Happy St. Patrick's Day 2022

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by chickeneer, Mar 17, 2022.

  1. Happy St. Patrick's Day! We are sending you a little luck on this day. Available now is a promotional item available using /promo stpatricks22. This promotional Lucky Clover is going to bring you a bit of luck and also spread some green on this St. Patrick's Day.

    Here is a picture of the item.

    Also, it is available for purchase in the /shopworld. Have a great day!
  2. Happy St. Patrick's Day! :D Thanks for the new promo, chicken!
  3. Happy St Patrick’s Day everyone ☘️

    Excited to try out this new promo πŸ’š
  4. Happy St. Paddy's everyone and have a golden day!

    luckycordel and Nickblockmaster like this.
  5. Happy st.patrik day to emc peeps!
    luckycordel and Nickblockmaster like this.
  6. Stay green my friends!!
    luckycordel and Nickblockmaster like this.
  7. Happy St. Paddy's day all! ☘
    One of my favourite days, was my dads bday.

    Thanks for the lucky clovers! Most excellent!
  8. I opened this thread fearing I'd be met with a barrage of 'Happy St. Patty's Day!'s lol thank you both for using the correct short form πŸ₯°
    luckycordel likes this.
  9. The Lucky Rabbit's Foot says that it gives +25% Luck when held in offhand--is this more or less than that, since this is a number? :)
    luckycordel likes this.
  10. I don't think anyone knows.
    OhMiku, luckycordel and wafflecoffee like this.
  11. i tried to place it on grass it didn't place.. now i have to wait 6 hours to try again..
    wait does it need to be on moss?
    i think it needs to be on moss. oops.
    UltiPig likes this.
  12. I bought 6 extras at shop world, Went back to my res and placed one out of the stack of 6 and 5 despaired. Am I out 121,320r
  13. submit a bug report
    I CAN"T LOG-ON :( today.
    I see others logged on but I can't booo whooo
    unixbrain likes this.
  15. The issue with the promo disappearing if used with more than 1 quantity is resolved. There is going to be some client desync if you try and use it like that still - but loss of items is mitigated.
  16. What is that item? I don't know 1.18 items.