1.11 Discussion

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by 607, Sep 25, 2016.

  1. Sorry for 2 posts, I read about the map bug above, but fortunately you can check them out if you want.

    First give yourself enough items to trade:
    • /give @p paper 64
      • Use this command twice to get enough paper.
    • /give @p compass 64
    • /give @p emerald 64
    Then summon a cartographer: /summon minecraft:villager ~ ~-1 ~4 {Profession:1,Career:1}

    The ~ ~-1 ~4 are coordinates (x, y, z), change them accordingly. A safe command would probably be: ~5 ~ ~ (villager spawns 5 blocks away from you on the x axis).

    Now trade your items (usually: first paper for emeralds, then a compass for emeralds, then emeralds for an empty map) and after you've done these trades you should be able to nab the Ocean explorer & Woodland explorer maps.
    607 and gladranger7 like this.
  2. As soon as I figure out how to tame it sure.
    Kytula beat me to it, but here are some lama's!

  3. I found a mansion /locate but mine have a few hidden rooms. There was a room with a spider spawner and another with a chest.

    Has this been the usual finds ?
  4. I have only explored one... I was intending to explore another in a bit, I shall edit in what I find
    gladranger7 likes this.
  5. Wow, those different carpet designs are really cool! I really like how the designs are so diverse!..
    ShelLuser and gladranger7 like this.
  6. I wish I could like like u all a bunch more I will invade ur profils and like it all!
  7. AFKed in an empty Mansion for 15 minutes, no respawns. Got some spiders, skeletons, and zombies though. Also, I LOVE the purple carpet design. Can I wear? Pls? =) Also, disaster on the way:

  8. wait u cant ride them and direct them?! like a pig or u cant lead others from the back of one?
    AncientTower likes this.
  9. A cartographer makes finding a woodland mansion much easier. If your in creative use spawn eggs to get one and trade up to it's last tier which has the explorer maps.
    I love the green and the purple.
    Hopefully they will be made ride able later or perhaps theirs something we have missed.
    Kytula, 607 and gladranger7 like this.
  10. The shulker box backpack is awesome. They don't stack but you can hold a single chest of items in one and a completely different set of items in another. That means a ender chest can hold 27 Shulker boxes which now means an ender chest can hold 13.5 DC of items. This is so crazy, it's going to be nuts collecting that much stuff while mining.

    This will make storing stuff a whole different level. 27 DC in one DC. Bonus the Shulker box lets you know what's in it when you hover the mouse over it while it's in another container.
    gladranger7, 607 and ShelLuser like this.
  11. If your just spawning the cartographer in creative. Why not just do /locate and tp to the mansion.
    gladranger7 likes this.
  12. Because the update is about exploration. ;)
    MissFable and AncientTower like this.
  13. Even better, use this command: /summon minecraft:villager ~ ~-1 ~4 {Profession:1,Career:1}

    See my previous post ;)
    gladranger7 and AncientTower like this.
  14. Where is the fun in that? Besides I wanted to see how the explorer maps worked.
    Yes :D
    A note on explorer maps: that little white dot on the side/corner of the map is where you are relative to the section of the world show on the map meaning if the dot is on the left side of the map you need to go east to get to where the map shows.
    If your in the area shown on the map you will appear on that map as a little boat shaped arrow.
    So far all mansions I have found have been in Roofed Forests.
  15. Got onto 1.11 and unfortunatly you cant control where the llamas walk.. bht what food do they breed with?
    Kytula likes this.
  16. nobody knows yet... probably next snapshot
    607 likes this.
  17. Have you tired every food source?