Faded, Util, your images are so cursed. When I saw Faded's, it reminded me of that technique that Dream used in one of his Youtube videos. I don't remember quite how it worked, but he abused an exploit with scaffolding. Util, yours is just cursed up close, lol.
My keyboard is PS/2, and most combinations of three keys won't work. Also, as Tom said, USB doesn't require low rollover. So yeah, it doesn't matter. For the user to get the benefit of the full n-key rollover, the complete key press status must be transmitted to the computer. When the data is sent via the USB protocol, there are two operating modes: Human Interface Device (HID) "report protocol" and "boot protocol". The (optional) boot protocol, which is solely used by very limited USB host implementations such as BIOS, is limited to 8 modifier keys (left and right versions of Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win), followed by maximum 6 key codes. This will limit the number of simultaneous key presses that can be reported. The (mandatory) HID report protocol, which is what operating systems use, imposes no restrictions and supports full n-key rollover. The HID specification however imposes no requirements on rollover and low-end keyboards may impose the same restrictions regardless of whether the boot protocol or the HID report protocol is used.
I was busy doing hardware changes to my Linux and Windows machines today and I found it very humorous that the Linux devs didn't even bother to have unique colors assigned to more than 8 cores (16 threads). lol I'm sure their reasoning may be: "Yeah whatever, they can do that themselves" This actually had me weak, I have no idea why
I just saw this place today... Very cool how he did that screen shot area! Love the throne room you guys built