smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Ah, this explains why your chat was ded as well...
    Jakres, zulu9 and mba2012 like this.
  2. :eek: Wow! Awesome work!!!
    Jakres, zulu9 and 607 like this.
  3. Aww! That's like our own mount Rushmore. Epic!
    shavingfoam and Jakres like this.
  4. Mount Pixelmore? Or rather, Morepixel?

  5. My ego has successfully been stroked. xD
    no_thing, penfoldex, zulu9 and 4 others like this.
  6. I agree haha

    penfoldex, zulu9, mba2012 and 3 others like this.
  7. Cool! :)
    zulu9 likes this.

  8. Hey, that's really cool! It'd been a little while since I'd logged in but I saw my name in the list and had to come check it out. I also added a couple of my dropped heads (current and old skin).

    It's really cool seeing all these LLO members recognized like this. I like this project and I want to help out with it. I've already taken the liberty of adding a couple more heads, and I plan on adding more in the future.

  9. Lol, wasn't expecting to see this here, as I have never been part of the LLO. :p I know I've got a beautiful skin, though... :rolleyes:
    zulu9 likes this.
  10. Huh, I thought I'd seen a building or two belonging to you in the LLO before. In any case, you're active in this thread so that counts in my book.
    607 and zulu9 like this.
  11. You post often enough in this thread, you might as well join us in-game as well :p
    607 and zulu9 like this.
  12. Huh, really? That's very interesting, but you might be right, I do now recall drowning in an outpost in the frontier very long ago... but I have no idea if it was this outpost, the outpost. :oops:
    zulu9 likes this.
  13. Eclipsys, mba2012, penfoldex and 2 others like this.
  14. Eclipsys, mba2012, penfoldex and 3 others like this.
  15. Sounds more like a toilet/sewage application than a rail application xd

    Basically just 'fancy toilets' >> 'Flush stations'
    penfoldex, 607 and zulu9 like this.
  16. I really need to get back in there and work on some stuff. Just never enough time to play anymore :/
    penfoldex, 607 and zulu9 like this.
  17. Where is it?
    zulu9 likes this.
  18. Say, Mr Chicken, where are you headed with that rail extension? Can I dig a little bit?
    zulu9 likes this.
  19. as all the link is dead or Not found, how do i join this outpost, or does it still accept new players?
    zulu9 likes this.