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Dec 31, 2024 at 11:34 PM
Dec 20, 2015
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Massachusetts, USA
Cut flower/Produce farmer

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, Male, from Massachusetts, USA

farmerguyson was last seen:
Viewing thread [AUCTION] MACE - New 1.21, Dec 31, 2024 at 11:34 PM
    1. farmerguyson
      Going out to the Wastelands for some Super Turkeys.
    2. farmerguyson
      Gobble Gobble....
      1. Nickblockmaster and luckycordel like this.
    3. farmerguyson
      I installed the Pojav Launcher on my phone yesterday. It works great. I can now jump onto EMC instead of playing a mindless Balistic game to pass the time. The only problem is, even with reading glasses, the screen is too small.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. farmerguyson
        I did notice the high heat from the back of the phone so I take a lot of breaks and I used it while charging to maintain a good charge.
        It has taken a bit of practice to adjust to the "touch" control so I've limited my use to sorting inventory and collecting resources but I don't feel confident enough to use an elytra.
        Nov 24, 2021
      3. chickeneer
        Note to people that are reading this status. While Pojav Launcher is not disallowed, I do not recommend it... And would prefer it not be recommended to people here on EMC.
        Again, you can use it for now. But its support is not guaranteed. :)
        Nov 25, 2021
      4. farmerguyson
        Okay, I had given that some thought too, of it not being recommended. I was giving it up anyway since my eyesight isn't what it used to be and the small screen makes it worse.
        Nov 25, 2021
    4. farmerguyson
      Thank you to the player that upgraded me to Iron. I feel like part of the club now. 🙂
    5. farmerguyson
      Started harvesting Persimmon today. Tons of fruit this year!
    6. farmerguyson
      Away, I'd rather sail away, Like a swan that's here and gone. What a voice! Heard it on the local radio today.
    7. farmerguyson
      It's a cool hot cocoa day. I used every kind of cocoa powder I could find in the cabinet. Added mini marshmallows on top ans made a cup for my wife. 😉
      1. CarFryer likes this.
    8. farmerguyson
      Microsoft put their foot down on my yesterday. My Windows 10 PC went through a "Forced update". I had no options other than "Restart Now". I've never seen a forced update. It took 3 hours to complete. Through out it the screen was a danger red color. Odd.
      1. JesusPower2 likes this.
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      3. farmerguyson
        Yeah, the entire Windows system lacks connectivity. As if all of the departments involved with development don't talk out their ideas so it has a better experience for the user.
        Oct 27, 2021
      4. farmerguyson
        I enjoy using tech and especially developing apps but I refuse to talk to a device. If Data, from Star Trek, was around I would make an exception. There is already too much noise in the environment. I don't want to hear a family member talking to a computer.
        Oct 27, 2021
      5. JesusPower2
        At one point, Microsoft added forced updates to their Surface tablet, which you could only postpone for 15-minutes (!). This was incredibly inconsiderate of them. As much as possible I move away from MS products.
        Oct 27, 2021
    9. farmerguyson
      Adding another 1700+ DCs to my main storage area. I'm using Amethyst block for the ceiling with Sea Lantern lighting. The Amethyst makes the ceiling look like a star filled sky, very nice block to work with. Maybe shroom lights would look better, I give it a try.
    10. farmerguyson
      Started on orgaizing my main storage system. Having dozens of shulkers is nice but sorting them out takes a ton of time.
      1. Nickblockmaster likes this.
    11. farmerguyson
      Mickey, Minnie and all their friends are busy preparing for the coming Winter. Unfortunately they are storing their seed and nut collection in the ceiling. All I can do is sit and listen to them play soccer with an acorn. How do they do that with speed in total darkness?
    12. farmerguyson
      I survived! Lost half my health though.
    13. farmerguyson
      I can't connect. I was in the middle of killing a creeper when my arrows stopped in mid flight. I hope I'm not dead.
      1. UltiPig likes this.
    14. farmerguyson
      I really have to modify my approach to home projects, maybe projects in general. What started as touching up the painted kitchen wall behind the fridge that needed to be replaced has turned into a complete kitchen make over but not in the right order.
      1. UltiPig and Silken_thread like this.
      2. farmerguyson
        Ok, so I painted the wall behind the fridge and that was going to be it. Then I looked at the cabinets that haven't been cared for since we moved 20+ years ago. We picked out a nice paint color and I started on the cabinets. Part way along I looked at the ceiling tiles thinking I probably should have painted those first. What wss I thinking, I didn't like the tiles so I ripped a few down to see what they were hiding.
        Oct 14, 2021
      3. farmerguyson
        An awesome wooden bead board ceiling wss under them so all the tiles came down. I moved the ceiling light and added another one. That task was on my todo list for at least 18 years. I put a couple coats of high gloss on the ceiling then got back to painting the cabinets. In the process I noticed there was a hardwood floor under the current tile and plywood floor.
        Oct 14, 2021
      4. farmerguyson
        I spent the last week removing the tiles and plywood. The exposed floor is in awesome shape and just needs a fresh coat of paint. I'm back to painting the cabinets. The kitchen gained an inch of ceiling height, I kind of learned how I should approach the next project and we get a remodeled kitchen. What a long strange jourmey it has been. 🙂
        Oct 14, 2021
    15. farmerguyson
      Ok, what is so special about chicken eggs. I've seen them sell for more than what you'd think is normal and I'm sure they can't be needed to bake cookies or cake with. I asked in game when it was mentioned in chat and chat went quiet.
      1. Silken_thread likes this.
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      3. farmerguyson
        Time does fly when your having fun, on EMC!
        Oct 14, 2021
      4. farmerguyson
        I was enquiring just to see if I was missing out on something. It might have just been a one off auction. If it happens again I'll dig a little deeper. I usually ask my son about what new in MC but he's off to school and I don't want to distract him. Thank you to all that have responded with ideas. 🙂
        Oct 14, 2021
      5. 607
        It's the opposite for me, farmerguyson! I thought "That contraption must be quite recent, as it uses items from 1.5", and then I realised that 1.5 was released 8 years ago. ._.
        Oct 15, 2021
    16. farmerguyson
      Just finished a cup of hot cocoa my wife made me with little mashmallows floating on top all dusted with dark chocolate. Wow! I am awake!!
      1. MoreMoople
        That sounds delicious! :)
        Oct 10, 2021
      2. crystaldragon13
        and loved too. What a sweet wife. =D
        Oct 10, 2021
    17. farmerguyson
      Grillin sausages waiting for the meteor shower.
    18. farmerguyson
      Wondering if passengers in a balloon floating into the Stratosphere should be called Astronauts.
    19. farmerguyson
      I like the look of deepslate lapis over any of the other deepslate ores. The block appears to have eyes in it looking out.
      1. crystaldragon13 likes this.
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  • About

    Massachusetts, USA
    Cut flower/Produce farmer
    I'm a farmer in real life.

    I took the picture below in 2020. People enjoy sunflowers so I grow as many as possible each year.

    That's the upper part of my field and my house in the background.