After talking with 72Volt and the staff...

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Mrlegitislegit, Mar 31, 2015.

  1. Finally, about time I got a better market to sell my fire resist potions ;)
    607 likes this.
  2. It is not April 1st EMC time though, that is the time that matters. ;)

    Lava walls are always necessary.
    MrBigBux likes this.
  3. I fully approve of this. Due to sheer ingenuity for his idea, Mrlegitislegit will be promoted to Developer tomorrow.
  4. Mystery:

    Is this true or fake??
  5. Exactly my point.
  6. Firespread is turned of, right? Otherwise we might get forest fires.
  7. We can build a water wall instead? Drowns without burning:) Plus you get the items from the dead player!
  8. I think we should just make an enormous wall of my head. It'd greatly decrease the rariy of them, but a beautiful portait of myself around every wild spawn would be inspiring. ;)
    607 likes this.
  9. A nice thing about that is that you will be able to see through the wall.
  10. Well I would like to do my part so I am selling Lava at smp3 /v 7313 smp6 /v 13131 smp7 /v 15151 :p
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  11. Sorry to say folks, this isn't an April Fools joke, this was posted before April Fools.
  12. Lol there are a lot of Aikar, Krysyys and JustinGuy lookalikes on this thread. =P

    Lava looks like the perfect hideout where you might expect to find a red dragon lurking.
    f_Builder_s and 607 like this.
  13. Why are you sorry to say that? :confused:
  14. Luckly I didnt thought you were aikar :p (common guys, this is like the 6th fake xD)
    Patr1cV likes this.
  15. Yeah, I found another one ^

    Oh nevermind...
    Patr1cV likes this.
  16. Actually Legit, I just negotiated something better with the staff in the conversation.

    Aikar is putting a wall of barrier blocks, 3 blocks thick to prevent people glitching through, around each Wild and Wastelands spawn, and charging to get through that instead. More efficient than mere lava, no? They didn't have anything this fancy back in June 2012.

    Don't know how you didn't know that, are you not checking your PMs?
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  17. People using 1.7 will be able to glitch through it ;)
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  19. I saw Aikar recently mention a wall of death update. So yeah, it sounds very realistic to me that they'd lower the total radius and copy these to every outpost. Not to keep us in of course but to keep those pesky mobs out of the outposts ;) I mean, Aikar said so, right? :eek:

    (small disclaimer, just in case :p ).
    607 likes this.
  20. So since EMC is 1.7 you're saying that the server can glitch through it's own walls!? :eek:
    This got weird fast..