed book), an item sorter (toss a ghast tear to get in), the combination lock with a set of item frames that shell mentioned...and other things that are non-destructive.

    Could also build multiple side-by-side entry ways. Like if you have a wall that has columns of sandstone-dirt-stone-emerald-gold, each material could be an entry for a different person. It's not as hidden as it used to be, but it doesn't have to be anymore.

    Just an idea...maybe temporary because who knows what awesome upgrades are coming next :)

    (edit: those points are mostly for protected room entry...hiding a passage in the nether has to deal with players digging around)
  4. i think dark prismarine should be added to the list :)
    lanterns are already added so why not dark prism?
    Zrugite and ShelLuser like this.
  5. its kind of silly to call for blocks to be added to the list. just /buildmode voila, its protected. why add more blocks to the list?
    607 and ChickenDice like this.
  6. For blocks already placed, is my guess.
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  7. I don't think they should log any blocks that spawn naturally. It could end up causing a lot of confusion to seperate what's player made destroyed blocks and what's actually natural. Also, as gawawa the drolt said, /buildmode will protect everything you place including uncommon blocks
  8. Maybe because of the Wastelands.

    Although you cannot use /buildmode in the wastelands the uncommon blocks are still protected. So I can well imagine that some players might prefer certain blocks to be protected by default as well.
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  9. Eh sorry for the double post

    If that were the case, blocks in ocean temples would randomly get protected too? I'm not sure how the system works for non-user placed items. Technically they would have no owner so I'm not sure whether that would equate to eveyone being able to break them, or no one being to break them... or in the worst case scenario, it disrupting the continuum of space time and creating a black hole that would swallow EMC
    khixan and 607 like this.
  10. Those are naturally spawned in. Shouldn't be any protection on them until someone places them.
    khixan and ShelLuser like this.
  11. i just found it weird that lanterns are protected and dark prism not
    both items can be found in the wild tho
    and yes :p i have build a netherrail with dark prism and forgot to do /buildmode because i thought those would be protected automaticly :p
    thats why i posted it :)
    ShelLuser likes this.
  12. Sorry for a late reaction. I noticed your question earlier but with these things I'm not giving answers before I know for sure that things work as I expect them to work. There's a bit too much at stake here for my liking, and I didn't have the time to check this out before.

    I hope I didn't overlook a previous answer, but if so... oh well ;)

    Correct. The problem is that chests fall under the uncommon blocks, so when a player places a chest it'll be automatically protected.

    Tell the players who place the chests (and the signs) to use /noprotectmode before placing. This will ensure that all the blocks they place won't be protected (so they behave normally) which also allows other players to "take over" those chests.
    khixan likes this.
  13. Adding objects to the list doesn't make existing blocks suddenly protected. It's only the blocks on the list that have been logged, so if a new block is added there is no way for the system to know who originally placed it.
    So adding new blocks to the list doesn't make much sense to me, as you could use /buildmode anyway from now on.
    jkjkjk182 and Uber_Corq like this.
  14. That's so annoying that you need to enable /buildmode every time. Because it's something you forgot todo pretty easy.

    Would be nice if build mode where automatic on in frontier and disabled in waste.
    Zrugite likes this.
  15. If build mode was automatic in the frontier then you could very easily cause problems when making something you don't want to keep. If someone goes and makes a dirt tower (which they sometimes do) in the frontier and keeps build mode on, suddenly nobody can get rid of that tower.

    Just need to remember to turn it on. You should only be turning it on if you're building and want to keep that build protected.
    ShelLuser, khixan and 607 like this.
  16. Yes your right, but that is what most of the times happen. building.
    Oh well, turn it on or turn it off. but you forget.

    I wish i did have soem reminder to turn it on.
  17. If it is on you'll get a red warning every 30 seconds (I think) which tells you that buildmode is on. Just try to keep in mind that if you're building you should see that warning pop up.
  18. Yeah, but you've got to admit, it takes much longer to notice something is there than to notice it isn't. :p
    Edit: No, the other way around. :confused:
    bitemenow15, khixan and ShelLuser like this.
  19. Wait, I wrote the opposite of what I meant :p
    Ah, I should really leave for the day, my head's too tired anyway.
    See you all tomorrow!
    (this is pretty off-topic, I hope you don't mind)
    ShelLuser likes this.
  20. But there's no warning that build mode if off !
    Zrugite likes this.
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