Server Problems, Post Here!

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by chickeneer, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. If i try to connect to any other ip it says "kicked whilst connecting, sorry you can only be connect to one emc server at a time." If i try to connect to i get the readtimeoutexception:null error. Does it say that I am connected to smp9 right now?
  2. I'm having a similar issue. If I try to connect to smp9 (using it hangs at "joining world..." then times out. If I connect to a different server it'll let me in, but if I try to switch to smp9 in-game, it times out and kicks me. If I just stay in the smp that I can join, it only lasts a few minutes before kicking me.
    ChespinLover77 likes this.
  3. Soooo it looks like smp9 died...
    ChespinLover77 and ShawnFN like this.
  4. SMP9 is currently having a known issue; we are aware of the problem and its cause, are working on getting it resolved, and thank you for your patience in the meantime.

    EDIT: Back up, thanks all!
  5. SMP9 is back up, you can connect now :)
  6. Wow, there hadn't been server problems for over a month? :eek: If so, that's amazing!
    ChespinLover77 likes this.
  7. Thank you! We may have occasional hiccups but pretty amazing up-time overall :)
    607 likes this.
  8. I'm having almost the same issue. I built a farm that works on single player, but for some reason won't spawn any golems on EMC. My issue has yet to go away.
  9. (/mail get all) command is getting confused with a ID number
  10. smp1 is dead. Players are locked from joining. Need some assistance now

    Readoutexeception:null for smp1. Can't direct connect to other smps
  11. My home is locking people out??? :eek: :eek: :eek: I hope I can login soon, because being unable to go home is not an easy feeling.:(

    EDIT: I was able to log into SMP1 just fine. Was this a temporary outage or did it happen for a long period of time?
  12. The issue occurred about 12 hours ago; thankfully the staff team addressed the issue quickly and got SMP1 back up and running in no time :D
  13. SMP1 broke
    ItzAllysonn likes this.
  14. That seems to be happening a lot recently. :p

    Edit for clarification: this is about the 5th or 6th time I've seen smp1 go down in the past month or so
    Impulsive_Egg and Kryarias like this.
  15. I think I broke it this time... oops
  16. Its been great for quite a while for me - no lag, no issues, but now seems dead in the water.
    607 likes this.
  17. The Issue with smp1 is known and is being handle atm.

    By the time I time this message it should be back up...

  18. So these fuzzy balls are stuck in the corner of my res. I have TPed around other players have come to see them. They be stuck. Not sure if this is a known issue or not =s

    Edit to add I towered up to try and egg them and it says I don't have eggify perms so they are now not on my res, but they aren't flying away either...
  19. It is a known issue

    This has happened to me too, except I could egg them.
    If you can't egg them, it means they went beyond your res, which I'm pretty sure they'll teleport back after a while.