Last activity:
Jan 7, 2025
Apr 20, 2016
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Everywhere and...Nowhere
Being a college student

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Dedicated Member, Male, from Everywhere and...Nowhere

Officially been 8 years! Apr 30, 2024

belac555 was last seen:
Jan 7, 2025
    1. belac555
      Just got the Guidelines for my WORLD RECORD! I now have to buy the stuff and practice. Should I record it for u guys?
      1. 607
        Another? :P
        Dec 27, 2019
      2. belac555
        Same one it took them a while to send me the official rules for the one I want to do
        Dec 27, 2019
    2. belac555
      Ahh man that feeling when you help 2 new players by showing them around giving them each 50k and an elytra and a shop floor and a full set of diamond armor and a sword. Christmas is amazing! Giving is so much fun
      1. MoreMoople and Nickblockmaster like this.
      2. Nickblockmaster
        Giving can be so much more, and helping 2 new guys out, all the better belac! Merry Christmas!
        Dec 25, 2019
    3. belac555
      Merry Christmas EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    4. belac555
      Anybody interested in tearing down a house for me? I will provide all tools and chests I just need all the items put in a chest I can also pay. Comment down below.Currently paying 10k
    5. belac555
      Should I post an official picture of my face for 2019-2020? Comment down below
      1. MoreMoople
        Yes! :D
        Dec 12, 2019
      2. ArkonXT
        yes. i did one, you do one.
        Dec 16, 2019
      3. Nickblockmaster
        Don't be afraid to be yourself! :D
        Dec 25, 2019
    6. belac555
      This blasted stomach bug has had me sleeping on my bathroom much fun
      1. MoreMoople
        Ugh, I've been there :( Feel better soon!
        Dec 10, 2019
      2. khixan
        I'm right there with you except mine is more sinus/ear. Ugh. Hate getting sick man, hope we both feel better!
        Dec 11, 2019
      3. belac555
        Yeah absolutely
        Dec 11, 2019
    7. belac555
      Ahh man that moment when you realize you are such a nerd...after spending 50$ on marvel posters
      1. UltiPig and MoreMoople like this.
      2. MoreMoople
        Ooh, which posters did you get? :D
        Dec 7, 2019
      3. belac555
        2018 Movie Promo Prints - Set of 8 (8x10) Thor, Spiderman, Black Panther, Captain America, Hulk, Starlord
        Dec 8, 2019
    8. belac555
      All of my friends are leaving!! Where has the time gone my friends. Where do you go my long lasting friends
      1. Ch33zus
        Don't stress bro, all will be okay eventually
        Nov 28, 2019
    9. Kaddrii
      Bye, belac! I will miss you so much. Keep in touch on discord!
    10. belac555
      I'm sick and tired of everytime something goes wrong everyone being like "Oh it'll be alright you just have to move on" Like hell I just got lied to and cheated on maybe do ya think I don't want to move on. Somethings won't work out and certain people need to accept that
      1. Tbird1128
        Been there done that and it sucks. I'm sorry this happened and it will take time. Do things that you enjoy. Go to the movies or a concert. Take care of you. Veg out with Netflix or video games. Moving on is hard, so take time for you and give yourself time to heal. Hugs.
        Nov 14, 2019
    11. belac555
      That moment when people get invited over for something you wanted to do but they decide since you are not 18 you can't participate and make you go away
    12. belac555
      My grandfather served in the Navy and worked on the aircraft carriers. To all current and past Armed Forces members, I and my entire family give you are sincere gratitude for protecting our country. God Bless America!
    13. belac555
      Make sure to check out my mafia forum game for a chance to win 10k!
    14. belac555
    15. belac555
      1. khixan likes this.
    16. belac555
      Why does life hate me and my family so freaking much? Last week everything was going great. Now my dad just lost his job and both of them are facing a 2000 dollar law suit. Why does life act so unfair sometimes?
      1. khixan
        Sorry man :( -hugs-
        Nov 3, 2019
      2. MoreMoople
        Sorry to hear that :( Keep your head up!
        *Group hug*
        Nov 4, 2019
    17. belac555
      Ugh EMC is making me so mad. I'm so freaking done dealing with all this crap. If things keep going the way they are Aikar may` not have many players come december
      1. TheBeansyKiraboo likes this.
    18. belac555
      Hmm all these staff leaving and who are they all complaining about? Krysyy. It seems like there is a problem here that really needs to be fixed
      1. Sadie_Dragon
        *spams the like button here instead of spam*
        Oct 27, 2019
    19. belac555
      I will be attempting the Guinness World record for the most table tennis balls caught on the head using shaving foam in 30 seconds. Now all I have to do is find someone to wear a tower of shaving foam lol
      1. Burki, Otus_NigRum and MoreMoople like this.
      2. MoreMoople
        That sounds interesting! Let me know how it goes :)
        Oct 23, 2019
      3. _REMOVED_87055
        Oct 24, 2019
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    Everywhere and...Nowhere
    Being a college student
    Hi i am belac555 i live in the US and i love rock climbing if you have any questions about the game or need help feel free to shoot me a PM and ask