
Discussion in 'Share Your Let's Plays and Other Videos!' started by MoreMoople, Mar 29, 2020.

  1. Ah, but usually they do have buttons.

  2. My controls are the same as vanilla except my inventory is 'I' and my Optifine zoom is 'E'
    MoreMoople likes this.
  3. Ah... see, I also play on a Mac. The touchpad is really just one big button, so all I get is one click, like this:

  4. Usually, with a touchpad with no buttons, one finger tap is left click, and multi-finger tap is right click. I don't know about Mac though, I heard they're weird about that. This is how I left and right click on the rare occasion that I use my touchpad, even though the physical buttons are still there. :)
  5. Impressive! I would not dare to use the arrow keys in Minecraft! You've got some tenacity for doing that, haha~
    Nickblockmaster, 607 and MoreMoople like this.
  6. I can't stand the multi-finger tap functions. Two slow and inaccurate, in my view. So weird controls it is!
    MoreMoople likes this.
  7. I thought I had weird controls since my computer keyboard is slightly messed up. Guess I was wrong =P
    MoreMoople likes this.
  8. indeed those are some wonky controls :p
    Nickblockmaster and MoreMoople like this.
  9. Closest I have to that is hitting control with my thumb while hitting left shift with my pinky like a normal person to zoom while sneaking...
    607 and MoreMoople like this.
  10. I think you definitely can join the stream team, I thought that video was amazing. :D

    I love how you modified the keys to work the way that works well for you. :D

    It's a pity my laptop for some reason makes the trackpad not work when I'm pressing 2 or more keys :/

    Anyways, my "weird" (better :cool:) keys:

    Sprint is E. Pressing ctrl while holding W is nearly impossible?? E goes natural and makes it easy to sprint. :)
    Inventory is I. Makes sense, Inventory.
    Pick block is R. My middle mouse button didn't work. R is nearby.
    Swap item is H. I sometimes accidentally hit F, and H(and) makes sense.

    I generally press shift with my ringfinger.... my pinky doesn't seem strong enough... :p

    Ah, my laptop has a similar looking trackpad, but clicking on the bottom right actually right clicks. :D
    607, FadedMartian and MoreMoople like this.
  11. So basically this confirms that Moops is clearly an insane frog girl. Good to know.
  12. I used to use a mouse pad years ago. I eventually got a wireless mouse which I used for a while. then got a wired razer mouse. To make playing easier because the wireless mouse was small and battery replacing was annoying. Then I one day got a wired razer naga which has a lot of buttons to use on it and many other razer stuff for Christmas one year. I used to have to use many different keys on my keyboard for hot bar slots. I still use the same razer naga even now. that mouse completely changed the way I play I can do fast paced stuff really easily now makes getting to stuff in my hot bar way easier and muscle memory more reliable.
    607 and MoreMoople like this.
  13. Lol, while typing a post for this thread I accidentally hit Ctrl + W. :rolleyes: Well, here we go again...
    I rarely use the sprint key and when I do I use Caps Lock, so I don't have that issue. But if I would have to hit left ctrl while keeping left shift held, I'd take over shift with my ring finger and move the little finger to ctrl. That would leave me without a finger to strafe left, but at least it wouldn't be extremely uncomfortable. :p
  14. Agreed! But the Stream Team pretends to be professional, which she didn't. :D
    MoreMoople likes this.
  15. Pssshhhh, professionalism is overrated. ;)
  16. I agree, see my personal website. :cool:
  17. As a someone with a vanilla control setup, this... scares me :confused:
    Nickblockmaster and MoreMoople like this.
  18. i know im a few weeks late... but my 10 year old self thought i was super smart and coordinated my keys to the action. f for forward, b for b, r for right, l for left, d for drop, etc. now people always make fun of me xD
    MoreMoople, Nickblockmaster and 607 like this.
  19. My reaction throughout watching this:
    :) --> o.(o) --> :eek: --> :confused: -->:mad:
  20. Brilliant setup mopz, I’ve tried playing around with different buttons for breaking/building but it’s just to hard to get used to haha such a weird feeling after using the right and left clicks for so long.

    However I do also have some weird combinations, I use arrow keys to move and space to jump but then everything else is bonkers haha
    Enter to sprint
    Right shift to sneak
    option button (on right next to arrows, not sure if it’s just a mac thing?) to open inventory
    Z is for my f5 thingy
    And I use a mouse in my left hand in spicy situations/when I’m feeling it
    MoreMoople and Nickblockmaster like this.