I know this wasn't directed at me. But I am thinking about some of my recent code fixes for EMC. Naturally a change had unintended consequences. Then fixing that, caused something else to go wrong. jewel knows what I am talking about. I would fix something with chat - and caused something seemingly unrelated to break. On the other hand - I want to believe I am making it better in the process - making it cleaner, preventing the issue from happening again...
no, no, no, no... you're right. Honestly: if I direct criticism at someone else I don't back down from mentioning them. But always in a respectful manner (or so I hope!).
Those resources are very useful! I'm currently taking C#, C++, and Java classes this semester. I learned a bit of SQL last semester, too. Next semester, I'm taking Swift and Java II!
Chickeneer, the only thing directed at you is would you prefer flowers or a fruitbasket? Maybe a cheese lovers basket? Giant appreciation to you for all your work on here man. <3 Ulti, feel free to hit me if any C#.net or t-sql questions. Those are my bread and butter.
I thought this tiny screen snippet of my uni project was worth sharing. I've been enjoying it. I need to implement two local search algorithms, but so far I've mostly been working on interpreting the input and on modelling the sudoku's themselves. That's probably most of the work though, as the algorithms themselves seem fairly simple. We'll see though, I might be underestimating it. And I shouldn't forget that I also have to write a report about the project, which is actually worth most of the points... Edit: That method isn't complete yet, by the way, so I probably should've left the closing bracket out of the snippet.
Just finished the last computer science class offered at my school. The hunt for more projects and courses to do next year begins! I love reading over everything that people here have shared so far!
Sometimes I do things in a much too convoluted manner... I'm glad I have a friend who knows C# whom I can ask for possible improvements. I finished the code for the sudoku project today, and a fix for a bug I had included the following (block is an integer): int vertiblock = (int)Math.Floor((double)(block / 3)); Turns out that this works exactly the same. int vertiblock = block / 3;
I am known to write horrible Ruby code. That works, but no one but I will understand what in the world it does. I have also been known to copy Minecraft stuffz into Ruby (the only WORKING code example I can give is enchanting (for end city loot tables)). Main issue with this is that I self taught myself what I know of Ruby. I also write in a functional manner, more than an object orientated manner. (Tell me to put something in a class and my brain derails into "i have NO clue what to do here." Even if it's straightforward, my brain just refuses. (If you saw how disorganized I am, yet how the mess is still somehow organized, you'd see the similarities here xD)) I avoid java at all costs, I can sometimes wing Python, and I'm struggling with Haskell... Look forward to looking back over your resources to see if any could help with Haskell despite my self teaching and kinesthetic manner of learning.... Also, on what Shel mentioned earlier with redstone, tying to your career path, Moople- Compsci is in redstone as well, more than colored (wool / clay / concrete) components: computational redstone. Super fun to get into! And my only experience with compsci. (aka I can go as far as binary addition / subtraction / multiplication (kinda division), and I can make a machine that does this, but I'm still not that far in yet.) (Is something I'm considering with college retry tho...) Interesting to see how many people enjoy coding. xD
I figured out yesterday how to get programs made with GameMaker Studio to work on my mother's phone! :D Here is a video of the test application I ran.
I did make an actually useful Android app for my mother! It is for her fitness routine; every 30 seconds a description of the exercise to be done is sounded in Frysk (her mother tongue). On the screen a clock is displayed that counts up the individual exercises and counts down the total routine duration. You can pause the routine by tapping the screen, and unpause it by tapping it again (the program will resume from the start of the last started exercise). To reset, you can use the back button on the phone, and there are two on-screen buttons: one for skipping ahead an exercise for whatever reason, and one to repeat the voice of the current exercise, in case you didn't hear it. As usual, there was more to making this work as intended than expected. And it's still not perfect: when you finish the routine, the voice will announce you're done and the clock hands will stop at the top, all right; but when you then tap the screen twice (pause - unpause), the voice calls out the last exercise and the clock also jumps back and starts ticking again. Oh well, maybe I'll make some improvements later.
Another way to learn programming skills is with a Raspberry pi computer. Python is the primary language used but many other languages can be used. The reason I mention the pi is because you can get more real world interaction coding on it. From blinking an LED to interacting with environmental sensors.
Updated the OP to include edX and JetBrains Academy! If you've taken a computer science course on edX, let me know so that I can add it to the recommended course list! I am currently going through the JetBrains Academy on the Java Developer track. I really like it so far because it helps me apply what I know to actually make something. I often feel that I understand a fair amount of concepts, but fall short when it comes to the process of completing a project. I'll post my projects from that as I finish them.
Moople, that is exactly how I felt when trying to learn Haskell. I understood it when my friend was explaining it to me, but the second I tried to implement it, it was gibberish. Good to be reminded of this thread, been thinking of trying to get back into it...
hey all! I started programming in 2011 I want to say? That's when i got my first Arduino and learned how to do basic stuff then. From there I learned Java in high school in a purely digital sense. I took further classes with Arduino/c++ building small robots, sensors and eventually a quadcopter, all programmed by me. With java I kinda stalled after high school, but I did end up making a small platformer type game, with super basic sprites(balls and stuff) I'll see if i can find it(its on my old macbook). Last year in my first year at college I learned matlab which was my first scripting language... fun stuff. not sure if I could pick a favorite, but I continue to use matlab for my engineering work and Arduino code controls the LEDs that line my room. Ive dabbled in python, but I am not a fan of loosely typed languages, so. Well that's one horribly jumbled paragraph. I should try some more complicated stuff with my LEDs lets see if i can attach a video of them. cant embed video, heres the link: https://imgur.com/1MMwR28 this is the first version, with super janky wiring this is the second version with less janky wiring and a second strip, but the photo is taken before I actually cut and soldered, so looks jank. Its probably all safe.. I mean it made it through a room inspection.