You know you don't have to quadruple-post to reply to multiple people, right? You can quote people multiple times in a single post, like I did here with yours.
My username, is a very unusual one, but once i created It, it was mine forever . It all began when I was 11 and I was play the new L4D it was new then, L4D2 came out later on. I was playing with one of my friends, I love L4S so I was having a great time, then I saw a zombie, glitched. But it's facial expression was not ZOMBIE* it was happy, cheerful if you will. This zombie had a big smile on his face I'm like hey ! This guys MrSmiley! And then forever on I called myself smiley eve my XBL iis mrsmiley99
Mine is taken from my first, middle and last name, meant to be of the first two letters. I originally tried making a twitter account called DaJaKo, but I found out it already existed so I added in the "E".
Mine started when i was in first grade my friend called me eyeball and then everyone else then my teachers then my perants and then everyone and i am still being called eyeball today at the age of 13!!! (need a age change ) so i thought when i got minecraft what should i make my name then i thought oh ya my NICKNAME would be good so i typed in eyeball and i was like needs to be more internety so i made it iball then i said , "too short." so i put in my friends motocross number then his motocross number upside down and thats how my name originated the end!
my story is long it started in first grade (i like putting happy faces) come and check out our super tree/store at res# 818
Mine is from a few different things. Feb 2007 I made a friend on IMVU who is a furry. He told me about fursuits and and I was interested and ended up choosing a panda because I love Pandas and that is my nickname when people can't remember my first name. Then because everyone I've always talked to says I seem sweet and cuddly and most furries have odd colorings to their fursonas and my favorite is blue, I started using cuddlybluepanda for everything. My emails and xbox are still this because I just can't be fudged to get new ones. Fast forward to everyone using names like iPwnNoobs, iEatBunnies and other cutesy little names etc. I decided to change it and because we only had Ramen for a while it became PandasEatRamen. I made my minecraft account then found out you had to buy the game and then was like EFF THAT. I then found out some girl on Twitter has PandasEatRamen as her name so I changed it to PandasEatPancakes because I had a thing for Pancakes at one point.
You have Bear in your username, I was thinking: BaconBear, if you like bacon. BearPie Just spitting out some ideas here.
I always have a variation of Penf or something due to my Internet self, Pen F. Now that is a story for another timeā¦