Items got removed from my hotbar

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by thommylicious, Apr 26, 2021.

  1. DaybreakerMC, __Devil_, 607 and 12 others like this.
  2. I snorted REALLY loudly at the mermaid one. Good on you Moops. :rofl: :lmao:
  3. i need to change all of my accounts passwords tonight.... rip my night :p
    Egeau and Kryarias like this.
  4. I just use KeePass's password gen

  5. Just realized the "both times" means the night or 2 before when we wondered why Aikar was on really late - and we asked about the trouble with the mobs "resisted the attack" and not being able to kill them right now (blazes, wither skeletons, charged creepers) - it wasn't you that said you were online to look into that. So it isn't about to fixed :(
    sonicol and 607 like this.
  6. This is going to be a pain in situations where you can't automatically copy the password, though. :p
  7. such as?
    I use a similar solution and I still haven't had any issues with copying passwords
  8. Looking up the password on a different device than the one you're entering it on.
    I think it's more convenient to use something that you can easily keep in your working memory, such as "crayon Frisian Tokyo hard disk :P". You could also argue that it is an advantage that you will end up memorising the passwords for services you use a lot.
    Egeau likes this.
  9. then use a password manager that works on all the devices you need.
    I use one that works on my pc, on my phone, on my work computer, etc.
    diceware passwords are of limited security, their enthropy is much smaller than XKCD claimed, since now brute-force attacks include dictionary-based diceware passwords
    To be effective a diceware password needs at least 6 (8+ is better) words

    and even better:
    FadedMartian and 607 like this.
  10. to this day I am amazed my name for this stupid idiot cat managed to stick
  11. fred password manager

    now thats a good name for one