Server Problems, Post Here!

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by chickeneer, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. Ok, i'm in again for now. Did not do anything actually..its just working again.. ooh well :)
    ShelLuser, We3_MPO and Sazukemono like this.
  2. Good to hear! Usually when the problem isn't on your end, waiting a little bit is enough for the problem to get fixed.
    Nickblockmaster, We3_MPO and WeezerNL like this.
  3. Undersea cables can go out or be unplugged for maintenance. With satellite you can get operator issues if their control center goes down etc, and any weather that creates lots of ions (severe, usually) can cause interference and signal degradation. In terms of landlines, well any number of things could affect landlines, from someone in your neighborhood over-using the bandwidth or some construction equipment breaking a cable to your provider working in the central office that you connect to. The physical internet is gigantic, in fact it's the largest physically interconnected thing on earth. The fact that it's usually mostly working most of the time is pretty amazing.

    - Andy
  4. Can't seem to connect to smp3 I get an error message i can connect to every other one *wonders who broke smp3 or if its just a me problem haha* I'm getting a "Could not connect to default or back up server"
    We3_MPO and Storm_ily like this.
  5. Also having problems with SMP3 and SMP3's livemap not connecting
    We3_MPO likes this.
  6. weird smp2 is down now also
    We3_MPO likes this.
  7. I was on SMP7. Got some kind of error and got disconnected, Cannot reconnect. Live map still works
    We3_MPO likes this.
  8. Server timed out, and cannot reconnect on smp3 also.
    We3_MPO likes this.
  9. weird.... cause when i type /who smp3 it shows srhoel on the list... so are people not really on or were u able to reconnect?
    We3_MPO likes this.
  10. I can reproduce problems on SMP1, SMP2 and SMP3. I can connect to Utopia and SMP4 seems also safe. Haven't tried any more due to time restrictions. This is the error you get when you try to connect either directly (direct connect to '' for example) or in-game (/smp2):

    Hope this can help.


    They most likely timed out so the system still seems to think they're connected. You can see the same when checking the server overview page.

    Of course it is also possible that these problems only show when you're trying to connect, but not if you're already connected. Then the players are perfectly fine as long as they don't switch servers. Scratch this theory, srhoel already mentioned this not to be true.
    We3_MPO and Sefl51 like this.
  11. It just timed out w/ me on, haven't been on in like 15 minutes .
    We3_MPO likes this.
  12. I am only able to connect to utopia no other smp works for me....
    We3_MPO likes this.
  13. I just heard from a staff member that EMC has network outages and it's being worked on. Smp1-3 seem to be affected. :)
    We3_MPO likes this.
  14. All done. Move along, move along.
    We3_MPO, Sydney4363 and Sefl51 like this.
  15. Appears to be working again indeed! :)
    We3_MPO likes this.
  16. The "Power Distribution Unit" for SMP1, 2, 3 went out at our datacenter. They moved us to another PDU and will have to have maintenance in the near future to replace the bad hardware.
  17. I was wondering why so few players were logged in! Mystery solved it seems... :)

    - Andy
    ShelLuser likes this.
  18. Entire server just crashed, I think....
    bravebob, FadedMartian and Storm_ily like this.
  19. SMP3 is doing the "Can not connect to a default or fallback server" thingy again :eek:
  20. I was on smp5 and it suddenly dropped connection. Can't reconnect.