New Supporting Options!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Aikar, Jul 9, 2014.

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  1. Yes, provided that you don't unclaim any or go derelict.
  2. This is probably somewhere in the two threads, but will supporter's resses be able to go direlect?
  3. ok thanks for clarifying Aikar ^-^
  4. Wait so I keep all my current res's?
  5. Yup and there are added vouchers to get more reses
  6. I like the idea and I see how it's our only option to work with the EULA, however I think 50$ is a bit much for one residence. We're talking about 60x60 here, so that means you're paying on real dollar per 1.2x1x2 blocks that you can build in. Isn't that a bit much? It would make sense if supporters today LOST their residence that they claim after their things expired, but they don't. I'd say a lot of supporters that have their subscriptions expire still have all their residences. Keeping them permanently (which you still do anyway) only entitles you to switching locations and that's about it.

    To sum it up, I think it should be less costly. I know for sure that anyone without a job (majority of the playerbase) or their mother's credit card thinks $50 is outrageous for one residence. Allowence is not much of an option for I don't know how many of us, but I know that I don't get paid to do things around the house; I do them because they're my parents and society tells me I have to listen to them :p. But I guess if that's the only way there is to vacuum the green, then so be it. :)
    Olaf_C and adondrabkin like this.
  7. Just a few things that I need fully cleared up.
    I understand who gets what and such now, but after EULA thingy starts, are we still able to have a supporting rank, or will all payments towards EMC be non-acceptable?
    I know you now can buy perm derelict protection and extra residence, I'm just not to sure what happends to supporter ranks?
    Will current $20 paying diamond supporters get a permanent free rank "Supporter/Cosmetic" or will you have to pay $20 every month for the "Supporter/Cosmetic" rank?
  8. These subjects are better suited on the other thread.
    See my responses here:
  9. There will be ways to obtain the extra residences without paying extra. This is for those players that WANT more than 4.$50 is 2 months of diamond and 1 month of gold. If you don't want the perk, then you are not being forced to purchase it.

    The diamond supporting rank will convert to the supporter/cosmetic rank. Nothing will change payment frequency wise. You will continue to pay monthly.
  10. Isn't EULA about not permitting payments to servers like EMC, or did i get that all wrong?
  11. Wow, I don't blame EMC but I just feel so betrayed, Like I've been a supporter (between my two accounts) for 2 years almost and I just feel kinda betrayed that I will never be able to move my res's or anything anymore. It almost seems as being a supporter will be useless. We don't get the money or the residences, then what's the point of being a supporter. *crying*
    adondrabkin likes this.
  12. To support :)

    As for you dedication to EMC, previous supporters will still retain 2 instead of the default 1 for regular players.
    mba2012, cadgamer101, 607 and 2 others like this.
  13. You can pay for non-gameplay limiting a colored name or a fancy + or things like that...
    Faithcaster likes this.
  14. I must admit, I will keep myself subscribed to EMC whenever my economy allows it. I never really did those $20 payments because I really needed those 1300 daily rupees; I did it to support my favorite place to play MC. The benefits it gave was of course nice, but just because we are cutting a bit down on the benefits, does not mean that I will not support with what I have the chance to support with :)

    Thank you for handling all this as professional as you did. Not just you Krysyy; everyone that was involved in this change. We had that thread where people brought in good ideas for this, and this is what we're ending up with, which is just perfect for what could've been done.

    I see what you did there; Aikar handled the decision, you were Miss IGotAllTheAnswers, hehe :)
  15. Just to be super extremely sure I understand this free voucher thing, If I was "Gold or Diamond" supporter in the past like say 9 months ago would I still get that free voucher to rise my limit. I mean I just came back from a long long break and I need to know, I only have 1 res.
  16. dang this sounds amazing
  17. Reworded parts of the main post to fix confusion. It SHOULD be cut and dry now. Please message me if you have any other questions.
  18. Well, it isn't true that you will never be able to do those things.
    None of use are actually losing anything. We are actually gaining everything. You just have to work for it in game now. Which is not terrible.
    Some of the new upcoming supporter perks are pretty awesome. I am getting pretty excited. That doesn't mean I am happy about EMC losing the ability to do as they had been, however. I'm just happy about the direction they are going in now that they have to change.
    MrsWishes likes this.
  19. "We don't get the money or the residences, then what's the point of being a supporter. *crying*"

    The point of being a supporter is to help a little towards the cost of running the servers, without which nobody will be able to play. And perhaps to pay development staff something for their time, without which they will eventually burn out and give up. . If you can afford it, and you spend a lot of time here, then maybe it's a bit off not to want to contribute.

    If you can't afford it, that's a different matter. We need people who can't pay, or the EMC community would be so small the game wouldn't be dynamic.

    Only you know whether it is worth it, for you, to make a regular contribution to keep EMC from folding through lack of money.
    Olaf_C, boozle628, Wanderton and 4 others like this.
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